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I firmly believe that a day will come when I will understand the reasoning and criteria for warnings and editing of our beloved AH-mod. This is not that day.

LC repeatedly claimed that all MC authors and readers are (basically) rapists, and that all BTB authors and readers are misogynistic incels... and you don't understand why the AH-Mod edited those posts with a warning about insults and kink-shaming?
LC repeatedly claimed that all MC authors and readers are (basically) rapists, and that all BTB authors and readers are misogynistic incels... and you don't understand why the AH-Mod edited those posts with a warning about insults and kink-shaming?
Man, I can see what he actually wrote. It's in your quotes. He wrote that the stories of some unnamed LW authors make women look like whores.
Is that the reason for warning/editing? Seriously? Now don't get me wrong, LC had it coming for sure. His abrasiveness goes over the top in some cases. But for this particular post? It's baffling.
And in that other thread that is now closed, I saw a person launching a personal attack on TP, directly calling her out for bigotry and calling her a transphobe. No warning, no editing there? And both topics closed, even if the first one was perfectly okay before those same people brought politics into it. The mod did the same several times in the past, closing a topic where everyone was having a sensible discussion except for one or two members who resorted to attacks, and instead of warning or even temp-banning them, he closed those topics. None of that makes any sense.
Man, I can see what he actually wrote. It's in your quotes. He wrote that the stories of some unnamed LW authors make women look like whores.
Is that the reason for warning/editing? Seriously? Now don't get me wrong, LC had it coming for sure. His abrasiveness goes over the top in some cases. But for this particular post? It's baffling.
And in that other thread that is now closed, I saw a person launching a personal attack on TP, directly calling her out for bigotry and calling her a transphobe. No warning, no editing there? And both topics closed, even if the first one was perfectly okay before those same people brought politics into it. The mod did the same several times in the past, closing a topic where everyone was having a sensible discussion except for one or two members who resorted to attacks, and instead of warning or even temp-banning them, he closed those topics. None of that makes any sense.
The mod was making the point that it belonged in a different forum, because it wasn't about writing.

The mod was making the point that it belonged in a different forum, because it wasn't about writing.

I made that same point in the first thread about some of the posts, and yes the second thread was too political from the very start. But the first thread was all okay, except when a few people started making it political. This is not the first time that we have closed threads because someone started some kind of political activism there, but I just don't see the logic in punishing everyone and closing the thread rather than warning those few people. And then there's this erratic moderating with tolerating only some people's personal attacks.
Man, I can see what he actually wrote. It's in your quotes. He wrote that the stories of some unnamed LW authors make women look like whores.
Is that the reason for warning/editing? Seriously? Now don't get me wrong, LC had it coming for sure. His abrasiveness goes over the top in some cases. But for this particular post? It's baffling.
And in that other thread that is now closed, I saw a person launching a personal attack on TP, directly calling her out for bigotry and calling her a transphobe. No warning, no editing there? And both topics closed, even if the first one was perfectly okay before those same people brought politics into it. The mod did the same several times in the past, closing a topic where everyone was having a sensible discussion except for one or two members who resorted to attacks, and instead of warning or even temp-banning them, he closed those topics. None of that makes any sense.

I agree. I think the forum moderation is too lax in some ways and overzealous in others. Threads get shut down because of a few bad apples. 90% of the problem would be eliminated if the moderator would simply be zealous about preventing or deleting personal attacks, and let everybody else have their say.

The problem with the "no politics" rule, as applied, is that it shuts down too wide a range of discussion of topics that are of legitimate interest to writers. I don't want to see this place become like the Politics Board, but that can be easily prevented by deleting the personal attacks when they start, and letting everybody else that wants to have a legitimate, if sometimes contentious and spirited, conversation, continue.
Removing only the problem posts requires near constant monitoring, otherwise people start responding to to the troublemaker and it spirals out of control. I tried that on those threads, which most of you probably didn't notice because the instigating posts vanished nearly as quickly as they appeared. Those threads had reached a point of inevitability. There is no chance of having a long-term civil discussion on certain topics. If you want those threads opened back up, feel free to sound off, but they're going to the politics forum immediately thereafter.

I will not have a repeat of the toxic political morass that permeated the AH during the Bush and early Obama years on my watch.