One For All

I generally prefer short hair on men, but if it's kept up nicely, long hair can be quite a turn on... falling around his face... onto me, etc.

I keep my hair long - it is mid-back right now - and I like keeping it long enough for a man to grab up into a ponytail in his hand to hold onto. If he can wrap my hair around his hand for a better grip, all the better.

Long hair on a man. Especially if he has the body to go with it. *grin*
Hold over from being a child of the 60's I guess. Long hair on a man has always been a turn on for me. Some interesting things to be done with long hair too.

tho 'tis always just a bit disconcerting to see a man with better looking hair than mine.
I love long hair on pretty much everyone... above the neck. I wish that My Girlfriend would let Her hair grow out more, but I guess that's asking too much (although, She has let it grow out enough for Me to run My fingers through it finally). for other people, it depends on the person - I've seen people who looked great with short hair, long hair, no hair, mohawks (but only a couple of those), so it just depends.

on guys, facial hair is also dependant on the face, but I generally prefer clean shaven or a little stubble.

the rest of the body - I am not a fan of body hair on females or males, it's a big turn-off for Me if it's not at least trimmed. I used to make My ex b/f shave before he could touch Me. although, My Girlfriend and I do get a bit lazy in the winter... that extra sensitivity thing is just too much in the cold.
For me i donn't have a preference for men's length of head hair but i do know now that i prefer trimmed or shaved down below, hairs in mouth = turn off for me
for myself i prefer long hair past my shoulders, and shaved completely down there. i just love the feel of it being smooth