Poems that drop you in your tracks

The Poem's Author!

James Stephens (1882 - ?). The poem appeared in "The Standard Book Of British And American VERSE," copyright 1932. Country Life Press, Garden City, New York.

WHEN night drifts along the streets of the city,
And sifts down between the uneven roofs,
My mind begins to peek and peer.
It plays at ball in old, blue Chinese gardens,
And shakes wrought dice-cups in Pagan temples,
Amid the broken flutings of white pillars.
It dances with purple and yellow crocuses in its hair,
And its feet shine as they flutter over drenched grasses.
How light and laughing my mind is,
When all the good folk have put out their bed-room candles,
And the city is still!

Amy Lowell