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*theatrical whine* Chef, can't you give her her OWN chocolate and strawberries?

Meet the Village Idiot *extends hand* Do find your way to the restaurant. I've posted signs everywhere that say "Drama Free Zone."


If someone can give me the URL or location of this place I'll bring my chocolate cake with me...

If someone can give me the URL or location of this place I'll bring my chocolate cake with me...


Gaia My Sweet, please come and join us Here. Have a tequila. Have a chocolate. Have a friend. We all do. And we welcome you with open arms (and other body parts).
Good job women are the strongest sex as I have a manic slave driver on crutches to contend with , a 13 page summer quiz that I am driving friends up the wall with and I have still got to write a 30 question quiz and run it tonight in an online quizroom full of sex crazed lunatics ... ahh the perils of being a woman