Pimping out my Submissive.

catalina_francisco said:
You have to be careful waving that much around...likely7 to draw too much atttention to you and definately not the kind you want unless you are into beggars and dealers.......LOL.

catalina_francisco said:
Basically that is something that can be done in the right district of most cities, but Amsterdam....well you got to see it to believe it when you do not grow up here....that is where sex is really a commodity which I guess is part of the reason they have earned the 'sex capital' title.


I'd like to visit one day just to look around
Agreed that you could do it in many cities, I mentioned Nevada because it IS legal and protected there and nowhere else here in the US
I like the diversity of Amsterdam's workers in the windows...all sizes, shapes, nationalities, ages, and genders

Abuse of Power

I had a story in my head once where the husband had his wife dress as a hooker and he agreed to meet her, but she got arrested. She tried to explain her situation but the cop would have none of it. Then he told her that her pimp had informed him that he could do anything he wanted with her (as long as he didn't hurt her physically). She kept insisting that she didn't have a pimp. The cop let her have her one phone call (or talk to the man who was still on the phone -whatever) and she calls her husband crying, and he coldly tells her that to let the cop have his way with her. She hangs up in disbelief and the cop does nasty things with her while she cries.

Never wrote it, cause I forgot about it till just now. It seems like a cruel fantasy until you realize that it's the *wife's* fantasy and not the other characters.
Re: Abuse of Power

sweetnpetite said:
I had a story in my head once where the husband had his wife dress as a hooker and he agreed to meet her, but she got arrested. She tried to explain her situation but the cop would have none of it. Then he told her that her pimp had informed him that he could do anything he wanted with her (as long as he didn't hurt her physically). She kept insisting that she didn't have a pimp. The cop let her have her one phone call (or talk to the man who was still on the phone -whatever) and she calls her husband crying, and he coldly tells her that to let the cop have his way with her. She hangs up in disbelief and the cop does nasty things with her while she cries.

Never wrote it, cause I forgot about it till just now. It seems like a cruel fantasy until you realize that it's the *wife's* fantasy and not the other characters.

And when will you be posting this? :D
I just don't know. I have so many pans in the fire right now.

Didn't recognize you, James. With your new av!

How the hell ya been?:)
sweetnpetite said:
I just don't know. I have so many pans in the fire right now.

Didn't recognize you, James. With your new av!

How the hell ya been?:)

Been doing allright, where ya been? ;)
sweetnpetite said:
Slumin over on the GB :)

Bunch of NASTY freaks there
and not in a GOOD way ;)
Drop me a PM about life one of these days, no need to jack this thread entirely ;)
James G 5 said:
Bunch of NASTY freaks there
and not in a GOOD way ;)
Drop me a PM about life one of these days, no need to jack this thread entirely ;)

Yeah, I was noticing that too. (apologies) Me, you, pixiewhatsit, and a few others are good at that. (too good methinks.)

I also hang out at the Author's hangout, story ideas and now, the Playground.

Some of those freaks on GB so rudely directed me there, actually suggesting that me and my sigline did not BELONG on the general board. (however, there are a few good and decent folks that I talk to over there as well.

I'm going to start a new thread on this forum, look for me. (My Pm box is kinda full)
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sweetnpetite said:
Yeah, I was noticing that too. (apologies) Me, you, pixiewhatsit, and a few others are good at that. (too good methinks.)

I also hang out at the Author's hangout, story ideas and now, the Playground.

Some of those freaks on GB so rudely directed me there, actually suggesting that me and my sigline did not BELONG on the general board. (however, there are a few good and decent folks that I talk to over there as well.

I'm going to start a new thread on this forum, look for me. (My Pm box is kinda full)

And a full box is a BAD thing? ;)
And I know what you mean but in general it's SO distressing over there
Too many folks with no manners
a ful box very often is a very GOOD thing:)

grab your coffee cup and follow the link above.
sweetnpetite said:
a ful box very often is a very GOOD thing:)

grab your coffee cup and follow the link above.

So this is where one books your services?:)
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sweetnpetite said:
a ful box very often is a very GOOD thing:)

grab your coffee cup and follow the link above.

OOPs! That really didn't come out right!!!!!

(The two statements above are meant to be unrelated!!!! Boy am I blushing now!!!)
sweetnpetite said:
OOPs! That really didn't come out right!!!!!

(The two statements above are meant to be unrelated!!!! Boy am I blushing now!!!)

Oh blushing can be so interesting at times though don't you think?

Have you thought of placing her in a brothel for a day or a week, and perhaps offering the house a bigger cut of her take, say 75% rather than the usual 50%, for ensuring that while she's there she gets plenty of work? I know I have :)

One could also have her offer a variety of services that aren't usually provided at astandard brothels, with the madam to manage which customers are safe for this, and your slut to have no say whatsoever.
incubus_dark said:
Have you thought of placing her in a brothel for a day or a week, and perhaps offering the house a bigger cut of her take, say 75% rather than the usual 50%, for ensuring that while she's there she gets plenty of work? I know I have :)

One could also have her offer a variety of services that aren't usually provided at astandard brothels, with the madam to manage which customers are safe for this, and your slut to have no say whatsoever.

but wouldn't that sort of be putting someone else in control (even if only partial) of your submissive?

goodness...this topic is so very dear to my heart...i only wish i could discuss it freely without fear of putting my Master or myself in the slammer...*sigh*
ownedsubgal said:
but wouldn't that sort of be putting someone else in control (even if only partial) of your submissive?

goodness...this topic is so very dear to my heart...i only wish i could discuss it freely without fear of putting my Master or myself in the slammer...*sigh*

Not necessarily.....my understanding is that what usually happens is the Dominant is always in charge, even if he chooses to trust and use the services of a Madam as an extra tool to feed his perversions and dominance.

catalina_francisco said:
Not necessarily.....my understanding is that what usually happens is the Dominant is always in charge, even if he chooses to trust and use the services of a Madam as an extra tool to feed his perversions and dominance.


Exactly. The sub/slave is still under orders (control) from the Master. The brothel-keeper is just functioning as an overseer, no different than kenelling a pet (and I don't mean that in a derogatory way towards the sub/slave, it was just the best metaphor I could think of)
The best aspect of this kind of use (to me) is the objectification of the sub/slave and how he/she would be available simply as a tool for the pleasure of others.

i don't believe the sub/slave comes under the control of another if he/she is used in this way. As long as the Dominant continues to dictate much of the scenario, with the exception of the actual acts performed by the other men/women, the control still resides in their hands.

The only concern would be safety for the sub/slave as i see it. Condoms, ensuring the sub's physical/mental/emotional safety, etc. Otherwise, what an attractive proposition for both.

Part of the meaning of owning a thing is to have the right to give or lend it. One doesn't have the right to give or lend a thing unless one owns it.

Weren't we all taught as young domlings in preschool that it's always polite to share one's toys?
What if she enjoys it?

What if she enjoys it more than she enjoys you?

BTW, my understanding is that you can't just go to Nevada and start hooking. You have to be licensed by the state, and I believe that there's a resiodency requirement. All licensed "sex workers" must be examined by the state every 30 days for STD's. Don't know how much the license costs, but I do know that the big casinos will come down on you if they catch you hooking on their turf...

dr_mabeuse said:
What if she enjoys it?

What if she enjoys it more than she enjoys you?

BTW, my understanding is that you can't just go to Nevada and start hooking. You have to be licensed by the state, and I believe that there's a resiodency requirement. All licensed "sex workers" must be examined by the state every 30 days for STD's. Don't know how much the license costs, but I do know that the big casinos will come down on you if they catch you hooking on their turf...


Residence is not a requirement, several adult stars work the clubs occasionally
One DOES need to go in for a license, pay a fee, and take a health test
But there are people who do it a week or so a year as a thrill
I know one woman who did it as a financial loss for a weekend once, just to experience it
It's NOT legal where the big casions are...hooking isn't legal ANYWHERE in Clark County (where Las Vegas is). And we're talking about prostituting at a house, not hooking...hooking implies soliciting on the street or via adds, which isn't legal anywhere in Nevada
s'lara said:
The best aspect of this kind of use (to me) is the objectification of the sub/slave and how he/she would be available simply as a tool for the pleasure of others.

i don't believe the sub/slave comes under the control of another if he/she is used in this way. As long as the Dominant continues to dictate much of the scenario, with the exception of the actual acts performed by the other men/women, the control still resides in their hands.

The only concern would be safety for the sub/slave as i see it. Condoms, ensuring the sub's physical/mental/emotional safety, etc. Otherwise, what an attractive proposition for both.


lara, i agree that the sub/slave would remain under the control and guidance of their Dominant even while being used by others. my Master has often had me serve others in sexual ways, sometimes when he is not present, and always i have felt/known that Daddy had complete and absolute control over the situation. but a situation like having the sub work for a Madam/brothel manager sounds a bit different to me, although i admit i know very little about such things.

the total objectification of this is also why i love it so...being nothing more than a tool for the pleasure of total strangers, who need only hand over a few bucks to your Master, and they can use you as they like (with possibly a few, reasonable limits placed by the Master). listening to your Master and some man discuss your good points and bad points, your special "skills", the specific prices for each act. then watching the exchange of cash over your head (as you kneel in the floor before them), and the shaking of hands between your Master and said stranger. and then your Master says 'so long' and leaves you in the hands of a very horny, very needy man who has every intention on getting his money's worth. completely shatters the ego, if the submissive has one to begin with. 'tis a beautiful thing.