
You know, I've always done it this way, every single poem I've ever written. It feels very unnatural to not do it now.

So did I when I first came here (and rhymed everything) but I was encouraged to try a different way by the likes of Wicked Eve (before your time a force and a poet quite like no other!), Angeline. Tristesse, Champagne and Tzara to name but a few, who taught me a hell of a lot. I dug my heels in at first, didn't really want to know that there could be any other way than my way. But you know what? Trying other forms of poetry (and how they are written and expressed) helped me grow and expand what I am capable of as a poet.
So did I when I first came here (and rhymed everything) but I was encouraged to try a different way by the likes of Wicked Eve (before your time a force and a poet quite like no other!), Angeline. Tristesse, Champagne and Tzara to name but a few, who taught me a hell of a lot. I dug my heels in at first, didn't really want to know that there could be any other way than my way. But you know what? Trying other forms of poetry (and how they are written and expressed) helped me grow and expand what I am capable of as a poet.
See I'm surprised you object so strongly to Magnetron's Caps at the beginning of the line, rooted so firmly in tradition. Falling out, and then Falling back in only 'cause it is the default on Microsoft's McWord.
My poetry is alot like fast food also; makes your tummy rumble and goes right through you.
That being said, and coupled with your 60 second comment:
Your pullet poem, reads better without the last stanza. the last stanza overdefines and it no longer ends on a word in play "grouse".
The other as you define it, beggars a question, what are you doing for a second pass read? What are you offering for digestion.
You have talent for clever and amusing, but that only buys so much. Your 60 second effort brought 50 seconds of amusement
Pullet with a mullet
Strutting like a rockstar that he is
This is a mere observation, trust me 50 seconds of amusement is gold in new poems.
Exploit it.
See I'm surprised you object so strongly to Magnetron's Caps at the beginning of the line, rooted so firmly in tradition. Falling out, and then Falling back in only 'cause it is the default on Microsoft's McWord.

Not quite sure what you're on about it was a gentle suggestion
Not quite sure what you're on about it was a gentle suggestion
twice. That makes two of us, not being sure of what you are going on about.

Caps is part of the tradition, you know the old and dusties, like forms. It doesn't make that much difference, it is not like "!??!!" Which is text for: "I want to irritate the fuck out of Tristess", which previously I did not know.
I write in Microsoft Mc.Txt or in my supersecret InvisionFreeForum of Solitude. So the caps are always manual.

I avoid ending sentences with punctuation as much as possible. It is just a distraction to me. Doesn't always work. Sometimes a question mark is necessary.

Otherwise, there is no need to emphasize that a new sentence is beginning or not beginning. So, I choose to fuzz it up, while writing lines in a braille like fashion where hopefully the reader feels them ending and beginning. I try to do most of that with musicality.
twice. That makes two of us, not being sure of what you are going on about.

Caps is part of the tradition, you know the old and dusties, like forms. It doesn't make that much difference, it is not like "!??!!" Which is text for: "I want to irritate the fuck out of Tristess", which previously I did not know.

You do burble on some nonsense (a Norfolk colloquialism and said with a smile so please don't take offence!) Why is it considered ok to rhyme Rap which is a modern concept but if it's the written word it's old hat?
You do burble on some nonsense (a Norfolk colloquialism and said with a smile so please don't take offence!) Why is it considered ok to rhyme Rap which is a modern concept but if it's the written word it's old hat?
'cause it don't have a bass
Magnetron always has a bass part

The New Poems are callin
'n' greenmountianeers now a saint

...and I....

see a bass part, his poem has a bass part
What's the onomatopoeia of spitting a beat?

Pffft pupiff pupiff puff pffft

In your face
Magnetron gets to rhyme
Cuz he gots bass
A lake full of large mouth
Not no tiny guppies
Enough to feed
Big burly truckers
Or loggers workin' overtime
Fuck all those touristos
Preppy out of towners
And upscale muckety yuppies