Poetic Moments~

Tzara said:
I, quite frankly, find the concept of "poetic moment" absurd.

I mean, what isn't a poetic moment?

I, or more likely someone who is actually a good poet, can write a poem—a good poem—about damn near anything. Doing your taxes. Walking the dog. Changing the oil in your car. Arithmetic. Don't matter. "Poetic moment" merely means that someone of talent has looked at some event and made an interesting comment on it using poetic technique.

Now, watching your kids, or your loved one, or the beauty of nature might inspire you to try and capture something about what you're feeling at the moment and turn that feeling into a poem. Probably more that doing your taxes does. Certainly more than doing my taxes does. (Strong drink, anyone?) But it ain't intrinsically more "poetic."

'Leastwise I don't think so.

Tzara, referring to what you've said in bold...

poetic technique and poetic moment are two different things and MET was asking specifically about poetic moments.

Fool, interesting questions! i'd love to read the answers from other poets here too. it'd be good to read their thoughts. :)

Tzara said:
I, quite frankly, find the concept of "poetic moment" absurd.

I mean, what isn't a poetic moment?

I, or more likely someone who is actually a good poet, can write a poem—a good poem—about damn near anything. Doing your taxes. Walking the dog. Changing the oil in your car. Arithmetic. Don't matter. "Poetic moment" merely means that someone of talent has looked at some event and made an interesting comment on it using poetic technique.

Now, watching your kids, or your loved one, or the beauty of nature might inspire you to try and capture something about what you're feeling at the moment and turn that feeling into a poem. Probably more that doing your taxes does. Certainly more than doing my taxes does. (Strong drink, anyone?) But it ain't intrinsically more "poetic."

'Leastwise I don't think so.

Poetic moments spawn poetry, poetic moments happen in life and a writer will or may try to relay that in a poem or write. Yes, I agree everything could be seen as a poetic moment, that is why I asked what is a poetic moment to others.

Obviously there are not to many poems about some one sitting on the john and taking a crap or like senna digging for poems about 'farts,' to her it may be poetic but I wouldn't write about it.

Clearly there are things that have happened that people find to be a poetic moment as the string of posts suggest, with various poets that told of events that were charming. If you find this to be absurd because a poet can write about anything, then I ask again what are those moments <bigrin> is a ballad a poetic moment? or an ode? or a poem such as I wrote zmp~ growing thoughts... that do not suggest a moment but moments and a pattern in life. This would mean that poems grow from many things and not just poetic moments.

You made a good point but seeing this topic as absurd? I feel sorry for you if you can not find a poetic moment from your past. For most people have a memory or two they treasure as a poetic moment in their lives that they can recall.

I am curious if you stating that a poetic moment does not become a poetic moment until it is written?
Hey, Art. I'm feeling feisty (or maybe grumpy) and, at least for the moment, willing to argue. You've raised, I think, an interesting question about which we disagree. So let's argue.

More or less politely, of course.
My Erotic Trail said:
Poetic moments spawn poetry, poetic moments happen in life and a writer will or may try to relay that in a poem or write.
As best I can tell, this merely agrees with me. "Poetic moments spawn poetry" is tautological. If one writes a poem about something, then by definition that was a "poetic moment."
My Erotic Trail said:
Yes, I agree —, that is why I asked what is a poetic moment to others.
And you have gotten a number of responses, including mine, which states that anything is potentially a "poetic moment." Based on your first sentence here, you seem to agree with me.
My Erotic Trail said:
Obviously there are not to many poems about some one sitting on the john and taking a crap or like senna digging for poems about 'farts,' to her it may be poetic but I wouldn't write about it.
No, there aren't. This is still not a refutation of what we both agreed upon above—that (your words) "poetic moments happen in life and a writer will or may try to relay that in a poem or write." As far as I can tell, this again merely states what I am saying—that something/anything that moves a poet to compose a poem is a "poetic moment."

By the way, Senna Jawa is a "he." For your future reference.
My Erotic Trail said:
Clearly there are things that have happened that people find to be a poetic moment as the string of posts suggest, with various poets that told of events that were charming.
Here I think we begin to get to the real disagreement. The word "charming." Must "poetic moments" be charming? Why? Does that mean Sylvia Plath's late poems, which are quite dark, even scary, aren't "poetic?" What about W.D. Snodgrass's The Fuhrer Bunker, which are poems in the "voices" of the Nazi high command and their companions? What about Anne Sexton's poems about suicide? Life ain't all "charming" and poetry, as an art, addresses that. Perhaps most people here would prefer to write about happy things—their children, the joys of nature or of sex (we am a porn site, after all), tasty food, whatever. But that doesn't limit the range of what is poetic.
My Erotic Trail said:
If you find this to be absurd because a poet can write about anything, then I ask again what are those moments <bigrin> is a ballad a poetic moment? or an ode? or a poem such as I wrote zmp~ growing thoughts... that do not suggest a moment but moments and a pattern in life. This would mean that poems grow from many things and not just poetic moments.
I am sorry, but I have no clue what you're saying here.
My Erotic Trail said:
You made a good point but seeing this topic as absurd? I feel sorry for you if you can not find a poetic moment from your past. For most people have a memory or two they treasure as a poetic moment in their lives that they can recall.
I have had lots of "poetic moments," as I said—washing my car, doing taxes, mowing the lawn. Oh, and seeing wildlife, sunsets, my wife as she is sleeping.

"Poetic" is defined as:
Pronunciation: pO-'e-tik
Function: adjective
1 a : of, relating to, or characteristic of poets or poetry b : given to writing poetry
2 : written in verse​
You seem to sometimes use the word as though it meant something like "memorable" or, as you said, "charming."

Poetry is one thing. Happy memories, moments of personal illumination, epiphanies, religious visions, whatever, are something else. They may become poetry, but they are not in and of themselves poetic.
My Erotic Trail said:
I am curious if you stating that a poetic moment does not become a poetic moment until it is written?
Well, yeah. See the definition.
hello Tzara,

I was just talking on the phone with a friend and the subject came up about why people argue, <grin to debate in a calm manner is probably politically correct. Then when two do not see it the same way, one will try to make the other see it their way and become frustrated when they can not. Then the even deeper argument comes when one is simply angry and words are like the swet off the brow. So, I compliment you on your reply <grin

Tzara said:
Hey, Art. I'm feeling feisty (or maybe grumpy) and, at least for the moment, willing to argue. You've raised, I think, an interesting question about which we disagree. So let's argue.

More or less politely, of course.
As best I can tell, this merely agrees with me. "Poetic moments spawn poetry" is tautological. If one writes a poem about something, then by definition that was a "poetic moment."

I see your point that everything is a poetic moment. I was pulling for some of what was posted, moments in life that are moving. I should have phrased it more politically correct asking for Moving and touching poetic moments (correct?) I can agree with this. :D

And you have gotten a number of responses, including mine, which states that anything is potentially a "poetic moment." Based on your first sentence here, you seem to agree with me.

No, there aren't. This is still not a refutation of what we both agreed upon above—that (your words) "poetic moments happen in life and a writer will or may try to relay that in a poem or write." As far as I can tell, this again merely states what I am saying—that something/anything that moves a poet to compose a poem is a "poetic moment."

okay, we both agree that life is one long poetic moment and poems are simply literary snap shots of those times. You made your point here. The thread was made to relay some of the times <grin

By the way, Senna Jawa is a "he." For your future reference.

okay, senna is a guy? Your kidding <grin thanks for clearing that up.]/b]

Here I think we begin to get to the real disagreement. The word "charming." Must "poetic moments" be charming? Why? Does that mean Sylvia Plath's late poems, which are quite dark, even scary, aren't "poetic?" What about W.D. Snodgrass's The Fuhrer Bunker, which are poems in the "voices" of the Nazi high command and their companions? What about Anne Sexton's poems about suicide? Life ain't all "charming" and poetry, as an art, addresses that. Perhaps most people here would prefer to write about happy things—their children, the joys of nature or of sex (we am a porn site, after all), tasty food, whatever. But that doesn't limit the range of what is poetic.
I am sorry, but I have no clue what you're saying here.
I have had lots of "poetic moments," as I said—washing my car, doing taxes, mowing the lawn. Oh, and seeing wildlife, sunsets, my wife as she is sleeping.

"Poetic" is defined as:
Pronunciation: pO-'e-tik
Function: adjective
1 a : of, relating to, or characteristic of poets or poetry b : given to writing poetry
2 : written in verse​
You seem to sometimes use the word as though it meant something like "memorable" or, as you said, "charming."

Poetry is one thing. Happy memories, moments of personal illumination, epiphanies, religious visions, whatever, are something else. They may become poetry, but they are not in and of themselves poetic.
Well, yeah. See the definition.

yes, I posted the other types of poems that were not poetic moments such as ballads and odes as well as your pointing to dark poetry, there are poems that are not poetic moments as well, I think we agree here but see it differently. Many poems have nothing to do with a poetic moment so I see no need to post those on a poetic moments thread <grin

I opened the thread with examples and had I explained what poetic moments I would have liked to have heard would simplify the type of poetic moments and then it would not have been absurd to you. I enjoyed the little tales that came from the different poet's moments in life. Do you call that a prose? Or a description of a time in their lives that is collectively thought of as a poeitc moment?

(~_~) thank you Tzara, for clearing that up!
My Erotic Trail said:
hello Tzara,

I was just talking on the phone with a friend and the subject came up about why people argue, <grin to debate in a calm manner is probably politically correct. Then when two do not see it the same way, one will try to make the other see it their way and become frustrated when they can not. Then the even deeper argument comes when one is simply angry and words are like the swet off the brow. So, I compliment you on your reply <grin
Hi, Art.

Thanks, I guess. "Debate" is probably a better term for what I had in mind than "argument." I was, as I said, feeling cranky. I'd like to think that people here could disagree about things and discuss them in a way that was at least relatively civil. Not "politically correct," though. That implies a personal censorship that I think is not called for.

My Erotic Trail said:
<snip>Many poems have nothing to do with a poetic moment so I see no need to post those on a poetic moments thread <grin</snip>
This statement is, I think, exemplary of our disagreement. The statement "[m]any poems have nothing to do with a poetic moment" is either nonsensical (I mean that literally, not pejoratively) or using the word "poetic" in a very odd way. You again seem to be using "poetic" as something of a synonym for "personally meaningful" or "personally revelatory" or something like that. That is not what the word means (see the previously posted definition).
My Erotic Trail said:
I opened the thread with examples and had I explained what poetic moments I would have liked to have heard would simplify the type of poetic moments and then it would not have been absurd to you. I enjoyed the little tales that came from the different poet's moments in life. Do you call that a prose? Or a description of a time in their lives that is collectively thought of as a poeitc moment?
I would call most of the examples people have given as significant or important moments in their lives. Things that, as you said earlier, charmed them or gave them some understanding about life. Perhaps gave them a sense of purpose in life.

I don't, of course, have a problem with that. Everyone experiences moments like that. I have as well.

But the implication of your thread—and what I was commenting upon—was that these kind of events are somehow intrinsically poetic. That statement says something about what poetry is. That statement is what I was disagreeing with.

If your thread was "tell me about something in your life that moved you," we wouldn't have a disagreement. What I disagree with is the implication that only certain kinds of things are poetic.

That's all.
Tzara said:
Hi, Art.

Thanks, I guess. "Debate" is probably a better term for what I had in mind than "argument." I was, as I said, feeling cranky. I'd like to think that people here could disagree about things and discuss them in a way that was at least relatively civil. Not "politically correct," though. That implies a personal censorship that I think is not called for.

This statement is, I think, exemplary of our disagreement. The statement "[m]any poems have nothing to do with a poetic moment" is either nonsensical (I mean that literally, not pejoratively) or using the word "poetic" in a very odd way. You again seem to be using "poetic" as something of a synonym for "personally meaningful" or "personally revelatory" or something like that. That is not what the word means (see the previously posted definition).
I would call most of the examples people have given as significant or important moments in their lives. Things that, as you said earlier, charmed them or gave them some understanding about life. Perhaps gave them a sense of purpose in life.

I don't, of course, have a problem with that. Everyone experiences moments like that. I have as well.

But the implication of your thread—and what I was commenting upon—was that these kind of events are somehow intrinsically poetic. That statement says something about what poetry is. That statement is what I was disagreeing with.

If your thread was "tell me about something in your life that moved you," we wouldn't have a disagreement. What I disagree with is the implication that only certain kinds of things are poetic.

That's all.

The last paragraph says it all. I stand corrected, in that I did coin certain moments as being poetic and you have made it clear that everything is poetic. So I should have made that clear in an opening statement, instead of leading with small examples. "Tell me about something in your life that moved you" written in a paragraph with a title of poetic moments would have made this thread politically correct. (correct?) I can't actually debate what your saying because you said it clear and with a very polite note that enlightened me to my error, in the way I started this thread.

So with that said... are there any moments in your life that moved you enough to write a poem about it? <bigrin.

thanks Tzara
My Erotic Trail said:
So with that said... are there any moments in your life that moved you enough to write a poem about it?
Well, yes, of course.

I have posted poems here. I have posted poems on the threads. You perhaps may have missed them.

That's OK.

I'd love to say that I've written a poem about my taxes. About something related to my taxes, since I made a big deal about that in my previous comments.

Haven't though.

Fortunately, someone who is a much better poet than I am has. :)rose: cc) Actually written one about my taxes, believe it or not. (I wonder. If I keep working this angle will she pay them for me? :rolleyes: )

But, you're asking about moments in my life that have resulted in my writing a poem or poems. How 'bout these then?
  • My wife and I like to drive around and look at wildlife. Especially birds, since they are relatively easy to see. Especially raptors. Don't know why.

    Where I live, a good place to look at birds—migratory waterfowl and raptors—is the Skagit River delta. A few weeks ago, we happened upon a group of eagles, both matures and juveniles. One of the juveniles had caught a duck, a mallard, and started eating it. That was the origin of this poem, which I am still working on.
  • Possibly my favorite author is Jane Austen. Possibly my favorite book by her is Persuasion. I sometimes read in bed. So this.
  • I travel a lot for my job, which means I am often out of town over night. Which means, lots of restaurants. I had this experience in the McCormick & Schmick's restaurant in Irvine, California. Not yet a poem, but possibly on its way to becoming one.
  • OK, last example. I read a lot. Odd stuff. Frenchy literary-politco theory stuff. So this one.
Will those do?
Tzara said:
Well, yes, of course.

I have posted poems here. I have posted poems on the threads. You perhaps may have missed them.

That's OK.

I'd love to say that I've written a poem about my taxes. About something related to my taxes, since I made a big deal about that in my previous comments.

Haven't though.

Fortunately, someone who is a much better poet than I am has. :)rose: cc) Actually written one about my taxes, believe it or not. (I wonder. If I keep working this angle will she pay them for me? :rolleyes: )

But, you're asking about moments in my life that have resulted in my writing a poem or poems. How 'bout these then?
  • My wife and I like to drive around and look at wildlife. Especially birds, since they are relatively easy to see. Especially raptors. Don't know why.

    Where I live, a good place to look at birds—migratory waterfowl and raptors—is the Skagit River delta. A few weeks ago, we happened upon a group of eagles, both matures and juveniles. One of the juveniles had caught a duck, a mallard, and started eating it. That was the origin of this poem, which I am still working on.
  • Possibly my favorite author is Jane Austen. Possibly my favorite book by her is Persuasion. I sometimes read in bed. So this.
  • I travel a lot for my job, which means I am often out of town over night. Which means, lots of restaurants. I had this experience in the McCormick & Schmick's restaurant in Irvine, California. Not yet a poem, but possibly on its way to becoming one.
  • OK, last example. I read a lot. Odd stuff. Frenchy literary-politco theory stuff. So this one.
Will those do?

So these are your, "Poetic Moments" <bigrin> 'finally'

I liked the Eagle poem when it came out and I commented as so. We have several Bald eagles that live here through out the winters and they are spectacular. I wrote a joint story (srp) called "River Boat" (my erotic tail) where the whole story leads to a couple meeting online and meeting for the first time to go on a house boat and they went down river to their final destination, Eagle Island. An Island that is here on the river that I love to visit.

The other writes, elude me so I did not comment on them. Thanks for sharing Tzara.
My Erotic Trail said:
sun shine through the clouds
on a rainy day

rainbows over a majestic river

a child's smile

a love's embrace

(what do you concider to be a poetic moment?)
Sometimes the corn
cob goes
a little deep
MyNecroticSnail said:
Sometimes the corn
cob goes
a little deep

Now isn't that Poetic? I wouldn't know but obviously you would know such things, Senna! I had asked for 'Folks' to relay their poetic moments in life and if this is what you recall as a poetic moment, then who am I to argue.
My Erotic Trail said:
Now isn't that Poetic? I wouldn't know but obviously you would know such things, Senna!

I don't think that's a good guess, Art. :) And no, it ain't me, either.

Congrats on the voting.
My Erotic Trail said:
Now isn't that Poetic? I wouldn't know but obviously you would know such things, Senna! I had asked for 'Folks' to relay their poetic moments in life and if this is what you recall as a poetic moment, then who am I to argue.

It's not Senna. Senna says what he wants--for good or ill he expresses his opinions and he's honest. I've known him a long time and he doesn't care about alts.

My Erotic Trail said:
sun shine through the clouds
on a rainy day

rainbows over a majestic river

a child's smile

a love's embrace

(what do you concider to be a poetic moment?)

Hello! :)

What inspires me to write is music, movies, news stories, the loves of my life: my kids doing silly or crazy things and my S.O. doing.....
My Erotic Trail said:
Now isn't that Poetic? I wouldn't know but obviously you would know such things, Senna! I had asked for 'Folks' to relay their poetic moments in life and if this is what you recall as a poetic moment, then who am I to argue.
sun shine through the clouds
on a rainy day

rainbows over a majestic river

a child's smile

a love's embrace

(what do you concider to be a poetic moment?)
How hallmark - just add water - instant poet. For $2 you can buy it.
Sometimes the corn...

I seem to remember you farting in a senna jawa thread.
Angeline said:
It's not Senna. Senna says what he wants--for good or ill he expresses his opinions and he's honest. I've known him a long time and he doesn't care about alts.


has any one seen the movie,
"Teaching Mrs. Tingle" > ???

I can't seem to shake the thought that Senna is Mrs. Tingle when I see his rants on a thread. Is that ironic? <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
Now isn't that Poetic? I wouldn't know but obviously you would know such things, Senna! I had asked for 'Folks' to relay their poetic moments in life and if this is what you recall as a poetic moment, then who am I to argue.

Senna enjoys being a sarcastic butthole and wouldn't hide. It's so obvious to me that it's twelveoone. Also from his typos. Ha! You know how much he loves you, sweetie.
Hi Fool, I'll quote from your post in the reverse order.

The_Fool said:
Many people think that emotion gives their poetry greater value than it has. But that is only true for themselves and maybe those that feel that same emotion.
You're mostly right. Emotion is a lousy excuse for writing a poor poem.

When I do write, many times I am not directly connected but instead am observing or just enjoy the way the words play as they scroll out on the screen.
Sounds good to me, granted that there is a whole spectrum from shallow and superficial "words play" to profound, wonderful, ingenious--the earlier being common, the latter extremely rare.

Do you consider poetry to be written better when written with or without emotion? Do you think the poet has to be connected, disconnect or can he be either? [...] Where does passion fit into your view of poetry?
First of all, as a rule, an emotion has to come from a scene, and not just out of blue.

Very theoretically, a monkey can type any poem. And a poem is a poem, it doesn't matter who did the typing. Realistically, you have to know what you are writing about. And it also helps to feel strongly about the thing represented by your poem, it's almost necessary. However one should also be a capable poet or else the emotion may blind the author into writing a kitsch.

Even when you feel deep about your poem and know how to write, you still need to detach yourself, you need to write your poem from a large distance. Detachment was one of the main points made by Basho late in his life. Sure, there are narrative poems, where the author a kind off forces a sympathy for the main character or at least imposes certain atmosphere... and these are good poems but somehow they are not among the greatest poems. The author should not tell the readers what they should feel.


My views on the poetic moments converge with those by Tzara. And we are supported by Basho. For instance the scenes of decay in the Nature, buzzing with insects etc. can be at least as poetic as the proverbial rose garden. It's all in the poetic eye of beholder. Basho even overreacted, which is understandable. He considered any straight, pretty stuff unsuitable for haiku (i.e. for poetry), he wanted it to be more refined, controversial (aesthetically wise).



Senna Jawa

PS. I have provided a link in this thread. I was hoping that people will be taken by it, will write poems. If I were still in the mode of writing poems I would for sure :)
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even Saddam Hussein
as a justification for his actions
even though the world
may see it as a reign of terror
he states the reasons why
he was hard on his people
claiming to make them stronger
but the facts are
he was removed to harm them,
no longer
My Erotic Trail said:
even Saddam Hussein
as a justification for his actions
even though the world
may see it as a reign of terror
he states the reasons why
he was hard on his people
claiming to make them stronger
but the facts are
he was removed to harm them,
no longer

In a world that has good guys
there are those with black hats.
Edited to protect the innocent from my incoherence. Sorry, I discovered that sometimes I can't read...
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saldne said:
Senna enjoys being a sarcastic butthole and wouldn't hide. It's so obvious to me that it's twelveoone. Also from his typos. Ha! You know how much he loves you, sweetie.
IF. IF.If you were paying attention you would notice the typos you refer to are not mine. I just didn't bother to put them in quotes.
And since it is Easter and I'm a Right-thinking Christian man, I sent an email to twelveoone, so he can step into the light and feel the love.
feel the love
feel the love
feel the love
MyNecroticSnail said:
IF. IF.If you were paying attention you would notice the typos you refer to are not mine. I just didn't bother to put them in quotes.
And since it is Easter and I'm a Right-thinking Christian man, I sent an email to twelveoone, so he can step into the light and feel the love.
feel the love
feel the love
feel the love

sending PM to one's self?