Photo Challenge

Lauren Hynde said:

Laurenita! My genius! I knew you'd look at this and see a poem. It's written in blood, isn't it? I know you. :D

The lettering on the missing piece is perfect.

Lauren Hynde said:
They always are. ;)

You know for a young woman, you're very hmmm what's the word? Noir. Black and beautiful, my comely one. (This will totally confuse everyone, hehe.)
It's the force of habit. In my line of work, all paperwork must be written in blood for it to be valid.
For An Amputee

Now that my absence has imposed
an indelible presence,
we can see that we are much more
than the sum of all our parts.
We are each separate,
unique in the way
we complete the whole
and yet, the whole
is no less than I can make it,
through the negative
impression of my shadow;
an imprint;
a space; where once there lay
a part to hold it all together.

Liar said:

The evenings gone,
Smattered songs linger on the
Slipped glances, stranded
in singular solace, dimmed
eyes glazed with smoke of
blown wastrels.

Pieces picked up, placed.
Pawns slid where they fit.
Niched, slowly stripped, skins
taut, angular the position He
placed her in. Why
did she never look away,
all akimbo the limbs skewed.

And somehow He made it
all tight again.

sawing always sawing
your jigsaw out
and in out and in
the pieces go
out then in

you loose me
lose me
on the floor
sock kicks fling
slide n hide
_____‘neath couch
_____out door
_____in grate
puzzle complete no more

you misplace my place
gone -- no trace
only a hole

out and in_____out and in
no more
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Here Goes, Ange! ;)

Omentum Swings The Other Way

A refreshing snooze
in gauzy Back Forty Hammock--that's
what I'm after in wake of mid-August
Vision Quest taken up by me and a bevy
of imaginary Nez Perce bucks bleeding
from ear holes and besotted on Tokay
wine, they know the truth about Time,
I'm talking bruised fruit and the Dog Days,
darlings they done lost their bite!

--Winter like a Bullet
Train on parallax tracks, moving up
so fucking fast the eye can't quite
take it in--meanwhile

the first russet willow
leaf of the latent season swirls
like crematorium ash, lashing my eye lash, my jap
flip flops straddle a ripely dilated onyx mulch mound
stinking of shit which I swear, all fucking Summer
I've been on top of, one

minute, and the next?--ahh, just so
damned full of it.

It's true, all
I can conjure at the moment
are Chopin etudes and young
wild wild James West watch chains on a buffed
checkerboard chest, animated patchwork freeze frames
of 15 minute episode tags and Artemus Gordon pulls
preening rabbit out the old top hat, little fucker struts
straight to flash cut on craggy Fly Boy in the Black
Sheep Squadron with Sudden Change
Under Eye...

So anyways I've been cleansing my
colon, did I

tell you?-- w/ finely chopped
limes, Burdock root, maple syrup & time
released psyllium husks, would even

let you know how
well its

working--all the inevitable, elemental
olfactory and tactile changes--of time lapse
fibrosis, satisfaction and putrefaction on
eight god damned cylinders, but then

you'd probably think I'm the
super freak of the century long gone on
anal retentive control, as if there
was such a thing,

and you wouldn't wish to hang
with me in my Back
Forty Hammock
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Denis Hale sighting!

denis hale said:
Omentum Swings The Other Way

A refreshing snooze
in Back Forty Hammock is order of the day, when all I can
think of is wiry Summer Indians besotted on Tokay, bruised fruit and
the Dog Days done lost their bite!--Winter like a Bullet Train on
parallax tracks, moving

so fucking fast the eye can't take it
in proper-like while a russet
willow leaf swirls

like crematorium ash, lashing
my eye lash...

When all I can think about is young James
West, watch chain on a buffed, puffed-out chest and a pendulum
flash cut to craggy Fly Boy in the Black Sheep Squadron with Sudden
Change Under Eye.

So I've been cleansing my colon, did I
tell you?-- w/ chopped limes & time released
psyllium husks, I'd get real with how well it's working--all the inevitable,
elemental olfactory and tactile details, but then you'd probably think
I'm pretty weird, and wouldn't wish to hang with me in my
Back Forty Hammock anymore.

All this from a white puzzle with one missing piece. Your imagination rocks and so do you. :)

Thanks, Ange!

:heart: :heart:

Had to edit that suckah.
Function follows Form?

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