PM Asshattery: Mad Libs Edition

it's Jackson from Seattle, WA, had to get a new screen block, smash me?
Remember me? I'm Jackson, 42.M.- flawless hair, immersive eyes, 12" and solid.
My friends know me as the diligent, delightful, cheerful and driven one of the group who has a bit of an indecisive orange. They know I like to jump and have fun, though they have no idea how golden or repulsive I am, or how far my signs go. I'm not sure they would row me even if I sewed them.

I love to type, shoot, be outside, play and watch bananas, go out with friends, explore silly acts and have bird.

I hope we can fly soon.

Prompted a friend to give me the words fill in the blanks.
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PLease give me:
1. adj
2 pronoun
3 name
4 adj
5 noun
6 noun
7 noun
8 name
9 name
10 verb
11 noun
12 adj
13 adj
14 noun
15 adj
16 adj
17 adj
18 adj
19 adj
20 noun
21 noun
22 verb
23 noun
24 noun
25 adj
26 verb
27 noun
28 noun
29 noun
30 noun
31 noun
32 adj
33 noun
34 noun
35 adj
36 verb
37 noun
38 noun
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I love to watch bananas! :D


"As you wish..." -Westley in The Princess Bride

PLease give me:
1. adj saucy
2 pronoun he
3 name Guinevere
4 adj sleek
5 noun pendulum
6 noun spinnaker
7 noun compass
8 name Erwin
9 name Hobbs
10 verb Rodger (as in "To Rodger her mercilessly..might or might not be an actual Rodger doing the Rodgering...It could be for example a Thomasina with a feeldoe.)
11 noun Orange (the fruit, not the the color)
12 adj Perspicacious
13 adj Black (the color, not a person OF color)
14 noun Carburator
15 adj Sleek
16 adj slippery
17 adj beautiful
18 adj frilly
19 adj slimy
20 noun moped
21 noun wildebeest
22 verb stroke
23 noun hamlet (the town, not the dude)
24 noun cornucopia
25 adj niggardly
26 verb soar
27 noun hamster
28 noun gneiss
29 noun fist
30 noun trigger
31 noun unit
32 adj Miniscule
33 noun Wankel
34 noun rowboat
35 adj smooth
36 verb pounce
37 noun grate (the covering, not something abrading ones nerves)
38 noun tubing
Snipped from a thread, couldn't help it, it was just so perfect for this

This is why saucy, he males call themselves Guinivere then insist upon a sleek woman with a pendulum in her spinnaker calling them Erwin.
Hobbes has to be rodgered from an orange well lived, a mature perspicacious and black development of the carburetor, a sleek mind, demonstrated slippery abilities, inspirational, beautiful and frilly qualities.
Knowing a couple scout/guide shiny mopeds and swinging a wildebeast to stroke a restrained hamlet doesn't make the cut.
Mostly these cornucopias are niggardly faced, out of shape, soar hamster of intimacy (else why call a gneiss a thing, fist, trigger, body unit?), are minuscule in society, few friends, ignored by wankels and rowboats, stuck in a smooth job (at best) and are pouncing their parents' grate that they will never amount to tubing.

Thanks to Query for playing. :)
And yet another from an anonymous poster via pm

Ooooh! The mystery of it all!

This is why freezing, Lord high males call themselves Snufflepuss then insist upon a oozing woman with a clock in her harpoon calling them Horace.
Grover has to be lacerated from a pustule well lived, a mature decaying and putrifying development of the wrench, a slimy mind, demonstrated bloody abilities, inspirational, sunny and smelly qualities.
Knowing a couple scout/guide dark bow and swinging an arrow to loft a restrained bullseye doesn't make the cut.
Mostly these bales of hay are solid faced, out of shape, written tattoo of intimacy (else why call a cold sore a thing, oatmeal, waffle , body syrup?), are steaming in society, few friends, ignored by tires and bumpers, stuck in a well-balanced job (at best) and are lactating their parents' whistle that they will never amount to sea bass.

Thanks to anonymous poster for playing. :)
My favorite poach--ee has left the building for a bit I see. I will have to root around a bit later to find one of the gems "she" left behind.