Overrepresentation of populations on Literotica

It has been suggested to me many times over the years, and again recently, that "sexually aggressive" women (a gender normative and gender reductive concept) are overrepresented on Lit, to the degree that most of us that fit that description "must" be men posing as women because sexually aggressive women are a common trope in male stroke pornography and we (the supposed men posing as sexually aggressive women) are perpetuating that trope for... reasons.

While I agree that so-called sexually aggressive women are likely overrepresented on Lit when compared to the general population, I do not believe that it is as much an overrepresentation as gender normative thinking about female sexuality may suggest. Yet, being a sexually aggressive female on here seems a sure fire way to be either dismissed as an attention seeker, berated for perpetuating male fantasies, accused of being a man, etc.

On the flip side, I think sexually frustrated males are also overrepresented on Lit (and online in general) when compared to the general population, leading to an atmosphere of suspicion toward women who are sex-positive in a way that does not fit the expectation of female sexual passivity/resistance.

So, any thoughts?
I think it's weird... highly sought out..but shamed for the exact same reason I'm sought after.
Overrepresented...hmmm....let my hi ass ponder this.
I'd say that the Lit forums are definitely overrepresentative of sex-focused people in general, including women. If your focus was on chess and not sex, you wouldn't be here. So... as much as I'd like to agree with the premise of this thread, my understanding of statistics forces me to disagree.

Having said that... fuck what other people think, especially the guys that message you. You think some random Joe Jannigans is going to be texting criticisms of you? Fuck NO, he's busy doing shit that makes him happy, or at least shit he needs to do to keep his life running.

It's the incel fuckwads who failed to do anything useful with their lives who send out criticisms of the kind you mention. Tearing you down is what brings meaning to their sad, depressing lives. They know they have nothing better to do and they have no hope of ever being a better person, so all they got left is trolling out insults under the shield of anonymity.

Fuck those guys.
It has been suggested to me many times over the years, and again recently, that "sexually aggressive" women (a gender normative and gender reductive concept) are overrepresented on Lit, to the degree that most of us that fit that description "must" be men posing as women because sexually aggressive women are a common trope in male stroke pornography and we (the supposed men posing as sexually aggressive women) are perpetuating that trope for... reasons.

While I agree that so-called sexually aggressive women are likely overrepresented on Lit when compared to the general population, I do not believe that it is as much an overrepresentation as gender normative thinking about female sexuality may suggest. Yet, being a sexually aggressive female on here seems a sure fire way to be either dismissed as an attention seeker, berated for perpetuating male fantasies, accused of being a man, etc.

On the flip side, I think sexually frustrated males are also overrepresented on Lit (and online in general) when compared to the general population, leading to an atmosphere of suspicion toward women who are sex-positive in a way that does not fit the expectation of female sexual passivity/resistance.

So, any thoughts?
I do not believe so. That being said, though not into the D/S scene, I enjoy a woman who knows what she likes and wants, and is not afraid to express it. Go for it. Some man will respond appropriately
I have had some long DM/emails with women writers on the philosophy surrounding certain kinks, and it was an education for us both as to how certain things are viewed, both of us coming from far different perspectives.
She still hasn't published the last chapter of her story. Hope I didn't fuck up her mojo
The most over-represented population in Forum is entitled cunts who suck up to Laurel and try to get people banned.
Seriously? You really need to say or do some really fucked up shit to get banned from here. So I take it this is your new alt? If so, I hope you change your ways.
It has been suggested to me many times over the years, and again recently, that "sexually aggressive" women (a gender normative and gender reductive concept) are overrepresented on Lit, to the degree that most of us that fit that description "must" be men posing as women because sexually aggressive women are a common trope in male stroke pornography and we (the supposed men posing as sexually aggressive women) are perpetuating that trope for... reasons.

While I agree that so-called sexually aggressive women are likely overrepresented on Lit when compared to the general population, I do not believe that it is as much an overrepresentation as gender normative thinking about female sexuality may suggest. Yet, being a sexually aggressive female on here seems a sure fire way to be either dismissed as an attention seeker, berated for perpetuating male fantasies, accused of being a man, etc.

On the flip side, I think sexually frustrated males are also overrepresented on Lit (and online in general) when compared to the general population, leading to an atmosphere of suspicion toward women who are sex-positive in a way that does not fit the expectation of female sexual passivity/resistance.

So, any thoughts?

I think that because of the nature of the forum, certain types will be attracted here. Which by extension means that many of use here are 'sexually aggressive' as you put it. ( Although I understand what you are saying, the term 'sexually aggressive' doesn't 'feel right'. I don't think 'sex positive', or 'sexually open', or anything else really fits... 🤷‍♂️ )

Overall, I don't find the people here sexually aggressive. In general the sense I get is that maybe 'sexually repressed' might be more accurate. Or at least sexually repressed IRL, this being one of the few outlets that allows this conversation. As @Yesok1 mentioned, we might be embarrassed sharing with people we know in person, if we even could. A fair number of people here don't or can't even share what we feel with our spouses/partners. As such, this is one of the few outlets that we have. Once you've created the 'culture', it's bees to honey as they say. So, from that perspective we probably are over represented here, compared to real life.

Oddly, I would guess, that 'we' might actually be underrepresented in real life. If only because many of us here don't share outside of this forum, what we share within. How backward is that???
Just my two cents, as a long-time reader, but a new member: the OF/pay to play phenomenon is everywhere. Period. Sifting through that is the new norm, unfortunately, and nowhere is particularly safe from it. And I suppose my flavor of submission or dominance depends on the partner, situation, etc. There will be and still are new females joining (like myself) who want to put themselves out there for more than just a 💵
Just my two cents, as a long-time reader, but a new member: the OF/pay to play phenomenon is everywhere. Period. Sifting through that is the new norm, unfortunately, and nowhere is particularly safe from it. And I suppose my flavor of submission or dominance depends on the partner, situation, etc. There will be and still are new females joining (like myself) who want to put themselves out there for more than just a 💵
This is definitely true, there are so many who have started OF pages. It’s impossible not to be aware of the trend because it’s actually reported in the legacy media. Since it’s perpetuated that way it begins to seem acceptable, and it also feeds into the get-rich-quick mentality that is like an unstoppable virus. Some ladies have made so much $$ practically overnight. In any case, I’m glad to hear you are contributing your thoughts and passions for the general enjoyment of all
It has been suggested to me many times over the years, and again recently, that "sexually aggressive" women (a gender normative and gender reductive concept) are overrepresented on Lit, to the degree that most of us that fit that description "must" be men posing as women because sexually aggressive women are a common trope in male stroke pornography and we (the supposed men posing as sexually aggressive women) are perpetuating that trope for... reasons.

While I agree that so-called sexually aggressive women are likely overrepresented on Lit when compared to the general population, I do not believe that it is as much an overrepresentation as gender normative thinking about female sexuality may suggest. Yet, being a sexually aggressive female on here seems a sure fire way to be either dismissed as an attention seeker, berated for perpetuating male fantasies, accused of being a man, etc.

On the flip side, I think sexually frustrated males are also overrepresented on Lit (and online in general) when compared to the general population, leading to an atmosphere of suspicion toward women who are sex-positive in a way that does not fit the expectation of female sexual passivity/resistance.

So, any thoughts?
I’m sure there are wide ranging opinions on this, but I think it might just be a reflection of actual desires. From my experience here it seems that women, and men too, feel more freedom to express their true sexual selves and natural tendencies here on Lit, whatever those might be.

Clearly society tends to push individuals toward conformity in many ways. But in a place like Lit, anyone is free to be who they actually are — or who they would fantasize to be. And one other point to make is that unlike some platforms, Lit allows a more detailed personal expression than most other platforms.

So perhaps there really, truly are a lot of women who would prefer to be more aggressive sexually, and while society frowns, Lit smiles .. this is the place they can release that desire!
I'd say that the Lit forums are definitely overrepresentative of sex-focused people in general, including women. If your focus was on chess and not sex, you wouldn't be here. So... as much as I'd like to agree with the premise of this thread, my understanding of statistics forces me to disagree.

Having said that... fuck what other people think, especially the guys that message you. You think some random Joe Jannigans is going to be texting criticisms of you? Fuck NO, he's busy doing shit that makes him happy, or at least shit he needs to do to keep his life running.

It's the incel fuckwads who failed to do anything useful with their lives who send out criticisms of the kind you mention. Tearing you down is what brings meaning to their sad, depressing lives. They know they have nothing better to do and they have no hope of ever being a better person, so all they got left is trolling out insults under the shield of anonymity.

Fuck those guys.
There are horny chess players, raises hand.
It's it an overrepresentation of a population because we gravitated here as an outlet for our pent up feelings?

I didn't see a reason to dig into the margins of the reasons we're here.

I fall into the frustrated male living in a vanilla bedroom with procedural sex despite laying out clear desires for better foreplay and more adventure. There are stretches where she's borderline frigid and won't open up at all about why.

There's a thread for sexless marriages, so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

There seen to be a large crowd hiding their kinks and curiosities from their partners and using lit as their outlet to fulfill what they can.

Let's not spoil it by shining lights where the shadows are more intriguing
What exactly is the difference between sexually aggressive and sexually frustrated? I tend to get a little aggressive when I'm sexually frustrated.

For me erotica is foreplay and porn finishes the job... when I'm in a rush. I come to Lit to read, flirt, occasionally to encourage or provide an alternative perspective occasionally.
There seems to be a large crowd hiding their kinks and curiosities from their partners and using lit as their outlet to fulfill what they can.
I've been trying to talk to my wife about the difference between power dynamics and sado-masochism. She thinks I'm on a slippery slope that ends in pedophilia or sexual murder, while I'm trying to explain the deeply erotic feeling of having someone to consent to give you control over this incredibly intimate and intense shared sexual experience. It's practically a spiritual experience.
I've been trying to talk to my wife about the difference between power dynamics and sado-masochism. She thinks I'm on a slippery slope that ends in pedophilia or sexual murder, while I'm trying to explain the deeply erotic feeling of having someone to consent to give you control over this incredibly intimate and intense shared sexual experience. It's practically a spiritual experience.

By her logic, lighting up a fireplace is just one step away from burning down a city.
I’ve only been active here a few months, and, yeah, there are probably men posing as women, and yes an over abundance of horny old guys (I have to add myself to that category). What I’ve observed is the vast majority of PM interactions seem to be short term, maybe a couple of days or a week, then, poof, on to someone else. That surprised me at first, but I see why. Yes, there are some exceptions, and I value the longer term Lit friends, but it’s mostly a place to explore your sexuality and maybe some fantasy role playing that you would never do IRL.

So if someone is pretending to be a woman, or if a woman or man seems sexually more aggressive than would be normally acceptable, what is the issue? Yes, I would prefer honesty but Literotica is kind of a fantasy world for horny people. We’re not here looking for a husband or a wife ( well, maybe in the personals), and most PMs seem fairly short term, transactional, masturbate and move on. It’s a little weird but if you’re not expecting reality, I guess it’s OK.

But I concede the point, reality would be better, and even sexier. But are we here for reality?
I’ve only been active here a few months, and, yeah, there are probably men posing as women, and yes an over abundance of horny old guys (I have to add myself to that category). What I’ve observed is the vast majority of PM interactions seem to be short term, maybe a couple of days or a week, then, poof, on to someone else. That surprised me at first, but I see why. Yes, there are some exceptions, and I value the longer term Lit friends, but it’s mostly a place to explore your sexuality and maybe some fantasy role playing that you would never do IRL.

So if someone is pretending to be a woman, or if a woman or man seems sexually more aggressive than would be normally acceptable, what is the issue? Yes, I would prefer honesty but Literotica is kind of a fantasy world for horny people. We’re not here looking for a husband or a wife ( well, maybe in the personals), and most PMs seem fairly short term, transactional, masturbate and move on. It’s a little weird but if you’re not expecting reality, I guess it’s OK.

But I concede the point, reality would be better, and even sexier. But are we here for reality?
Like why other forum, take your interesting with a grain of salt. You're still dealing with strangers on the internet 😂
It has been suggested to me many times over the years, and again recently, that "sexually aggressive" women (a gender normative and gender reductive concept) are overrepresented on Lit, to the degree that most of us that fit that description "must" be men posing as women because sexually aggressive women are a common trope in male stroke pornography and we (the supposed men posing as sexually aggressive women) are perpetuating that trope for... reasons.

While I agree that so-called sexually aggressive women are likely overrepresented on Lit when compared to the general population, I do not believe that it is as much an overrepresentation as gender normative thinking about female sexuality may suggest. Yet, being a sexually aggressive female on here seems a sure fire way to be either dismissed as an attention seeker, berated for perpetuating male fantasies, accused of being a man, etc.

On the flip side, I think sexually frustrated males are also overrepresented on Lit (and online in general) when compared to the general population, leading to an atmosphere of suspicion toward women who are sex-positive in a way that does not fit the expectation of female sexual passivity/resistance.

So, any thoughts?
This is a really interesting idea. I feel that women’s sexuality has always been something that has been heavily policed and my opinion is, I feel what I feel, I want what I want, whatever they think is irrelevant. Just do you.
I love a strong sexually forward woman. Personally dancing around kinks and other taboos is to much game play for me. I love it when a woman knows what she wants and is vocal about it. It makes it easier for me to make you happy and please you. I know that for me know and hearing what and how you want to be handled is a huge turn on especially when it leads to me getting a full release for you.
Late to this thread. I just wanted to say I love what you said and that it works both ways👍 My man and I have this exact kind of connection and I'd say it's one of the key factors that makes us work together so well in all aspects of our relationship - not just when getting naked. It's such a freeing and sexy thing to be able to open up to eachother in this way. No one's a mind reader. Exhausting guessing games only lead to unecessary resentment.
I've met a few sluts, women who just love sex, in person. I turned them down because #1, my wife would not be pleased, and #2, I've never been interested in casual sex.

I've met far more married / partnered, sexually frustrated women whose men just don't give them the romantic love and good sex they need. Not only is this very common but I've met plenty of the guys who got left and / or cuckolded, too. Most don't even see it coming.

I think I've heard more stories from attached, frustrated women than attached, frustrated men, actually.

I very recently had a great coworker, who I thought was the exception, (Happily married and sexually satisfied) was not. Oh, she loves her husband, but broke down and told me that a two-year affair just ended and she feels used. It's the second marriage for both of them and they have no biological kids together.

I could easily fuck her just like I could have some of the others. She's plenty attractive, too. But I'm good with my wife.

Anyway, she doesn't think her husband can be the lover she needs, after trying for years. She's more upset she doesn't have a regular lover now.

My guess is she's going to find herself another lover.

Her attitude is, she takes of herself, (Dresses well, makeup, fairly fit, etc) works full time, takes care of the house, her young adult kid from a previous marriage, is attending night classes to get another degree, and feels she deserves some romance and dick that her naive husband refuses to provide. He's not a bad guy, he works and does some work around the house. But the romance and sex aren't there.

If she can't get what she needs from one guy she simply needs more guys.

I don't blame her.

And what's the husband going to do if he finds out? Divorce? Lose half his wealth and be alone? Whatever, buddy!

If you're not in the top 1% of wealth and / or in the top 10% or so of desirable men you live in a system where women dominate the men.

You better take care of your woman and do everything you can to please her because they can find other company and / or dick whenever they want!
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I've met a few sluts, women who just love sex, in person. I turned them down because #1, my wife would not be pleased, and #2, I've never been interested in casual sex.

I've met far more married / partnered, sexually frustrated women whose men just don't give them the romantic love and good sex they need. Not only is this very common but I've met plenty of the guys who got left and / or cuckolded, too. Most don't even see it coming.

I think I've heard more stories from attached, frustrated women than attached, frustrated men, actually.

I very recently had a great coworker, who I thought was the exception, (Happily married and sexually satisfied) was not. Oh, she loves her husband, but broke down and told me that a two-year affair just ended and she feels used. It's the second marriage for both of them and they have no biological kids together.

I could easily fuck her just like I could have some of the others. She's plenty attractive, too. But I'm good with my wife.

Anyway, she doesn't think her husband can be the lover she needs, after trying for years. She's more upset she doesn't have a regular lover now.

My guess is she's going to find herself another lover.

Her attitude is, she takes of herself, (Dresses well, makeup, fairly fit, etc) works full time, takes care of the house, her young adult kid from a previous marriage, is attending night classes to get another degree, and feels she deserves some romance and dick that her naive husband refuses to provide. He's not a bad guy, he works and does some work around the house. But the romance and sex aren't there.

If she can't get what she needs from one guy she simply needs more guys.

I don't blame her.

And what's the husband going to do if he finds out? Divorce? Lose half his wealth and be alone? Whatever, buddy!

If you're not in the top 1% of wealth and / or in the top 10% or so of desirable men you live in a system where women dominate the men.

You better take care of your woman and do everything you can to please her because they can find other company and / or dick whenever they want!

Sure, but from a biological view… everyone except for the dude she had a kid with is a sucker. He was the one who won, because now his kid is being supported by someone else’s efforts.
It has been suggested to me many times over the years, and again recently, that "sexually aggressive" women (a gender normative and gender reductive concept) are overrepresented on Lit, to the degree that most of us that fit that description "must" be men posing as women because sexually aggressive women are a common trope in male stroke pornography and we (the supposed men posing as sexually aggressive women) are perpetuating that trope for... reasons.

While I agree that so-called sexually aggressive women are likely overrepresented on Lit when compared to the general population, I do not believe that it is as much an overrepresentation as gender normative thinking about female sexuality may suggest. Yet, being a sexually aggressive female on here seems a sure fire way to be either dismissed as an attention seeker, berated for perpetuating male fantasies, accused of being a man, etc.

On the flip side, I think sexually frustrated males are also overrepresented on Lit (and online in general) when compared to the general population, leading to an atmosphere of suspicion toward women who are sex-positive in a way that does not fit the expectation of female sexual passivity/resistance.

So, any thoughts?
Pretty convincing post, especially coming from a guy. 😆😅🤣
It's it an overrepresentation of a population because we gravitated here as an outlet for our pent up feelings?

I didn't see a reason to dig into the margins of the reasons we're here.

I fall into the frustrated male living in a vanilla bedroom with procedural sex despite laying out clear desires for better foreplay and more adventure. There are stretches where she's borderline frigid and won't open up at all about why.

There's a thread for sexless marriages, so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

There seen to be a large crowd hiding their kinks and curiosities from their partners and using lit as their outlet to fulfill what they can.

Let's not spoil it by shining lights where the shadows are more intriguing
Well said, but I pose this...
Do you not find that men will push the "sex envelope" for the next fix?
Example is bedroom sex is good, let's try something to make it better, do that for a bit, now man wants to do even better. Introducing another idea kink or fantasy, and repeat for another fantasy or kink....does it really ever end?
There are definitely people in all groups - very sexual women, very sexually frustrated men, and men posing as women. I think the biggest population around here - by far - is frustrated men. And as a sexually frustrated man it's much easier to believe that you are striking out because the other side is a man pretending to be a woman rather than a highly sexual woman who to a very egotistical and limited man feels like they should be a sure thing. It's an easy excuse to make.