Oral Servitude 5 (aka The Blowjob Thread)

It's fun when your hand's in my hair
And you press me down and declare:
I should be a good girl,
Lick the precum pearl
Or you'll spank my sweet, bare derrière.

Méli :rose:


On your bare derrière rests my hand
As your mouth sweetly sucks on my gland
You think it’s a choice
But I know you’ll get moist
It’s not ‘or’ Méli dear, it is ‘and’.
I suppose you might look rather silly
When comparing your tiny, old willy
To my lover, who's large,
And who's really in charge:
So, tell me who's a silly billy?

Méli :rose:

If you want to show who's the leader
And who's the led
It's best to show them
Head to head