Ok, youtube songs that fit your mood.

Im actually playing this song on my internet radio show on dominance-radio.com at 9pm central. The show is called The Naughty Hour with Arien Adora. I talk about things involving the lifestyle, myself, read erotic poetry and stories, and finally play music relating to the lifestyle.


I love this group and will begin doing things like this with my own poetry in time. If your interested in reading some of my writing you can find me at www.arienadora.com or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ArienAdora.
They have to have an explanation of sorts, can be lies or true. Doesn't matter as moods are whimsical things.

This one is me right now because today I've had the strangest desire to be old. I don't mean mildly old either but old as dirt, on my deathbed old and I want to know right now everything that I will know by then. Also, it's a good song.


A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
