Old Wives' Tales

Scalywag said:
If you put on your left shoe first you will never have a toothache.

You know how they say goalies are border line insane, all mentally unstable and very superstitious. I used to think that was nuts. I found that I was always putting my left skate on first just out of habit. I noticed it one day and sai, shit I'm not superstitious! I promptly put my right skate on first in defiance and hit the ice...

Ten minutes later I'm on the trainer's table with a torn calf muscle. I've never put my right skate on first again. :cool:
My mom said that if you bury a statue of St. Joseph facing your house, you will sell your house quickly. Also, my grandma told me that if you sleep with a key under your pillow you will dream about the man you will marry.
averageblonde said:
My mom said that if you bury a statue of St. Joseph facing your house, you will sell your house quickly.
I heard that, too, only I heard that he had to be buried upside-down and facing the house.

My mother-in-law sent us one of the little statues, but it didn't work for us. Our house has been on the market with two different realtors, for about nine months each time, but we've had no luck, unless bad luck counts as luck. :)
Scalywag said:
If you cross your eyes they will stay that way.

A guy that works in the office of the company I work for has one eye that seems to be aimed to the side a bit. I have only met him face to face once, but I didn't have the balls to ask him if he crossed them and they stuck that way when he was a kid.

i went to school with a broad who had a lazy eye... every one in a while she'd sort of massage it through the lid to get it "realigned." i never thought of asking her either.

btw... love the sig line. i saw yes twice and was knocked out both times. once was the ABWH incarnation and the other was the union tour (at MSG). i HAVE to get the video of that union tour. fantastic show! everyone who was ever in the band was there, save trevor horn i think.
Scalywag said:
wow, that must have been great. Yeah, I heard this song on the radio this morning. It has been a while; I have it........on vinyl.

i have some yes on vinyl as well... but i have one LP that's titled "the affirmary" or somethign like that. it looks like it was made in someone's basement... just a giant sticker over a generic cardboard jacket. i've never listened to it but got it as a collector's item. i don't know if it's a bootleg concert recording or an import or what.
TBKahuna123 said:
(snip)I used to think that was nuts. I found that I was always putting my left skate on first just out of habit.
haha I'm not the only crazy one. I always put my left shoe on first to the point where if I'm not paying attention and put the right shoe on first I will take my shoes off and start over :rolleyes:

One friend had another quite odd superstition - she wouldn't stand on manhole/drain covers in fact she would often end up tripping people up as she tried to avoid standing on them.

Oh yeah and another of my Gran's favourite saying's when me or my sister were pulling faces
"If the wind changes you'll be stuck like that"
Crossed Eyes bit

Actually the whole crossing your eyes and them getting stuck is falseactually it the people who can cross their eyes voluntarily that don't have to worry about it, I know cause my sister and I were both born extremely cross eyed to the point that we each had to have 4 surgeries before age four 2 per eye. Now we can see out of only 1 eye at a time but can do some really freaky tricks like look straight up AND straight down at the same time :) I can also roll my eyes in two different directions at once I love eye tricks however I do envy you guys your ability to see in 3D all I get is the equivalent of a TV screen no depth at all except when something passes behind something else, size, and relative velocity (like when you are in a car and the mountains far away don't seem to be going by very quick but you can't even get a glimpse of the bushes by the road)

Old wives tale of my own is the whole never wish a performer luck thing that actually comes from the benediction "break a leg" which referred to the bow at the end of a performance where you are supposed to cross your legs and dip ever deeper as the applause goes on so when you say break a leg you are actually hoping that the audience will like them so much that they have to dip until their crossed legs are forced to snap!
Here is one:

My wife's grandmother and mother both told her that if a woman sat somewhere cold, she would get a bladder infection. She believed that one until her early thirties.
Eilan said:
Cats can steal the air from a baby's mouth.

There is a cure for that: the cat, a river, a gunny sack, wire and a large rock.
Lake4321 said:
Just stating the obvious that others noticed to, eh?
Well, the current av's not me. I do have a Buckeye shirt av, though.
A knife as a gift from a lover means that the love will soon end.

A knife placed under the bed during childbirth will ease the pain of labor.

If a friend gives you a knife, you should give him a coin, or your friendship will soon be broken.

It will cause a quarrel if knives are crossed at the table.

It is bad luck to close a pocket knife unless you were the one who opened it.
Scalywag said:
This isn't an old wive's tale, and it's not a superstition,but more like one of the quirky things that I do.

I avoid stepping on the control joints in concrete sidewalks. Cracks are ok, but not the joints.

Actually there is a superstion about cracks, I'd forgoten until you said that. "Step on a crack, break your mother's back" My mom actually told me that one when I was about nine and we were out somewhere. I made a point of stepping on every crack all the way home, boy was she pissed at me. Then again she always was which is probably why I did it, sincerely hoping it would work :p