Poems bemoaning the muse.

What is it with pens
and ideas?

It's like rainy days and umbrellas,
you see, they are magnet poles,
each other's nullifier.

And my muse, the cheeky bugger,
three legged satyr with a Cheshire Cat grin,
gleams at the boiling panic,
sniggering in delight.

Snigger this, you unhelpful bastard!
My pencil raid in the kitchen
produced something at least.

No god damn it, no sharp steel threats,
just a bag of crushed coolness from the freezer
to pour down your pitiless pants.

That ought to shut you up
so I can scour the premises
for means to an end
in some kind of peace.

I have not bemoaned my muse of the late. In fact, mine invades my ever goofy and randy, waking thoughts, as well as the sleeping ones.

Miss annaswirls tells me the cure is marriage. ;)

- neo
neonurotic said:
I have not bemoaned my muse of the late. In fact, mine invades my ever goofy and randy, waking thoughts, as well as the sleeping ones.

Miss annaswirls tells me the cure is marriage. ;)

- neo

that'll kill it
but give you a whole new one

Tathagata said:
that'll kill it
but give you a whole new one

Plus a whole squadron of midget muses, if you work real hard at it.

Of course, marriage is not imperative for that, but it seems to increase the odds. :)
Randi Grail said:
Plus a whole squadron of midget muses, if you work real hard at it.

Of course, marriage is not imperative for that, but it seems to increase the odds. :)

that is true
and THEY have magic eyes...
Tathagata said:
my muses are myriad
as are emotions
as are realities

the crooked hunchbacked stone muse of pain
hammers at my heart
his sickle sharpened by a life time
of spinning an emotional grindstone

my green fairy muse
who hides in a bottle and lets me see
the words that hide in corners
and frees my fingers
from convention

my buddha muse
detached and unworried
it sits in half smile
half shadow
half dream
and whispers secrets in sanskrit
deep into my brain
where they dance until
they become words i understand

And Woman
ahh this fair enigma
challenges all I believe
all I know
and no matter where i go
or who I am
the urge to adore, worship, and protect
draws both
the best and worst from me
all in the rice paper name
of love

This is truly amazing, Bro. And though you did not intend it, it reminds me that everything I write is crap and I haven't written anything descent in about 100 years.

Oh, well. At least I can still read.

poets envy

I'll get over it

some day

love you

Syndra Lynn said:
This is truly amazing, Bro. And though you did not intend it, it reminds me that everything I write is crap and I haven't written anything descent in about 100 years.

allow me to disagree, strongly, i might add
twelveoone said:
allow me to disagree, strongly, i might add

Ok, I was having a "poor me" really bad day.

Hugs and kisses and licks and nibbles for the vote of confidence.

Syn :heart:
I am not currently talking to my muse. I am in a snit. Of course he is not talking to me either. He is smoking my cigars and drinking my whiskey though...

I was going to post another little "she pisses me off" piece of drivel. However, because that sultry, self-serving muse-bitch of mine just took me on one of the best and most satisfactory rides of my life, I'll demur.

I don't have a choice. She left my mind fuzzy and my dick limp.

Where the hell are my cigarettes?
neonurotic said:
I have not bemoaned my muse of the late. In fact, mine invades my ever goofy and randy, waking thoughts, as well as the sleeping ones.

Miss annaswirls tells me the cure is marriage. ;)

- neo

did I say that? eh hem.


:cool: in disguise

marriage is a funny thing
it gives you a reminder
the end is not near
when your muse is far.

there are still dishes to be cleaned
babies to tickle
lovin' to be made