Ornithamateurs - The Birding Thread

That's lovely, seela :)
Were you out mushroom picking? I'm picturing a lovely wooded area, full of hen of the woods!

Just checking if the lilies of the valley are in bloom already. They weren't, but soon they will. :)
In keeping with the trend of sad bird deaths;
Two weeks ago I saw a bird by the side of the road without a head. It hadn't been crushed by a car, nor eviscerated by an animal, it had no blood on it and all its feathers were smooth and in pristine condition and the lack of necrosis meant it can't have been there for more than a few hours. I would have assumed it was either unconscious or sleeping precariously if it weren't lacking its head from the shoulders-up.

Occam's razor states that somebody cut its head off, seemingly very unlikely but it's difficult to imagine its head being cleanly torn off by a car wheel. Spooky. :(
I saw a magpie run over today. I was not sure whether it was appropriate or not to chant the ward against bad luck for a lone magpie when it was dead. I spent a considerable amount of time thinking about it for someone not too superstitious ( but a little ritualistic).

Let's hear the chant?
We don't have them, so I know nothing of magpies.
and in more positive news . . . so many birds have now arrived, orioles, grossbeaks, bluebirds, cedar waxwings, hummingbirds - the feeders are very busy :)
One is meant to say 'hello mr magpie, say hello to Mrs magpie' and salute :rolleyes:. But G messed with it, through delight and confusion and so we have to say something including its extended family and doing some sort of secret handshake almost :rolleyes: ( I actually never did this silliness before him, he picked it up from someone at his university...)

It is all because one mGpie is meant to bring sorrow...


Oooohhh! I love this! And G's silliness. Delightful! :heart:
Oops. I don't think I'm approaching the gravity of the situation correctly :p

and in more positive news . . . so many birds have now arrived, orioles, grossbeaks, bluebirds, cedar waxwings, hummingbirds - the feeders are very busy :)

Lucky you! Because of the warm weather year round, you see pretty much the same birds here day in and day out :(
Maybe running over a magpie brings 14 years bad luck so the driver of the culprit vehicle is currently drinking themselves to death, their spouse has left them and they spontaneously fell into crippling debt? :devil:
Hubby always waves at a lone magpie, or any group of magpies that are an odd number (ergo one of them must be a lone one...). Something he picked up in childhood apparently as a city boy. I grew up in the country where magpies were simply viewed as problems :). I was very upset once as a child when I saw a dead one nailed to a fence by a farmer so I took it down and buried it under an oak tree.
Hubby always waves at a lone magpie, or any group of magpies that are an odd number (ergo one of them must be a lone one...). Something he picked up in childhood apparently as a city boy. I grew up in the country where magpies were simply viewed as problems :). I was very upset once as a child when I saw a dead one nailed to a fence by a farmer so I took it down and buried it under an oak tree.

Magpies should be waving at you! :)
They are quite smart little birdy chaps in their black and white suits. The only thing is.....they all look masculinE to me.

That's interesting, because to me they all look feminine. That's probably because when I was a kid, I for some reason thought hooded crows and magpies are the same bird, but hooded crows are boys and magpies are girls.

Similarly I thought that dogs and cats are the same animal: dogs are boys and cats are girls.

I was a weird kid. And talk about a major mind explosion when my uncle got a cat that wasn't a girl. It did not compute.

Also, last night was the first of the year we slept with the window cracked open. I woke up at four to nightingales (I think, still not sure) chirping away. Definitely more pleasant than waking up to trams clonking, like usually happens when we leave the window open. :)
His hands are so incredibly still, he would make an excellent surgeon.
Very nice, Abs!
Errr.. what is it? :)


IDK - Just a cool little .gif I came across :rolleyes:

This morning I saw something I have never seen before. Two ducks sitting on the apex of a roof. I watched them for about fifteen minutes, I took a photo with my phone, but I'm not sure it's clear they are ducks in the photo. I watched them stretched out their feet occasionally, stretch wings, they seemed relaxed and resting in the sun.....it just seemed such an alien environment for a duck. Maybe it was some other water bird....I saw webbed feet and Bill, but I cannot be certain of feather colouring because of light, that likes rock faces for nesting....but.....they looked like ducks to me....

Hmmm . . . that is unusual, but you never know . . . One day I was looking out my window and saw a goose sitting on a tree branch. Very odd. I also took a photo with my cell phone. It was a couple years ago, but I'll try to find it.

We have a pair of goldfinches (I think that's what this is?) that come to our bird feeder in the mornings.

My neighbour is the Dr Doolittle of our area and keeps dogs, ferrets, Guinea pigs, koi carp, budgies, hens and now bees, and he is slightly miffed that the finches prefer my garden to feed in than his.....maybe because mine is a bit quieter!
and in more positive news . . . so many birds have now arrived, orioles, grossbeaks, bluebirds, cedar waxwings, hummingbirds - the feeders are very busy :)

we might be neighbors in the bird sense. If I could keep the Raccoon's out of the feeders at night.