Poetry Bootcamp, week two and grunting

champagne1982 said:
Anyway, only the Anal Retentive insist that all guidelines must be followed inside a formula, else you cannot call it what it is .. ;). Me? I like to play with the chemical structure and see what blows up the laboratory. A poem works for me...

Wouldn't purist be a better description than anal retentive, Champ?
BooMerengue said:
Wouldn't purist be a better description than anal retentive, Champ?
I don't think so, Boo. Simply since a purist will still call it poetry, the anal retentive will call it --

BooMerengue said:
I can see now where I should have reworded some of the repeating lines though technically you're not supposed to.

I like breaking rules even more than I like patterns. :D
impressive said:
I like breaking rules even more than I like patterns. :D

One of the thing I like to play with when I am trying to write a form that calls for repetition and circular structures, such as villanelles, or ghazals, or pantoums, is to make small variations in the repetition, but variations that change the meaning of the verse completely.

That way, instead of the poems coming full-circle at the end, the structure starts to resemble more like a spiral. ;)