pet peeves and irritations

one of my pet peeves is people saying they're gonna do something, and not following through.

another is text messages that just say, "lol", "idk", etc etc.
Women who complain about being cold but are exposing more skin than not. Drives me right up the wall. I appreciate cleavage, don't get me wrong, but if half of your chest is showing, and it's cold out, no wonder you're cold. And the itty bitty excuse for a skirt, although extremely provocative, will do you no good in keeping your legs (since they're almost completely exposed) warm. So either put on more clothing or shut the hell up.

Don't get me wrong, I bundle up in the winter as much as I can: two sweaters, a scarf, a giant coat, gloves, ear-muffs, and if its REALLY cold, I'll wear two layers of cotton tights. But, I don't care how motherfucking freezing it is, I'M NOT WEARING PANTS. I've managed without them for 4 years, and I'm not going to start the bad habit of wearing pants now. Skirts and dresses treat me just fine.

And if I'm a little cold on some days? That's a price I'm willing to pay for the righteous Cause of The Skirt. Besides, Seb thinks its sexy when I'm cold and shivering.
Oh, and a pet peeve. Uhm. Condescending professors.

And people who think the perfect place to stand with their entire family to study their tourist map is the middle of the corner of 42nd st. and 7th ave. FUCKING MORONS. How hard is it to take a single step and MOVE TO THE SIDE??

My mother is disabled and drives an electric scooter. I hate it when people walk right in front of her, forcing her to stop, and it's even better when they stand there stunned for a few seconds like a deer in fucking headlights. It's not that hard people: move out of the fucking way before she rams over your foot.
Coolest idea I've seen all day.

Thank you. It's always been one of my favorite ideas, but K says it'd get me arrested. *sigh*

My mother is disabled and drives an electric scooter. I hate it when people walk right in front of her, forcing her to stop, and it's even better when they stand there stunned for a few seconds like a deer in fucking headlights. It's not that hard people: move out of the fucking way before she rams over your foot.

I've been on a scooter, cause I was sick, and when you're on a scooter you're invisible.

That said, my grandma has MS, and when I was about 8 she ran over my toe (on accident) with her electric wheel chair. Those things are freaken heavy, and if more people knew that they'd be more careful.
People who say 'can you hold?' and then put you on hold before you can answer. Why ask if you don't care what I'm gonna say? That's when you say 'please hold'.

And while we're on that roll:

People who shove me and then say 'excuse me' and people who cut you off and then turn on their turn signals.
People who say 'can you hold?' and then put you on hold before you can answer. Why ask if you don't care what I'm gonna say? That's when you say 'please hold'.

And while we're on that roll:

People who shove me and then say 'excuse me' and people who cut you off and then turn on their turn signals.

That was one thing I just couldn't get used to in Dublin. I was taught to say "excuse me" when when you bump into some one, or if you needed to get past them. In Dublin they say "sorry" insted of "excuse me", even before they bump into you.
That was one thing I just couldn't get used to in Dublin. I was taught to say "excuse me" when when you bump into some one, or if you needed to get past them. In Dublin they say "sorry" insted of "excuse me", even before they bump into you.

But at least they do it BEFORE. I mean what's the point of doing it after? If they'd done it before, I'd have moved, but saying excuse me AFTER you shove is stupid.
Bitchers and not doers. People who spend hours and days of their lives bitching about how bad things are, yet do absolutely nothing to change anything.
Remember, not everyone has full keyboards on their cellphones, and some cellphones don't like to show the right letter (e.g., my cellphone... when I hit the 6 key three times to get "o," I might get "o," or I might get "mn," "nm," or "mmm"), so it's easier/quicker/less of a pita to hit the 2 key four times for "to," "too," or "two," or the 4 key four times for "for" (all three letters are three punches each on their keys, thus offering three potential error combinations for each), etc.

I wouldn't do "l8r/l8tr" for "later," though - the "at" that the 8 replaces are both first punches on their respective keys, whereas the 8 is four punches on its key, wasting two strokes. I do use other abbreviations, particularly for words with doubled letters (e.g., "nd" for "need," since the e's and the d are all on the same key, and require a wait between entries of each letter).

As you may have noted, however, I *don't* do such things in posts, or anywhere that I have a full keyboard, unless I do it for (intended) comic effect.

AR much with the counting of the letters?

I have a thing about doors, how hard is it to make sure the door actually closes behind you?

I agree on the profs thing. Just because you have a PhD does NOT make you better than me. Especially considering how much common sense most of those PhD's have.
I like the idea of the dart gun. I just want it for people that annoy me instead of just adding caffeine. Maybe having a dart gun that tranquilizes those that need calming and one that gives a jolt of caffeine to those moving slower than molasses?
I like the idea of the dart gun. I just want it for people that annoy me instead of just adding caffeine. Maybe having a dart gun that tranquilizes those that need calming and one that gives a jolt of caffeine to those moving slower than molasses?

I'd take out the tranquilizer after about 10 am, but I'm more likely to run into the molasses people in the morning. *grr*
I'd take out the tranquilizer after about 10 am, but I'm more likely to run into the molasses people in the morning. *grr*

That's annoying to me too. I don't understand people who just drive along like they have nowhere to be.

I just can't stop thinking of the people I'd use it on at work. Those are good thoughts.
AR much with the counting of the letters?
I've never denied being AR, even borderline OCD. Actually, I'm kind of proud of it :p

But I don't really *count* them; I'm just aware of how many punches it takes to get to the letters I need the most. I'm going to be really happy when I get to get a phone that has a full keyboard.
I like the idea of the dart gun. I just want it for people that annoy me instead of just adding caffeine. Maybe having a dart gun that tranquilizes those that need calming and one that gives a jolt of caffeine to those moving slower than molasses?
Just don't confuse them... :eek: Caffeine to the hyperactive and tranquilizers for the ones who are already glacial? Insanity!
I've been on a scooter, cause I was sick, and when you're on a scooter you're invisible.

That said, my grandma has MS, and when I was about 8 she ran over my toe (on accident) with her electric wheel chair. Those things are freaken heavy, and if more people knew that they'd be more careful.

I've driven the scooter around a few times myself, and I definitely have felt invisible on it, and I've gotten that same feeling while pushing a wheelchair.

My mom has ridden over a couple toes, by accident, and she felt really bad about it. I do wonder if I'd feel the same. :D
I've driven the scooter around a few times myself, and I definitely have felt invisible on it, and I've gotten that same feeling while pushing a wheelchair.

My mom has ridden over a couple toes, by accident, and she felt really bad about it. I do wonder if I'd feel the same. :D
I don't wonder at all. I'm a sadist. :devil: Of course, if it were accidental, I might feel a little bad about it... but I'd be much more likely to do it purposely.
That was one thing I just couldn't get used to in Dublin. I was taught to say "excuse me" when when you bump into some one, or if you needed to get past them. In Dublin they say "sorry" insted of "excuse me", even before they bump into you.

At least they do still say something in Ireland, and the UK in general. Mainland Europe, though, is a different story. It's a much different mentality than what any American is used to, and not a difference I think I can get used to, though I've done my best. The "me first" mentality, and not understanding the concept and reasoning of putting others before yourself is a rather annoying one.
Where's my soapbox? Oh, left it in the other thread. I'll just talk.

So, I'm learning to drive. This would make me a learner driver. You've all been there before, you remember that it was quite difficult, learning to drive, and also fairly nerve-wracking. Why, then, must you persist in making my task more difficult than it already is by being complete and utter cunts? If I stall the car at traffic lights, do not fucking hoot me! It will not make me go faster! It will probably make me go slower to spite you! If you come across me turning into the road, do not fucking hoot there either! You can reverse! You can turn in the road yourself! You can go another fucking direction! I can't! So fuck off and fuck you!


Actually this is a peeve of mine too. I've been stuck behind learners who are holding me up when I've been in a hurry (notably once when I was driving my dog to the emergency vet, and knew that every single minute counted). But trying to intimidate a learner (a) does not help anyone and (b) often as not is counter-productive, cos the learner is then more likely to panic and keep stalling/lose their bottle about emerging from the junction/whatever.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with people who bully learners? Did they never learn themselves? Did they magically just wake up one day as fully-skilled and fully-experienced drivers?? Why can't they show a bit of "been there, done that"-style tolerance?

Oh, and a pet peeve. Uhm. Condescending professors.

I'm thankfully past it now but, reminded by somebody else, mine was people who put their hands up in lectures and weren't asking a question strictly about the material. Asking for clarification about a word or a particular phrasing? That's cool. Disputing what the professor has just told us to stroke your own ego? That's not. Continuing it throughout the lecture? If you find a pencil in your back, return it, it's mine. We're here to learn from the professor, not you.

But trying to intimidate a learner (a) does not help anyone and (b) often as not is counter-productive, cos the learner is then more likely to panic and keep stalling/lose their bottle about emerging from the junction/whatever.

Yes. Yesterday, I stopped at a roundabout with a big, raised island, the sort that makes it difficult to see what's going on the other side, and after a minute or so not being able to go before somebody else barreled around it, the prick behind me (in a BMW, naturally) started hooting away. What an asshole.
Roundabouts are the worst for "knowing when to go". Their design makes them inherently tricky, but the killer is that for some reason people treat them as little areas of lawlessness where the Highway Code (which they obey when not on roundabouts) somehow doesn't apply.
Oh, oh, I have one. When two people have cubicles RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER and still insist on calling each other on the phone. That drove me insane.

And another. When people begin a sentence with "No offense, but..." If it's not meant to be offensive, why do you have to make sure in the first place I won't be offended? Nothing good ever comes from something that starts with that.
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I'm thankfully past it now but, reminded by somebody else, mine was people who put their hands up in lectures and weren't asking a question strictly about the material. Asking for clarification about a word or a particular phrasing? That's cool. Disputing what the professor has just told us to stroke your own ego? That's not. Continuing it throughout the lecture? If you find a pencil in your back, return it, it's mine. We're here to learn from the professor, not you.

I know the type of people you mean, the students who only want to argue with the professor the entire class period on one small point or whatever, just to show that they know something that the professor doesn't. Yes, those people are jerks, but that said, I think its important for the professor to acknowledge other opinions and thoughts on the matter at hand, and I think that they should actively encourage their students to make up their own mind. Arguing with the professor over a date or some small fact is stupid, and the professor shouldn't have to deal with such silliness, but one of my biggest pet peeves is professors who refuse to acknowledge other opinions on the materiel and who's biggest "proof" of being correct is that they are the professor, and you aren't. That is bullshit, and I just cannot respect or believe or learn from any professor who does not show me actual proof or reasoning.
People (and there seem to be a lot of them on Literotica) who -

(1) type "dominate" when they mean "dominant";

(2) type "masterbate" when they mean "masturbate"; and

(3) type "defiantly" when they mean "definitely".