"Paging Dr. Freud"---STRAP-ONS

My tongue was firmly in my cheek with that one.

I can understand how a modern woman would view Freud as a complete idiot. However, I think he was simply stating what he observed in his specific place and period and mistaking it for universal human language. If having a penis is the difference between owning property and being property, then those without penises will envy those with.

We take for granted the idea that those without money will envy those with money and want money of their own, perhaps in some (idealized) future that won’t be the case. Enlightened people then might scoff at our current sociological models as terribly classist.
If Dr Freud wants my strap-on he can have it. On his couch. Bent over. Lotsa lube.

I visited his office once in Vienna. It is cosy. I'd like to fuck someone there. Not necessarily Sigi Freud. I'd prefer to fuck Parklife there. Over and over again. :D
well I like to beat penises..

OOPs that was 'sposed 'to say EAT penises , I guess you could say I have Penis envy" , I envy everyone out there getting a damn awesome hard penis in them tonite!! am i jealous? hell yes!! lol Did I get straight "A's on all my psych tests in college? yup ty Mr. Freud.. Psychology will be my major and what I shall have an associates degree in real soon!! whoo hoo!
You’re a student as well?
I plan to major in CS and to minor in English or Philosophy. Seeing as I routinely butcher the English language, I’m beginning to lean more toward Philosophy.

How do we know the butt plug exists?
How do we know the butt plug in us now was the same as the butt plug in us a few minutes ago?
Never said:
How do we know the butt plug exists?
How do we know the butt plug in us now was the same as the butt plug in us a few minutes ago?

Cus it still hurts?

PBW "Someone call my mom!"

P. B. Walker:
“Cus it still hurts?”

Pain exists only in your mind. Therefore, if you know the butt plug exists because it still hurts, then the butt plug might exist only in your mind.
Freud has detractors, but is still considered relevant today, I suggest.

As Bill Clinton said:..."Sometimes a cigar is just a dildo."

I have both property and a penis, but the thread is about strap ons there, Dr. Leaky......but that being said ....when you design a new class seating plan for society where money is irrelevant....could I have the seat by the window over there where the extra, uneccessary money is stored?

Lance "I used to be a socialist, but I'm alright now!" Castor

Never said:
My tongue was firmly in my cheek with that one.

I can understand how a modern woman would view Freud as a complete idiot. However, I think he was simply stating what he observed in his specific place and period and mistaking it for universal human language. If having a penis is the difference between owning property and being property, then those without penises will envy those with.

We take for granted the idea that those without money will envy those with money and want money of their own, perhaps in some (idealized) future that won’t be the case. Enlightened people then might scoff at our current sociological models as terribly classist.
Lancecastor said:

1. does the giver wish to be a man? (penis envy)

No, I do not wish to be a man. I like being a woman and I don't need another label (would wanting to be a man and also wanting to continue to have sex with men make me a wannabe fag?)

Lancecastor said:

2. is the strapper angry towards men? (gender identity influences due to childhood influences)

No, I am not angry with men. I happen to like men. I also happen to like anal play and have a special place in my heart for anal sex (and PBW it doesn't hurt, unless you want it to, now that butterfly board on the other hand, I'm with ya all the way on that one). Since I am a kind and considerate person I want to share that with my partner. That being said, there is something empowering about fucking someone in the ass. Don't you think?

Lancecastor said:

The floor is open....

Oh, Lance you missed a perfect opportunity for a pun here. Are you slipping? Is it late? Were you using better judgement that I am?


BTW, does wanting to nuzzle, suck, pinch and play with breasts and nipples mean that you wish to be a baby? Are you angry with your mother? Do you want to wear a diaper? Or do the babies have the problem? Should breasts be primarily recreational?
Re: Re: "Paging Dr. Freud"---STRAP-ONS

Minout said:

BTW, does wanting to nuzzle, suck, pinch and play with breasts and nipples mean that you wish to be a baby? Are you angry with your mother? Do you want to wear a diaper? Or do the babies have the problem? Should breasts be primarily recreational?

These are all fascinating questions, Minout. I have no doubt that some breast obsessives do indeed have a mommy/baby/insecurity thing going on.

Your response, like some of the others in this thread, reads a little defensively; are you sure your answers were straight up?

Psychological stuff can be hard to discuss from a theoretical perspective in an online chat room full of pervs; please understand that I'm approaching this as academically as possible....Mommy. ;-)



RisiaSkye said:
Thanks, Eb.

I love love love your current av. This is the one I'm gonna associate with you forever, I think.

Thanks. It is the first time I have ever seen me from the back. I was surprised it turned out so well. And I did not think my hair was a long as it is.

Re: Why?

Lancecastor said:
I was asking Eb earlier if she felt the genital-genital contact was part of the deal....

I forgot to answer this, my bad!

In my case, not all the time. I take them (my boys) standing up when I have them trussed up against a door, I take them doggie, and I take them on their back with their very long legs thrown over my shoulders.

I find it highly erotic, just from the friction of the strap on itself!

Re: Re: Re: "Paging Dr. Freud"---STRAP-ONS

Lancecastor said:

Your response, like some of the others in this thread, reads a little defensively; are you sure your answers were straight up?

Well I didn't mean to sound defensive. I thought I was being straight up. I really do enjoy anal sex. It really doesn't hurt from my perspective. I don't consider it degrading. Why wouldn't I want to share that with my partner?

Re: Re: Re: Re: "Paging Dr. Freud"---STRAP-ONS

Minout said:

Well I didn't mean to sound defensive. I thought I was being straight up. I really do enjoy anal sex. It really doesn't hurt from my perspective. I don't consider it degrading. Why wouldn't I want to share that with my partner?


It works for me!

Do you enjoy anal sex Lance? Giving not receiving I mean. If so, why do you enjoy it? It is a purely selfish thing?

just curious,

Minout said:
Do you enjoy anal sex Lance? Giving not receiving I mean. If so, why do you enjoy it? It is a purely selfish thing?

just curious,


How can it be a purely selfish thing? If it is safe, sane, and consentual, that means the receiver has given consent. so it stands to reason that both parties get something out of it.

Ebonyfire said:

How can it be a purely selfish thing? If it is safe, sane, and consentual, that means the receiver has given consent. so it stands to reason that both parties get something out of it.


My question was more directed at the fact that I couldn't understand why Lance thought that I was being defensive. He didn't seem to get the fact that it was not about being angry towards men but sharing something with them or, giving them something that they wanted. It was designed to elicite a response from him not to imply that it was one-sided.

Minout said:

My question was more directed at the fact that I couldn't understand why Lance thought that I was being defensive. He didn't seem to get the fact that it was not about being angry towards men but sharing something with them or, giving them something that they wanted. It was designed to elicite a response from him not to imply that it was one-sided.


Ah, you were being subtle, lol

Ebonyfire said:

Ah, you were being subtle, lol


You have discovered my fatal flaw. Often, too subtle. Guess it works better in person than in print. As do so many other things I have found.

Minout said:

You have discovered my fatal flaw. Often, too subtle. Guess it works better in person than in print. As do so many other things I have found.


I enjoy your posts. I hope you continue.

Hi Minout;

Text can be a hard language in which to discern tone, so I asked.

And I find it interesting that so far nobody sees strapping on a fake penis as having any psychological/gender/preference overtones. So, I asked.

Sure I enjoy anal sex, but it's not my #1 choice.

If I'm naked with a woman I dig and she's digging me, well, all is right with the world then anyway. :)

I find anal can be at least as much fun to "talk" about as foreplay as the actual act.

But I like to talk anyway. (THERE's a revelation!!;-)

"Land of the silver birch and beaver", eh, Minout? Bais oui!


Lancecastor said:
Text can be a hard language in which to discern tone, so I asked.

And I find it interesting that so far nobody sees strapping on a fake penis as having any psychological/gender/preference overtones. So, I asked.

Sometimes people do things because:

a) it is fun

b) they can.

It is D/s not rocket science.

Okay....if you say so.

I rather like to think I'm launching a missile, myself.

"we have lift off."

"the eagle has landed"

"tranquility base here"

and so far....none of that...

"houston...we have a problem.".....stuff.

Lancecastor said:
Okay....if you say so.

I rather like to think I'm launching a missile, myself.

"we have lift off."

"the eagle has landed"

"tranquility base here"

and so far....none of that...

"houston...we have a problem.".....stuff.


Well you do have an interesting projectile!