Ok, youtube songs that fit your mood.

Yikes. I stumbled across this gem, looking for a video for A perfect Circle's Magdelena. I had to share this with you all. I had no idea that this video existed. Instead of the weird, dark, subtly artistic, and twisted visuals that I've come to expect and love from Maynard, I got golden dildos and prison girls dropping the soap.
Okay still weird, dark and twisted. Just differently so.


My favorite bands are always weird.
Seth Lakeman - The White Hare

Best of contemporary English folk music. Love the story told in this song.


Based on an old legend. It is whispered that the spirit of a broken-hearted maiden cannot rest; it appears as a white hare to haunt her deceiver and, invisible to others, follows him always until he meets his end.
Cool, and quite right too!
Imagined Village - Cold Haily Rainy Night

I'm in a traditional music mood this weekend, though this is cross over world/folk music like you've never heard before.

The story, played out in songs through every era and culture - virgin takes pity on man stuck out in rain - lets him in her house - they fuck (well, he takes her maidenhead to be precise) - he buggers off.

Stick out to the end for the manic fiddle/indian drumming jam.

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