Parallelismus Membrorum

confuses me
one thing at a time
sets my mind to racing
by not thinking at all

Alzheimer's legacy

You are far away
and I will hold you close.
You’re eyes are full of light
clouded with troubling thoughts.
Forget me as some stranger
who remembered your name
then held you close
before slipping away.
I'm bumping this thread cause it's a cool form that you may not have seen before. Try it. :)
thanks for the bump

the miles that separate us
you here in my bed
a thousand lifetimes lived
all is new with us
so much we know
and all to be learned
that first kiss
seems so familiar
each sentence we speak
recited by rote
your face in moonlight
shadows in summer sun
be my love
welcome home
Angeline said:
I'm bumping this thread cause it's a cool form that you may not have seen before. Try it. :)

Interesting form, should be fun to play with. Thanks for the brain chow.