"Paramount Poem" Contest (Valentines Day)

Tathagata said:
I'd have to convert it to metric for canadians right??

Nope boobs are boobs across the world, well North America anyway.:p
Angeline said:
I didn't think anyone called them foundations but my grandma--and now you...

this is when it helps to watch old movies.....

I thought foundations were supposed to be hard.:p

I vote the monkey gets the blame for this hi-jack:devil:
*Catbabe* said:
I thought foundations were supposed to be hard.:p

I vote the monkey gets the blame for this hi-jack:devil:

you mean youre no longer firm and perky??
I'm saddened
*Catbabe* said:
Okay. Now I will have to kick your ass.

" Soccer Mom kills monkey over alleged breast remark"

Canadians....such a violent people
Tathagata said:
" Soccer Mom kills monkey over alleged breast remark"

Canadians....such a violent people

Breasts? You were talking about breasts?:p

the seed soon grew into a
wild weed abrubtly, budding to flower


Okay, the great response and many valuble
and helpful tips and suggestions have helped
greatly, thanks~ (~_*) much appreciated!

Here it is ...

In the next day or so I will (unless some else
wants to? ) start a thread ...

Literotica Poetry feedback and discusion forums
"Valentines Day contest"

entry's will be PM'd to My Erotic Tale
they will be posted on the thread as well
as a number assigned to the poem, with
continual 'edit' of the thread

the tally will be kept current and the
new poems submitted by 'PM' will be added....
the poems authors are (in the words of Bob Seagar)
a number, vote by posting, example,

I vote for big breasts and monkeys,
poem number 4

with me so far,

one poem per poet~
one vote per poet~ <<<<post / cast vote on
the V- Day thread, public forum. easily counted
and kept honorable.

Feb 15, (the last minute of feb 14th)
the tally will be public and the winners
will be announced or should say a thread
created saying example:

"Congradulations big breast and monkey wins
second and third are ..."
these poets are revealed and the thread is
designed to limelight the poems and poets,
reasons for writing this poem, creative feel
and the general talk shop bout the winning poems.


the winner has the responsibility to see the next
contest get rolling by posting a thread example:
"easter poem contest" etc.

seems like I'm forgetting something but hey
if it comes to me....I can always 'edit' this post
hehehey! <chuckle>

now does anybody know rather the post a poll
can be altered once made, to say make a poll
work for continuous additions to the list??????? (*_*)
(guess I'll go play <grin>)