poetry and opinion

Angeline said:
My parents always said don't discuss politics or religion in company because you'll say things you'll regret. Passionately held opinions are what poems are all about though--no matter the subject. A poem without underlying passion is a flat thing.

When I read a well-written, moving poem that espouses an opinion opposite from my own, I feel very uncomfortable. Why? I think because it makes me see the humanity of the "other side," and that of course makes me question my position. Not only is there nothing wrong with that, imho the best poems are the ones that give you that reaction. Poetry should make you feel, and to react to something you'd normally dismiss is the beginning of growth, I think.

Anonymous should thank you--your poem made her think enough to react.



Say on! rare, all too rare, that people would feel this way. Agree with what you said, except this: "Anonymous should thank you--your poem made her think enough to react." It was more react, without thinking.
tarablackwood22 said:
Posts like this are why you are part of the brain trust here. :)

Good morning, sister. :kiss: All settled in your new digs? :heart:

Getting there sweety. I have to work for a few hours today, but then off till Tuesday (woohoo). ee is off today though, so there will be lots done to finish unpacking over the weekend--books, cds, pictures go up today.

And thank you (and twelveone), but yknow--just my opnion.
