Passionately concerned about "The Passion"

Angeline said:
Any thinking person also recognizes that while historic fact can also be embellished, manipulated, the facts do speak for themselves.

But there are lots of unenlightened people in this world, who upon seeing the film or just hearing Gibson the elder will either believe or think what they believe is somehow confirmed. :heart:

This is exactly my point. I may be a bitter person, but I don't think most of Access Hollywood-watching moviegoers (the same people who made a beautiful film like Big Fishlanguish at the box office because it "made me think too much"(that's a direct quote, btw) are doing a lot of research about the thinking behind this film.

When the hype began, all that anyone heard was "The Jews are being whiny about this because they're embarassed." "They should just shit up because that's the way it happened." No one was putting any of the info about Gibson's dad, the GROSS historical revisionism, etc into the news or the hype machine. And a film that features a two-hour beating is going to have a visceral impact on anyone; we're too human for it not to.

I just hope anyone who comes out of this awful film (and i say that also as a lover of film; the cinematography, acting and soundtracks are all just godawful) will take the time to do a little reading on the possible influences behind it. I was shocked to hear Gibson Sr. on Stern last Friday; I literally had to pull over and reattach my jaw.

Now having violated one of the rules of societal conversation, that being to never bring up religion, I'll just say: IMHO, Mel Gibson is a piece of shit.
mojo_cat said:
This is exactly my point. I may be a bitter person, but I don't think most of Access Hollywood-watching moviegoers (the same people who made a beautiful film like Big Fishlanguish at the box office because it "made me think too much"(that's a direct quote, btw) are doing a lot of research about the thinking behind this film.

When the hype began, all that anyone heard was "The Jews are being whiny about this because they're embarassed." "They should just shit up because that's the way it happened." No one was putting any of the info about Gibson's dad, the GROSS historical revisionism, etc into the news or the hype machine. And a film that features a two-hour beating is going to have a visceral impact on anyone; we're too human for it not to.

I just hope anyone who comes out of this awful film (and i say that also as a lover of film; the cinematography, acting and soundtracks are all just godawful) will take the time to do a little reading on the possible influences behind it. I was shocked to hear Gibson Sr. on Stern last Friday; I literally had to pull over and reattach my jaw.

Now having violated one of the rules of societal conversation, that being to never bring up religion, I'll just say: IMHO, Mel Gibson is a piece of shit.

Read my poem please. Those people would not want hate to come from this. The best defense is to do something good for someone else, imo. :rose:
Re: My Poem for my family

Angeline said:
Written in 2001


On the eve of the Second World War,
Much of Lodz was Jewish
Thousands comprised the Jews of Lodz.
But only 12 are mine.

Chanah and Schmuel are mine.
Their children as well
I do not know their names,
but they are mine

What do I know of them?
That they had a farm,
Candlesticks, blankets, crockery
Maybe a horse, a cow?

Who knows what they had really,
besides each other
and two sons sent away.
Sent to America sent to escape
pogroms, army, front lines, death.

What’s the world without another Jew?
Still the world, no?

To be a Jew in Lodz
In 1890 or 1920; what did it mean?
You work prodigiously. You must.
Do less and you won’t prevail.

Chana and Schmuel prevailed.

America, America.
Thank you America.
Thank you my grandfather
For prevailing,
Thank you America.
For my life.

In September of 1939,
Lodz was occupied,
Part of the Warthegau,
part of the Reich.

First bank accounts blocked,
Then cash restricted,
Cars, radios taken away,
Curfews enforced.

Still, on a small farm,
even a poor one
There might be some hope left
A few eggs, some milk
A few potatoes

Not enough
not even for a child’s small stomach,
but some food to barter to share.

Unless even this was taken.

I do not know, but of course it was.
Eventually everything was taken.

In April of 1940, the Lodz Ghetto,
The Litzmannstadt
was officially opened
and shortly thereafter
began deportations to Chelmo.

Who knows
if they even got to Chelmo,
my 12 that is.

Conditions in the ghetto are recorded:
the lack of nutrition,
of sanitation, the starvation, the typhus.

The children with pinched faces,
With empty eyes
The skeletal bodies
pushing wheelbarrows, lifting bricks,
breaking stone, eating watery soup

We have seen these pictures.

The haunted faces that look out
from behind barred windows
the eyes that recede as trains move away

We have seen these pictures.

The empty train stations,
the platforms loaded
the piles of luggage, dolls, eyeglasses, photographs
the detritus of lives scattered, lives lost

We have seen these pictures.

How many Jews were left in Poland after the war?

None of mine.
None of my 12.

Dear Chanah and Schmuel,
dear great-grandparents,
Where do you belong,
you and your 10 endlessly young children?

Where do you fit?

On the wall overlooking the dining room table,
your painted photograph hangs in a now antique frame,
I watch your kind lost eyes and
You watch the comings and goings of people
for whom your lives hold no relevance.

Pray for your lost ones.
Make a brucha for the souls
of your last descendents.


kisses love

:heart: :heart:
Angeline said:
Read my poem please. Those people would not want hate to come from this. The best defense is to do something good for someone else, imo. :rose:

Amen to that.

Angeline said:
night um <can't call you that other> Tess.


The "other name" is fine - better that gerzunder. (you have to say it)
Thanks for your sacrifice, mojo_cat

mojo_cat said:

The anomaly here is that making a film about something that actually happened seems to negate the anti-Semitism..I mean, the jews were around when it all happened, as far as we know, right? So how is it bad to show that? Right?

Wrong. From everything I have seen (and the awful two hours of my life I spent seeing that film so I could comment on it from an informed perspective, since everyone I know is on about it lately) (goddamn catholic school, i'll never be free of you), this film is an inaccurately slanted portrayal.

The Jews denounced Jesus because they knew the Occupiers would systematically slaughter them should they rise up and rebel. They were beaten and starving. They did what they did and they had no foreknowledge of all that would be built up around the big JC in later years. Portraying them as bloodthirsty assholes who denounce all that is good and right in the name of money, in light of historical context? Yup. That's anti-Semitic.

I saw it. I wish I hadn't. I love horror movies more than anything, but as Rob Corddry said on the Daily Show last week:

"They worked him over pretty good, Jon."

I strongly suggest you avoid supporting this film. And if you have a weak stomach at all, it WILL make you nauseous. I've seen every scary movie ever, and I threw up moments after leaving the theatre, along with five other people.

But that is of course my own opinion.

A cousin of mine wrote to me about the movie, and I told her that I could not see this kind of film as "beautiful," and I could not buy into a philosophy that submits this story line:

God-- an omnipotent and omniscient being who has the power to forgive or condemn at his whim-- created a son of his very flesh* by raping a 15 or 16 year old virgin. Then he told the son, "Behind door number one, I have you tortured and horribly done to death. Behind door number two, everyone else born and yet to be born lives to die and burn eternally in hell. If you don't think I'm this much of a motherfucker, try me, son, try me."

Yah! This brings a lump to my throat, but as with you, the lump is my lunch!

Anyway, I want to thank you for this post and for seeing the movie.

*I don't get that either. How can an incorporeal being "beget" a human child? But of course, this sort of thing has been going on forever, just behind closed doors.
Encore for mojo_cat

mojo_cat said:
This is exactly my point. I may be a bitter person, but I don't think most of Access Hollywood-watching moviegoers (the same people who made a beautiful film like Big Fishlanguish at the box office because it "made me think too much"(that's a direct quote, btw) are doing a lot of research about the thinking behind this film.

When the hype began, all that anyone heard was "The Jews are being whiny about this because they're embarassed." "They should just shit up because that's the way it happened." No one was putting any of the info about Gibson's dad, the GROSS historical revisionism, etc into the news or the hype machine. And a film that features a two-hour beating is going to have a visceral impact on anyone; we're too human for it not to.

I just hope anyone who comes out of this awful film (and i say that also as a lover of film; the cinematography, acting and soundtracks are all just godawful) will take the time to do a little reading on the possible influences behind it. I was shocked to hear Gibson Sr. on Stern last Friday; I literally had to pull over and reattach my jaw.

Now having violated one of the rules of societal conversation, that being to never bring up religion, I'll just say: IMHO, Mel Gibson is a piece of shit.

Your whole post appears again above, because it bears repeating. The triumph of bigots derives from their tireless efforts to make free thinking, tolerant, courteous people too squeamish to call them out for the liars and beasts they are.

I love this definition:


I love Gandhi and MLK, Jr., but I no longer believe flowers in gun barrels make a point.