On numbers and votes and such....

jd4george said:
Anna... I'll analyse the stuff for you, as long as I don't have to count each and every little sperm! Splatters? Maybe... but no way I'm counting the swimmers!


jd your generosity knows no bounds

I will have a sample sent over in the morning
annaswirls said:
omg I forgot about that poem
I can't believe you posted the link! LOL!

it even shocked ME to read it and I wrote the little fucker


where does that come from anyway?
I am sweet anna with sentimental spoons and quilts!

see, case in point
my fuck my poem
poems sink into obscurity faster than you can say

:D YOU can be so funny sometimes!! if you are truly annoyed by the cum poem, you can delete it, have you made sure it hasnt been stolen and it doesnt show up on creepy porn sites like my stories did? ( ps, I still have copies if you wanna read no tail just head again LOL:) I like your silly cum poems ( I remember the day you wrote that one, you "used" one of my lines and then asked me about it, hehe), they make me laugh, and make me wonder about you!! miss quilt serious anna banana, youre so funny sometimes:rose:

ps, tell seattle I said HI;)
oh YES!! if you havent read that story, you need to, anna, did you include our resident monkee man in that story?
Maria2394 said:
:D YOU can be so funny sometimes!! if you are truly annoyed by the cum poem, you can delete it, have you made sure it hasnt been stolen and it doesnt show up on creepy porn sites like my stories did? ( ps, I still have copies if you wanna read no tail just head again LOL:) I like your silly cum poems ( I remember the day you wrote that one, you "used" one of my lines and then asked me about it, hehe), they make me laugh, and make me wonder about you!! miss quilt serious anna banana, youre so funny sometimes:rose:

ps, tell seattle I said HI;)

I do love your no tails story. I was thinking, damn, this girl is just like me lol!

Oh my cum poems don't really annoy me at all, just kind of crack me up a little.

And yes I do remember the day I used your quote from a conversation we were having, I cannot believe I did not give you credit somewhere, hmmm. Sorry about that!

Seattle has written a rapid fire thanksgiving poem. Are you gonna come in late like Cordelia? Join the fun?
Maria2394 said:
oh YES!! if you havent read that story, you need to, anna, did you include our resident monkee man in that story?

omg how funny. I didn't even know T man back then, and I think he was more of some sort of missing link at that point, that disturbing AV scared the crap out of me.

I will have to send him over to read the story.


poor monkeys
Anna, you dont owe me credit for nuthin!! we were talking and it was a funny idea, what he said, what I told you, I like just having a part in one of your poems, thats all.

I didnt join the thanksgiving challenge cause I wasnt sure I would be able to be online then and I usually do really bad at challenges, and keeping with Jd's thread, teh most votes I have on a poem is 17, and its a normal jean poem titled fuck me, I think that word alone got me some reads, but I did have a story I deleted that had over 60K reads and almost a hundred votes, it shows up if you google my user name, maria2394 and wade through all the crap to get to it, this lady swallows, lol, can you believe I posted something like that? and it was the only thing I got a monthly nomination for since I have been here, I think thats kinda sad ;)
Maria2394 said:
:D YOU can be so funny sometimes!! if you are truly annoyed by the cum poem, you can delete it, have you made sure it hasnt been stolen and it doesnt show up on creepy porn sites like my stories did? <snip>
ps, tell seattle I said HI;)
:rolleyes: That's happened to my nickname.

They were ripped off Literotica because it mentions votes and other Lit poets as well in the summary. Most of the poems that are stolen and put on porn sites are non-erotic poems. Bunch of bastards, they are.

- neo
Originally posted by WickedEve

I'm a habitual voter. I give out many fives to the regulars, because, let's face it, they consistently awe us. Hey, does anyone give "encouragement" votes? I give newbies 5s for poetry that should be a 3. It may not be a good thing. I'm not sure. I want to encourage them to keep writing. Though, they may end up thinking their 3 poem is better than it is, and then they won't try as hard to improve. Voting on poetry is a serious, time-consuming responsibility!!! I'm breathless just thinking about it. Well, I have a stuffy nose, too...

"It may not be a good thing. I'm not sure."

Definitely NOT a good thing! And, I'm sure you know that. I think it's out of pity and you shouldn't do that to the new poets or ANYONE. You should point out what they did wrong so they can improve or if it just wasn't for "you", say so. Or don't even comment at all. If you know what I mean. There were some that I read that didn't make any sense to me or it just wasn't for "me"- therefore, I don't say a thing or even vote.

Some people like to write free verse and others rhyme. There are SO many types of poetry. And, you're not always going to like it because some people stick to the same type of poetry which leads them to thinking that it's the ONLY way or the better way. Is Haiku, Senryu, Limerick, Minute poetry, Acrostic, Sonnet, Terza Rima, etc. going to be everybody's thang? No, of course not. It's about drawing the reader in to feel and vision. Personally, I like them all, but of course, I have to feel drawn in. And, to understand what they're trying to say.

For me, I like to challenge myself to all. I've been doing so for several years. It's not that I'm a new poet (so to speak)...it's being here that's all new. It's also hard for the new poets on the site to comment on the ones that seem to have been here a long time. I don't think it's easy for any of us, but I do think we should be honest. By reading that statement above makes it even harder for the newbies. Alot of them are going to think 'well, is this person telling the truth or feeling sorry for me?'. I want all to be honest with me. I'm not going to hate you for it, and it's not in me to come back and strike. There are ways to give constructive criticism without hurting someone. There is ALSO this thing called "edit".

No, not trying to be catty, because it's not in me. Plus, I'm too old for it. But this is just my opinion.

Off to hunt for my CD. I lost 100's of poems and stories that took a long time to put together. I could just cry. I don't think it'll ever be found. I think I've looked everywhere but I'm not going to give up. Maybe I need to buy another computer to keep my kids away from the one I'm working on as well as another desk. All our stuff is in one. This is my baby :(
Last edited:
. It's also hard for the new poets on the site to comment on the ones that seem to have been here a long time. I don't think it's easy for any of us, but I do think we should be honest.

I remember being a newbie, someone was instructed to "break out the lube" . Seriously, I remember being afraid to comment on the established poets' work, thought I didnt know enough, or might say the wrong thing.

I found out that the old saying, " a friend to all is a friend to none" is true, its better to be honest about someone's work, even if its hurtful ( without being cruel) than to be wishy washy and try to make everyone like you, cause that rarely happens anyway, just be true to yourself :)
Originally quoted by Maria2394

I remember being a newbie, someone was instructed to "break out the lube" . Seriously, I remember being afraid to comment on the established poets' work, thought I didnt know enough, or might say the wrong thing.

I found out that the old saying, " a friend to all is a friend to none" is true, its better to be honest about someone's work, even if its hurtful ( without being cruel) than to be wishy washy and try to make everyone like you, cause that rarely happens anyway, just be true to yourself

So true! Nicely stated, Maria! :rose:
When people are new and they are voted "easier" than the oldies, it is NOT out of pity by any means. It is out of wanting the person to feel more welcome and encouraged to stay.

As far as comments many people say that they want honesty about getting critiques but they can't take it when it comes. Things like "it is a matter of taste" are said or people take it personally. It is not worth it.

I decided at one point to just come out and do tougher critiques and the main thing that happened was people tried to defend what I was critiquing. Okay. It is good to feel strongly about what you write (not you, you, you general) but arguing with critics will accomplish one thing: they will not critique your poetry anymore.

This is why YDD was anon. You give honest critiques and people start crying and being accusatory. People take it personally.

I say if anyone really wants honest, tough and gritty crititques than they should look elsewhere. There are sites that will tear your poem apart two seconds flat. To what end, I am not sure. The most well received poems at lit were taken apart at another site, and I learned a lot, I really did.

I go back and forth with critiques, how I feel about them. I just know I really fucked up several of my poems over-workshopping them, but I also know I learned a lot about writing in the process.

I think it might be better to learn about writing by writing and READING than by asking people to give detailed feedback and constructive criticism unless you know, trust and respect them. Not talking about things like Um you might want to fix the spelling here or did you mean to end the poem with a comma? you know. But the more in depth, critical comments are not easy to take or to give.

I do not feel like I should comment on styles of poetry I do not like to read or do not know how to write. I could make mention of a certain line that moved me, but I have my idea about what makes a poem a good poem and it is not shared with all. So why make an argument with someone?

Not everyone wants critique. They leave comments on so people can tell them they write nice poems. Or they post a few for a friend or lover to read. All kinds of reasons.

I am rambling on.

this has all been discussed before.

My advice

Keep an open mind
Leave more comments than you get
Remember that everyone is here for different reasons
annaswirls said:
When people are new and they are voted "easier" than the oldies, it is NOT out of pity by any means. It is out of wanting the person to feel more welcome and encouraged to stay.

As far as comments many people say that they want honesty about getting critiques but they can't take it when it comes. Things like "it is a matter of taste" are said or people take it personally. It is not worth it.

I decided at one point to just come out and do tougher critiques and the main thing that happened was people tried to defend what I was critiquing. Okay. It is good to feel strongly about what you write (not you, you, you general) but arguing with critics will accomplish one thing: they will not critique your poetry anymore.

This is why YDD was anon. You give honest critiques and people start crying and being accusatory. People take it personally.

I say if anyone really wants honest, tough and gritty crititques than they should look elsewhere. There are sites that will tear your poem apart two seconds flat. To what end, I am not sure. The most well received poems at lit were taken apart at another site, and I learned a lot, I really did.

I go back and forth with critiques, how I feel about them. I just know I really fucked up several of my poems over-workshopping them, but I also know I learned a lot about writing in the process.

I think it might be better to learn about writing by writing and READING than by asking people to give detailed feedback and constructive criticism unless you know, trust and respect them. Not talking about things like Um you might want to fix the spelling here or did you mean to end the poem with a comma? you know. But the more in depth, critical comments are not easy to take or to give.

I do not feel like I should comment on styles of poetry I do not like to read or do not know how to write. I could make mention of a certain line that moved me, but I have my idea about what makes a poem a good poem and it is not shared with all. So why make an argument with someone?

Not everyone wants critique. They leave comments on so people can tell them they write nice poems. Or they post a few for a friend or lover to read. All kinds of reasons.

I am rambling on.

this has all been discussed before.

My advice

Keep an open mind
Leave more comments than you get
Remember that everyone is here for different reasons

I agree with you. While I wish that I could get more hardcore, 'you did this wrong' kind of feedback I recognize this isn't exactly a proffesional poetry site, it's a porn site to be technical. I get a kick out of ANY feedback I recieve, it means people are actually reading it! :)
annaswirls, I like your attitude. It's all good :) Not that I had to mention it, but yes, compliments are always good. I enjoy giving them.
Originally posted by postobitum

I agree with you. While I wish that I could get more hardcore, 'you did this wrong' kind of feedback I recognize this isn't exactly a proffesional poetry site, it's a porn site to be technical. I get a kick out of ANY feedback I recieve, it means people are actually reading it!

What a great laugh!!:D
Love your nana *smiles more*
annaswirls said:
When people are new and they are voted "easier" than the oldies, it is NOT out of pity by any means. It is out of wanting the person to feel more welcome and encouraged to stay.

As far as comments many people say that they want honesty about getting critiques but they can't take it when it comes. Things like "it is a matter of taste" are said or people take it personally. It is not worth it.

I decided at one point to just come out and do tougher critiques and the main thing that happened was people tried to defend what I was critiquing. Okay. It is good to feel strongly about what you write (not you, you, you general) but arguing with critics will accomplish one thing: they will not critique your poetry anymore.

This is why YDD was anon. You give honest critiques and people start crying and being accusatory. People take it personally.

I say if anyone really wants honest, tough and gritty crititques than they should look elsewhere. There are sites that will tear your poem apart two seconds flat. To what end, I am not sure. The most well received poems at lit were taken apart at another site, and I learned a lot, I really did.

I go back and forth with critiques, how I feel about them. I just know I really fucked up several of my poems over-workshopping them, but I also know I learned a lot about writing in the process.

I think it might be better to learn about writing by writing and READING than by asking people to give detailed feedback and constructive criticism unless you know, trust and respect them. Not talking about things like Um you might want to fix the spelling here or did you mean to end the poem with a comma? you know. But the more in depth, critical comments are not easy to take or to give.

I do not feel like I should comment on styles of poetry I do not like to read or do not know how to write. I could make mention of a certain line that moved me, but I have my idea about what makes a poem a good poem and it is not shared with all. So why make an argument with someone?

Not everyone wants critique. They leave comments on so people can tell them they write nice poems. Or they post a few for a friend or lover to read. All kinds of reasons.

I am rambling on.

this has all been discussed before.

My advice

Keep an open mind
Leave more comments than you get
Remember that everyone is here for different reasons
and I'm crying because YDD don't come around anymore - the best, Perks too!
and you ain't so bad yourself
this may have been discussed before, but you say it so well
twelveoone, you lost me. Nothing new. It's a blonde thang. Speaking of poems....I'm going to go stare at my honey lying on the couch (he's taking a nap) and maybe come up with something wild and sexy. Too bad the kids are up....I want to wake him by...um...well, the video camera and, and....you know :D