Owner of Two of San Francisco’s Largest Hotels Pulling Out of City: ‘Path to Recovery Remains Clouded’

Nancy Pelosi's District which includes the famous "Tenderloin" is only a couple of blocks away from the World-famous UNION SQUARE.
It's a SHIT HOLE. Just like DumboCrat run cities. Seattle, Portland, Los Angles etc etc etc etc etc !!!

Why does San Francisco have a "POOP Patrol"?
You've never been there.

But people online told you what it was like so of course they know. 👍
The Root Causes of San Francisco’s Disorder

Nearly half of the mall’s retailers have closed since 2020 as San Francisco has lost some 7.5% of its population—a larger share than any other major city. Those leaving are by and large affluent. According to Internal Revenue Service data, about 14,700 San Francisco taxpayers with an average adjusted gross income of $415,000 moved to other states in 2020 and 2021. Tens of thousands more flocked to Bay Area exurbs.

One could say that Covid lockdowns were the match that lit the city’s dumpster fire. Mayor London Breed joined five other Bay Area counties on March 16, 2020, in imposing the country’s first “shelter in place” order. “It’s the new normal temporarily in an effort to protect public health,” she said at the time.

As the new normal dragged on, families and workers moved to places with more freedom, less crime and lower housing costs and taxes. Once the Bay Area’s lockdowns were lifted in May 2021, many former residents had no desire to return to San Francisco’s dirty, dangerous and deserted streets that were studded with tents, needles and human feces.

The Root Causes of San Francisco’s Disorder

Nearly half of the mall’s retailers have closed since 2020 as San Francisco has lost some 7.5% of its population—a larger share than any other major city. Those leaving are by and large affluent. According to Internal Revenue Service data, about 14,700 San Francisco taxpayers with an average adjusted gross income of $415,000 moved to other states in 2020 and 2021. Tens of thousands more flocked to Bay Area exurbs.

One could say that Covid lockdowns were the match that lit the city’s dumpster fire. Mayor London Breed joined five other Bay Area counties on March 16, 2020, in imposing the country’s first “shelter in place” order. “It’s the new normal temporarily in an effort to protect public health,” she said at the time.

As the new normal dragged on, families and workers moved to places with more freedom, less crime and lower housing costs and taxes. Once the Bay Area’s lockdowns were lifted in May 2021, many former residents had no desire to return to San Francisco’s dirty, dangerous and deserted streets that were studded with tents, needles and human feces.

So the same thing that’s happening in Houston and Dallas.
Turns out the old man is aware of Queen Elizabeth’s passing after all. It’s Pride Month at the White House and he was referring to a drag queen.
MILE MARKERS ON THE ROAD TO DETROIT: San Francisco Walgreens’ Locked-Up Shelves Ripped Off by Thieves.

Shoplifters at a San Francisco Walgreens ripped off the plastic screens on its locked-up shelves on Monday night, a store manager said.
Stores from Safeway to Home Depot have been increasingly locking items behind screens to deter shoplifting in the Bay Area and across the country. Customers and staff in San Francisco stores recently described the security measures as irritating, with it taking several minutes to access basic items like toothbrushes or high-value items such as liquor and power tools.
Walgreens manager Chanh Luu said the group entered the Bernal Heights store at around 8 p.m. and began smashing the shelves in two of the store’s aisles, where laundry soap and dental products are locked away behind plastic shields due to rampant shoplifting in the city. The shields were torn away so the thieves could get their hands on the items but were already replaced by Tuesday when The Standard visited.
The group of thieves then headed for the store’s counter but failed to steal cigarette lighters from a display, Luu said.
They then fled from the 3398 Mission St. store with $200 worth of toothpaste and laundry detergent, leaving behind $250 worth of damage, Luu said.
No employees or customers were injured during the incident on Monday, and the store was open for business on Tuesday morning.
San Francisco’s last Republican mayor left office in early 1964. As NRO’s Jay Nordlinger wrote in 2010 when the original Detroit was making headlines and photo spreads thanks to its Hiroshima-like bombed out landscape, “If people are voting a certain way — maybe it’s because they want to. Maybe they know full well what they’re doing. Sometimes you have to take no — such as ‘no to Republicanism’ — for an answer.”
What happens when there are no more stores?

That was a rhetorical questions. The denizens of those climes are going to wring their hands and bleat about 'greedy capitalists.' Those that can will order supplies to be delivered from the stores in the suburbs until the denizens wise up and start hitting the delivery vans.
You people need to understand one thing:
-Poor city government is not a Republican thing, or a Democrat thing. It's a poor city government thing.

So, lets say, San Francisco elects a Republican as their next mayor. Overnight, drag shows are banned, Public gay pride events can no longer get permits, libraries are closed for "displaying pornography" (because they have books dealing with LBGTQ issues) and it becomes legal for buisnesses to discriminate based on race, gender, and sexual preference. HOW, exactly, does this solve the crime, drugs, and urban blight issues?
Nobody can give a concrete answer to this other than, well, there will be no more drag shows or visibly LBGTQ people, so somehow that means things will automatically improve.

Many years ago a competent democrat mayor, Richard Daly of Chicago, said the most important job of any mayor is to provide public safety (law enforcement, fire and rescue), make sure the streets are plowed and the garbage picked up. That is precisely what Giuliani did when he cleaned up NYC. If the people want to vote for incompetence that's exactly what they're going to get, incompetence and all that comes with it.
^Yes. Exactly my point. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, even frickn' Whig, Bull Moose, or Tory- the most important job of any mayor is to provide public safety- as Daly and Giuliani have said. That's all that matters, not what party they affiliate with or whether they are "conservative" or "Liberal." Just do the frickin' job and keep the city safe, clean, and functional.
^Yes. Exactly my point. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, even frickn' Whig, Bull Moose, or Tory- the most important job of any mayor is to provide public safety- as Daly and Giuliani have said. That's all that matters, not what party they affiliate with or whether they are "conservative" or "Liberal." Just do the frickin' job and keep the city safe, clean, and functional.

I would agree in principle.

What you leave out is that each political ideology has a different method of attempting to provide public safety because they define it differently.

Conservatives want peace. They want the law to be obeyed because that leads to peace in the streets and lives of the citizenry. Breaking the law should have consequences which remove the perpetrator(s) causing the disruption of peace.

Liberals don't seem to want any of that. Instead they continually redefine the law so that the new version let's them have whatever they want. What that means is that others get to do the same and, by the liberal rules of redefinition, they can't be punished for it even when what they do is blatantly illegal. The result is that the new order in social structure begin to cause collapse of the society as the citizens who desire good governance seek it elsewhere.

This is what we're seeing play out in SF and other metroplexes who have gone the way of "Progress."
Well, to put it another way, and I think what you are saying, is PROGRESSIVES want PROGRESS, which means, positive social change, social and environmental justice, and personal freedom. I think most people want these things. But instead what they propose ironically leads to REgression rather than PROgression. The sad state of San Francisco today is not "progression" it is "Regression."

Laws should be enforced- period. Crimes against property, defecating in the street, theft, violence, vandalism- these should be enforced- most people would agree! The question is, when are laws simply arbitrary and have no impact on the things above, or any public quality of life, other than to arbitrarily remove a person's freedom of choice? Is, for example, banning drag shows, removing books from the library, persecuting gays and minorities, throwing people in jail for a gram of pot (Versus small amounts of hard, life-destroying drugs) really going to have an effect of solving a city's problems?
Saw an article yesterday saying that 4 out of 10 of those remaining in California are thinking about leaving.
Just snapshots. Tiny Polaroids. You have to see the bigger picture.

There is nothing wrong in California.

It's not the racist South!

San Francisco's climate is wet by California standards. It could stay moderately populated while the state mostly depopulates. Without global trade and the tech giants, there will be a difficult transition to local economy of mostly agriculture, fishing, and making locally needed products. Politicians of both parties are a long way from being ready for such choices, so they'll continue bleating for a while on the usual partisan talking points.
Well, to put it another way, and I think what you are saying, is PROGRESSIVES want PROGRESS, which means, positive social change, social and environmental justice, and personal freedom. I think most people want these things. But instead what they propose ironically leads to REgression rather than PROgression. The sad state of San Francisco today is not "progression" it is "Regression."

Laws should be enforced- period. Crimes against property, defecating in the street, theft, violence, vandalism- these should be enforced- most people would agree! The question is, when are laws simply arbitrary and have no impact on the things above, or any public quality of life, other than to arbitrarily remove a person's freedom of choice? Is, for example, banning drag shows, removing books from the library, persecuting gays and minorities, throwing people in jail for a gram of pot (Versus small amounts of hard, life-destroying drugs) really going to have an effect of solving a city's problems?

So, some things to ponder while you're getting all foamy mouthed...

Arbitrary laws? Why would you think that laws which outlaw antisocial behavior to be "arbitrary"?

Regulating sexual behavior to keep it out of view of children isn't "arbitrary." Regulating the availability of books with adult content isn't "arbitrary" either.

Illegal drugs are a scourge on society because the drugs are both illegal and degrade the quality of society by raising risks of harm to those not participating in the illegal activities. Illegal drug dealing raises crime rates. Property crimes, sex crimes, and violence follow the drug trade. Those things are bad for society so outlawing the focus of those things should be the goal.

It's the same with prostitution.

Legalizing these things won't stop the rise in crime because the market players don't care where the customers get the money to buy the product. Or even what they do after they use the product. Worse, as more and more people get into the habit, more money is needed and that causes more crime in the form of property crimes as well as violent crime. Not to mention DUI, public urination/defecation, homelessness, pollution, and so on.

Enforcing the laws to prevent the root causes changes the sum of the equation. It raises the quality of life for everyone, regular citizen and addict alike, and leaves more resources available to help those in need of real help such as the mentally ill.

Conversely, not enforcing those laws, under the false banner of oppression or "systemic whateverism" not only assists in the fall of quality of life, it degrades the social and political infrastructure at the same time. As SF (and other cities) are finding out.

Lawlessness and immorality are not good things.