
Lauren, I peeked at your pic first, then read the poem. I wasn't inspired by the pic until I read what you wrote. That takes a good poet to do that.
slice of red
sliced between halves
of moon pies
her eyes
were bigger than
her enthusiasm
WickedEve said:
Lauren, I peeked at your pic first, then read the poem. I wasn't inspired by the pic until I read what you wrote. That takes a good poet to do that.
Thank you for your words, Eve. They mean a lot to me. Actually, I think that's the whole point of it: the challenge is to go for a walk outside and turn every cobblestone you see into a poem.

I wrote Ko-Imari during a mid afternoon snack, staring at an old tea cup...
Thin Line Crossed

You do not comprehend
you oblivious fuck
who never understood
when things went bad
it wasn't due to luck
gone south or stress or PMS
or didn’t compliment a dress.
As if I ever gave a damn
about some ancient gender role,
as if makeup could make me whole,
as if a rose ripped from a vine and
sprayed with wax and tarted up
with baby’s breath and ribbon
made up for years of time
you never had to talk or
take your child for a walk or
answer anything but “fine”
when I asked how you liked
my poem. And still you meet
my blaze with eyebrows
raised and questions asked.
And still don’t see why
I can’t stay or why it is that
anywhere you are is not my home.
Re: Thin Line Crossed

Angeline said:
You do not comprehend
you oblivious fuck
who never understood
when things went bad
it wasn't due to luck
gone south or stress or PMS
or didn’t compliment a dress.
As if I ever gave a damn
about some ancient gender role,
as if makeup could make me whole,
as if a rose ripped from a vine and
sprayed with wax and tarted up
with baby’s breath and ribbon
made up for years of time
you never had to talk or
take your child for a walk or
answer anything but “fine”
when I asked how you liked
my poem. And still you meet
my blaze with eyebrows
raised and questions asked.
And still don’t see why
I can’t stay or why it is that
anywhere you are is not my home.

I love this poem Angeline, i think its one of the best ones I have read from you.............................. i feel the distaste for him from here.. Regards _Land
damn... you all found such nice safe pics.... now i hesitate to add mine, dont worry, i will... eventually, oh if only i can make up my mind...
poem one


Abandoned, open to the elements,
Original purpose forgotten,
You sit alone on the edge of my control,
Presuming use again
Long ago once housing so much life,
All of that has passed through your doors now,
You sit here, gaping open like a wound,
Cursed by the farmer ,
Who has to go around you.
On machines that replaced your former charges
I like your poem Beth

loved the way it flowed. it's fascinating to me how different the image of the poem is in my head initially from the one i get after i look at the picture.

poetry is so wonderfully subjective, isn't it?
thanks angeline, pretty good, since the first pic was of my soon to be ex hubby , in womens underwear(dont ask), and quite frankly was damn mean and spitefull,which , in case you all didnt notice, is pretty much not my style, in spite of what unpainted and poison penis might lead one to believe

,, but after reading everyones poems, and pics, i decided, nah .. i think you all know i dont like the man ... so, i decided to post that one, which , is on my farm here, and yes, used to be a stable :) but , now it houses chickens and goats, and , as of last tuesday, once again holds a horse, and her new born son :)
thank you beth

that is what I am looking for,
lol, it actually looks like the place down the road
The Circle Garden

Laid out now,
Planted with dreams,
Of summer heat,
And fresh vegetables.

Tilled and seeded
Trodden by naked feet.
Filled with laughter,
As we laid out your map
Pregnant earth full of waiting,
Sprout forth in life!

Today, I look out my window
Taking in the same view from above.
You my beautiful garden.
Over run by weeds.
Choking off all the precious seeds
Progress of a dream,
Destroyed idealism.

i have always had this dream in my head of plowing up the wide expanses of green lawn , that suck down water and waste resources, and planting tremendous public gardens, sharing stories with the folks across the street of the mammoth tomato in the garden that used to be a huge swath of artifically watered fed and weeded lawn, where before never a dandelion was allowed to poke its sunny head and now is a riot of food for anyone who comes by, so many zuchinni, we groan to think of another one...

this year, i took that step, and plowed my front yard under,i had friends who came with thier kids, and helped plant it, as we all pitched in, planting seeds, and promising to get together, and share the food from it , and weeding chores, of this enourmous plot
it never happened, in fact, we arent even tfriends with the family who came and helped plant it, and now, i will soon be abandoning it too.. its sad in a way , all those lofty dreams..

and it really was, laying out the circle , marking it out exactly the size of the circle we all stomped in the ground on beltaine

and now its going to be dismissed...next year, it will be grass again , i am sure

c`est la vie
Looks like a crop circle without the crop!

I'm such a perv, I just imagined a crop circle on an ass. Dirty aliens.
well i will just repost it since i so kindly forgot to attatch the picture
Last edited:
Genuine Smiles

The smiles are real
laughter rings true
no happy pills to take
smiles are forced
laughter is shallow
covering the pain

will I ever again see
a genuine smile

For three long turnings of the calendar I have waited,
Hoping for what now seems in vain,

For you to open from your self imposed shell,
And share with me your love and affection,

Many is then night I have lain next to you and dreamed
Of being wrapped in your arms ,held within your heart,

But I have grown weary ,nigh unto death ,sick of waiting,

One morning I awoke suddenly realizing
You can’t pour water from an empty pitcher
Re: unpourable

beths-virtue said:
For three long turnings of the calendar I have waited,
Hoping for what now seems in vain,

For you to open from your self imposed shell,
And share with me your love and affection,

Many is then night I have lain next to you and dreamed
Of being wrapped in your arms ,held within your heart,

But I have grown weary ,nigh unto death ,sick of waiting,

One morning I awoke suddenly realizing
You can’t pour water from an empty pitcher

great Imagery, My pitcher is empty, but someone keeps pouring a lil love in it..............
dont attack me if its not , a haiku .. its just for fun,...

Plastic coated straw.

Bales rolled in fields.

Giant rabbit poo.

My goodness. Those are common in my area too. It is said that the farmers don't care for them.
Because the cows can't get a square meal.
Yuk yuk.

I like your poem.
I like small poems that describe large things and keep us from forgetting rabbit poo.

Rabbits can make alotta poo

i once had a rabbit. his name was fluffernutter.
I always wanted to have a white fluffy bunny rabbit

TIM: To the north there lies a cave -- the cave of Caerbannorg -- wherein, carved in mystic runes upon the very living rock, the last words of Olfin Bedweer of Rheged make plain the last resting place of the most Holy Grail.

ARTHUR: Where could we find this cave, O Tim?

TIM: Follow! But! follow only if ye be men of valor, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived! Bones of four fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So, brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty big pointy teeth.

ARTHUR: What an eccentric performance.

[clop clop whinny]

GALAHAD: They're nervous sire

ARTHUR: Then we'd best leave them here and carry on on foot. Dis-mount!

TIM: Behold the cave of Caerbannog!

ARTHUR: Right! Keep me covered.

GALAHAD: What with?

ARTHUR: Just keep me covered.

TIM: Too late!


TIM: There he is!

ARTHUR: Where?

TIM: There!

ARTHUR: What, behind the rabbit?

TIM: It is the rabbit!

ARTHUR: You silly sod! You got us all worked up!

TIM: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit. That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

ROBIN: You tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared!

TIM: Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide, it's a killer!

GALAHAD: Get stuffed!!!

TIM: It'll do you up a treat, mate!

GALAHAD: Oh yeah??

ROBIN: You mangy Scot's git!

TIM: I'm warning you!

ROBIN: What's he do, nibble your bum?

TIM: He's got huge, sharp-- he can leap about-- look at the bones!

ARTHUR: Go on, Bors. Chop his head off!

BORS: Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!

TIM: Look!

BORS: Aaaugh!

ARTHUR: Jesus Christ!

TIM: I warned you!

ROBIN: I done it again!

TIM: I warned you! But did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew it all, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it? Well, it's always the same, I always--

ARTHUR: Oh, shut up!

TIM: --But do they listen to me?--

ARTHUR: Right!

TIM: -Oh, no--

KNIGHTS: Charge!

KNIGHTS: Aaaaugh! Aaaugh! etc.

KNIGHTS: Run away! Run away!

TIM: Haw haw haw. Haw haw haw. Haw haw.

ARTHUR: Right. How many did we lose?

LAUNCELOT: Gawain...


ARTHUR: And Bors . That's five.

GALAHAD: Three, sir.

ARTHUR: Three. Three. And we'd better not risk another frontal assault, that rabbit's dynamite.
lol, L_H

that reminds me of one of my favorite movies, no, films.
monty something or other
Yep... Only film that can compare to Monty Python and the Holy Grail is Monty Python and the Meaning of Life :D