Pending Stories

Are there such things as coincidences?
Suddenly had my latest get a status update. It'll release tomorrow. I sent a message to the "contact us" user through the site yesterday explaining the issue and how it has sat in purgatory for two weeks. Not sure if that is just a coincidence, but thankfully not rejected!
I have some data that might be useful, to anyone who has seen a delay in getting submitted stories approved and posted. The data are based entirely on my own limited experience, with my account.

I’ve been here for almost five years, and am therefore a known quantity to the site folks. My stories (and chapters within multi-part stories) are short, with only one longer than 20k words. I have never seen a submittal rejected for reasons of content or execution, nor have I been cited for use of A.I. Until recently, it was routine for the time between submittal and publication of my stories to be three days or less.

Within the past few months, however, that interval has stretched to six days. To me, that’s no big deal, because the stories were eventually approved and published. I’m doing this as a hobby. Nobody, myself included, is clamoring for my erotica to get onto the site immediately.

I’ve also seen that, in the past few days, the daily New Stories batch has often filled less space than two pages. (Today, April 24, it went onto the third page.) That seems shorter than the usual has been, although I haven’t dug through to see what a historical average might be. My theory is that, for whatever reason, the story approval process has recently taken more time than previously.

Anyway, it may be that one could wait longer to check on a pending story. Someone who had reason to PM Laurel after five days might choose to bide more time (eight or ten days, maybe). I didn’t PM Laurel during my six-day waits (although I was getting close), and I haven’t asked Laurel about my slower-approval theory. So, while your mileage may do that thing that mileage always seems to do--varying--I can tell you that my own experience is that the longer wait hasn’t foretold a rejection, nor indicated that the story has been lost.
I have some data that might be useful, to anyone who has seen a delay in getting submitted stories approved and posted. The data are based entirely on my own limited experience, with my account.

I’ve been here for almost five years, and am therefore a known quantity to the site folks. My stories (and chapters within multi-part stories) are short, with only one longer than 20k words. I have never seen a submittal rejected for reasons of content or execution, nor have I been cited for use of A.I. Until recently, it was routine for the time between submittal and publication of my stories to be three days or less.

Within the past few months, however, that interval has stretched to six days. To me, that’s no big deal, because the stories were eventually approved and published. I’m doing this as a hobby. Nobody, myself included, is clamoring for my erotica to get onto the site immediately.

I’ve also seen that, in the past few days, the daily New Stories batch has often filled less space than two pages. (Today, April 24, it went onto the third page.) That seems shorter than the usual has been, although I haven’t dug through to see what a historical average might be. My theory is that, for whatever reason, the story approval process has recently taken more time than previously.

Anyway, it may be that one could wait longer to check on a pending story. Someone who had reason to PM Laurel after five days might choose to bide more time (eight or ten days, maybe). I didn’t PM Laurel during my six-day waits (although I was getting close), and I haven’t asked Laurel about my slower-approval theory. So, while your mileage may do that thing that mileage always seems to do--varying--I can tell you that my own experience is that the longer wait hasn’t foretold a rejection, nor indicated that the story has been lost.
Right, but as you can see in my above post, one story submitted on Tuesday was published yesterday - 24 hours.

The previous chapter has been waiting since the 18th and is 1000 words shorter than the one that was published yesterday.
Right, but as you can see in my above post, one story submitted on Tuesday was published yesterday - 24 hours.

The previous chapter has been waiting since the 18th and is 1000 words shorter than the one that was published yesterday.
Yes, your mileage varies. The inconsistency in the treatment of your two items is, in my view, cause for a PM to Laurel.
Having the same issue right now. I submitted a story 10 days ago and it's still pending. I've never waited more than 2. This will be my 48th story and I've never had this issue before. I sent a PM to Laurel but have yet to hear back.
I submitted three stories the night before last, and I just noticed under my pending list it shows the 19th which is two days in the future from now. Is that supposedly when they expect to have the story approved/rejected?
I submitted three stories the night before last, and I just noticed under my pending list it shows the 19th which is two days in the future from now. Is that supposedly when they expect to have the story approved/rejected?
They meter releases. Look for your stories to go live on that date.
Howdy, folks. Does anyone know if there are issues with the approval of pending stories, or maybe a huge backlog gumming up the works at the moment? I wasn't sure if anyone on here was part of the approval process and might be able to shed some light. I've had some follow-up stories pending for eight days. I don't know if that's normal or not since my first story was approved in around two days.
A contest just ended, which always takes precedence, and there are a few challenges going on as well.

If you're worried, drop Laurel a DM to give her a gentle nudge.
May I assume the dates under the titles are when they'll be published to the site? If so, that's a good way to trickle them out instead of just dumping them all out at once.

May I assume the dates under the titles are when they'll be published to the site? If so, that's a good way to trickle them out instead of just dumping them all out at once.
When the site releases a chaptered set like yours, they set a 24 hour clock for each chapter. You can ask for a longer gap, but 24 hours is the default.
Hey all,

Is there a contest going on now? I have a story pending since 7/8 and that seems a lot longer than normal. Is it worth reaching out to Laurel? I really rather not bother her but it has been almost 2 weeks.
Hey all,

Is there a contest going on now? I have a story pending since 7/8 and that seems a lot longer than normal. Is it worth reaching out to Laurel? I really rather not bother her but it has been almost 2 weeks.
Yes. Just ask politely.