Opinions sought on a poem sequence

I quite like Orion, as he's one I recognize easily and share a lot of the associations with.
I like it also because he isn't on the zodiac, so we avoid the astronomy v. astrology confusion. I will now lobby for more on non-zodiacal constellations.
It reads as a musing on the stars and the season they appear in that only dips its toes into your reality or the mythic significance of the constellation.
I quite like Orion, as he's one I recognize easily and share a lot of the associations with.
I like it also because he isn't on the zodiac, so we avoid the astronomy v. astrology confusion. I will now lobby for more on non-zodiacal constellations.
It reads as a musing on the stars and the season they appear in that only dips its toes into your reality or the mythic significance of the constellation.

Thank you, nerk. No--it's non-Zodiacal, non-astrological, this sequence: it's merely what each association of stars sets off what association of ideas in my head. Blame my head for the lack of the associations some feel they want to read into it.