Poetry in Progress ~ construction zone

Everything is very quiet at the moment. Each morning I hover on the threads ready to pounce but see the threads are rarely added to.:confused:

Maybe it is the good weather and everyone is outside like I will be in ten minutes, jogging around the palace gardens.

shall we meet by the fountain?
I waited thirty seven minutes
patina green reflections
where were you?

Jogging puff puff puff!!!

I like women to see me as an image of virility so I hid behind a tree (for a minute or five) while I got my breath and composure back and then you were gone!!!:eek:
Jogging puff puff puff!!!

I like women to see me as an image of virility so I hid behind a tree (for a minute or five) while I got my breath and composure back and then you were gone!!!:eek:

That was YOU? Oh my, I thought maybe it was someone partaking in the European tradition you call "dogging?" Next time, just face up, man, I like sweaty stinky puffing men whose composure is a little unbalanced....
Everything is very quiet at the moment. Each morning I hover on the threads ready to pounce but see the threads are rarely added to.:confused:

Maybe it is the good weather and everyone is outside like I will be in ten minutes, jogging around the palace gardens.

you need to Pounce Here. Come on over and play with us-- you had such a great run with the Not Gonna Write you a Love Song challenge we long for your confession, son.
i can write of xylophone sunlight,
which spills softly through spring leaf lacework,
sprinkles iridescent to settle
shimmering off a placid pools surface

a catch basin fed by percussive fortissimo falls
foaming over well worn rocks,
'round weathered driftwood
froth spraying buttressed moss covered cliffs

while birds perch choir like in nature's cathedral,
rain notes pitch perfect, to echo and encircle
straining to lift spirits on angel's wings
and warm winds currents

he listens unmoved, head bowed, prays
to be pierced, his shell petrified
from times unceasing trials, unable to overcome
the inner cacophony assaulting his serenity

But it is not enough to spout words.
it is penetration i seek,
to be split at the seams
restored to feeling,
sprout peace too long absent

beauty, too much to bear
serves only to accentuate the longing
for someone to share it with.
Instead he stares back from the grotto below

drowning in the depths
embroiled in turbulence
prays to be cleaved cleansed
and restored to the living
That was YOU? Oh my, I thought maybe it was someone partaking in the European tradition you call "dogging?" Next time, just face up, man, I like sweaty stinky puffing men whose composure is a little unbalanced....

Speaking of dogging, where do you park your car?:rose::rose::rose:

I'm a well behaved dog though I do cock my leg in some inconvenient places.:eek:
Speaking of dogging, where do you park your car?:rose::rose::rose:

I'm a well behaved dog though I do cock my leg in some inconvenient places.:eek:

Walnut Creek park
(least until
the swine flew in, locked us up)

Down by river, they check for stragglers.
Revolver in holster, keys clink
a warning to vulgar
visitors who come to get a reading
from some lowdown sundown
hat check girl. You picked my number.

You fit in my cheeks like apricots.
Your stance is earthen, your surges, solar.
Knee low, I am wearing
your secrets, cross-creek park
somewhere east of California.

Next time you will bring sandwiches.
Next time we'll pack corn in ears.
For camouflage dress in gray
or by chance color these woods we walk.

My tongue traces covert felonies
in a waltz-two-three cadence.
Shoulder bite, claws extended into inconceivable
holds as seen in the last animal planet episode.
Lover, come groom my fur, bring purple feathers, twine.
Okay personal ad personal ad personal ad personal ad

high strung military pilot seeking muscle
attached to wit, possibly the brother of my current live in,
must be able to slam shots one for one, no puke, no glory.

My body is tight, yours should be tighter,
take me into the ring, respect my left hook.
Marshall art my sweet ass against
the locker

interruptus poeticua

if I told you what I wanted
I wouldn't want it anymore
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my will fell
under the weight of unweighted stress
i guess i caved
you could say, i fell in upon myself
the most personal destruction
for if its not
self-destruction as most would say
its a mix
between outside and inside
hellbent on taking you from passionate
to lifeless
without having to raise a physical finger
to cause
a physical destruction
a distraction
Rachel does have a lovely neck,
I imagine stretching it like a goose neck lamp
twisting her vertebrae to aim that pretty face
in whichever direction might be convenient
Glow for us Rachel, lift lips
this way, between the edges of us

My accent falls on the wrong
syllable, mispeaking golf legends and
oscar winners, we move slow without carts,
sing without spotlights
remember how you found your way inside
once by teeth
once between lips,

your hum vibrates up from chest,
this swarm of you once inside
just scratchings

you short my circuits
line my bed with limestone and gravel
summer is time for low ground sleeping
we read the leaves of dead lover's ashes
war paint our faces

sometimes your commands are easy
to follow, dial turned my mouth forms "yes"
not ready to crack it
the code the modus of my operations
MWF seeks cartographer
chiromancer or catalytic converter
for mutual mental masturbation
interrogation skills a must
let no words be safe

your hands: 12 string enormous wrap stars on a wand like spun sugar
you: never lose keys
you: tell me I am a writer first
you lie to me when you need to
which is often

me: self-loathing narcissistic procrastinating overachiever
shhh don't tell

kiss me backwards make me forget which way is up
I fall from the bed more than once
floor is better no edges but walls for
pressing and doors for opening
-bring ice water
-clean towels

must be able to read minds, palms,
a compass

must coast the clouds during long pauses of silence
must seduce other women in plain site, share
must kiss start the day coffee strong close drawers
tackle wild beasts in the attic
leave me quarters from your pockets

helpful if you suffer spontaneous amnesia
and can fuck me like you would a stranger
you adored from the doorway
I cant stop listing

please, don't ever ever let me get
what I want
Sapphire and tonic,
so complete
Sparkling, bitter,
yet deceptively sweet


mmmm I love sapphire and tonic, I am drinking one now. I think it must have been subliminal. We have no limes, I settled for lemon. Same thing really.
truth be sold
it is tight-wrapped innuendo
aimed straight down to your
growing point of adoration down
down to the low ache that grows
between flesh and the deep blue yes
your hardening unfolds easy under my three finger release
there, there easy

hard is making urban sprawl and dying fathers
work their way into a man's pants (I mean heart)
hard is spring blossom longing and swing-set
river-blind sympathy no, my moves are cheap
bent like short skirt tightness
are they not?
and all the ladies say
"ho" ho!

come back baby show me your middle
show me your riding crops
end-table my back
your cold coaster condensation
drips down my breasts
I flick flies with my tail
and try not to whinny
until you tell me "speak, speak"
my back, aching
arching in the anticipation of you

gingered we rise from the sting
this easy high-wax table talk
head pulled back like Black Beauty and the aristocrats
the neck it is always the neck
that twists and aches in vanity

come to me lover, tell me
how you will come to me? tightrope?
my chair: one legged
my whistle: sharp
what mythical creature will you conjure
braided ties, purple ribbon
tell me lover, tell me
when will you come to me?
Friday morning flagstaff half mast
where head stone lies
above foot board elastic
tell me lover what will you bring
barn swallow mud in beak, soft feathers for lying upon
stretch, preen, I will feign broken wing for you
draw cat's attention with my song
my lover just tell me, tell me when
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someone figured water
would be the the safest place as if funnels
were not meant for pouring as if
adhesion mattered they floated
on the surface and I sucked down one last
gasp of air
before sinking under
looking up
index of refraction angled
the twister's approach
as my lungs pulled into

:twister one:
fizzed into a submerged trickle of bubbles
tickling my side
we escaped, lived
to watch ourselves
local news at 11

some caffeinated days
I forget to drink water
until it is time for my pills
and I wonder
which is making me feel

someone, someone always has the idea
water is the place to be in these situations
fire in the forest our instincts
scurry us creek-side

but the flood,
it was the flood brought the walls
into a slow crush
I felt bones crack in stages
as I was squeezed between
my last air pressed so gradually

I wondered how I would know
the exact time of death
it crossed so seamlessly crushed
towards two dimensions
how could I still be alive?
teeth bulging under cheeks
rootless as the water leveled itself

we were all dead then
struggling to tell
the difference
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they all stop trying to figure and
fix my tangles, pointless really, yet
I have grown accustomed to their combs
and thick conditioning compliments
as fingers work scalp to neck to shoulder

but your teeth
seemed to have the right spacing
your fingers, the right rhythm as you
trimmed me close, opened me up for exploration, tossle
and smooth, tussle and soothe I wonder
did you move to the next chair
because my knots were too many
too tight too involved for your attention or did
you have me figured out day one
was it all so

Yes I know
we all follow
a model
we follow a design
you know us the broken
click any channel they will tell you
our axis our serial number our
orbit and rotation
biochemical pathways
on a collision course
everyone loves
to watch the sideshow
as it passes through
we all follow
a model
we follow a design
click any channel they will tell you
our axis our serial number our
orbit and rotation
of biochemical pathways
everyone loves the sideshow
three days only
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Doggerel, rain patter, soft bed
so much easier sleeping
without cold feet or hot head

ah, the zen of butt sex.

Not sure this is worth its ink, but I need practice in editing anyway.

I lost my voice in a race horse side track
calling the numbers down
calling the numbers down we rode
and we rode hard to the end.

With borrowed sweat I adored
the spotlight truth of your beautiful flaws,
your refusal to see mine.

I wanted a room with a door
no view necessary
it is painted in memory:

the rain
the track
the promise
even as you sliced me thin
under microscopic lens you
pressed and projected all
my ugliness, still I swore
I would never curse your footprints
only your grave.​

You still walk the earth
surely you do, I would have heard
the caller cry, seen the torn ticket fall,
but I won't wait.

You son of a bitch
no, you never loved me
or anything but that soft sad space you press
when you are feeling sorry for yourself.

Maybe you loved the promise of immortality
every time I opened my fertility to you, milk
dripping from breasts into your return.

Or maybe you loved me for giving you reason to grump about
while pawning stories of your semi-hard cock
forcing itself anywhere it could fit.

Chasing the flag
my drink spills on the seat
cranky old man mutters his curse
and moves down two rows.

still working
9. Velvet Talks Too

Poke (your fingers in) my eyes
and I will open (wide) my jaws.
Back bend head band falls
(to the carpet don't let
me forget) throat opens
gag reflex dis-
abled with proper
angular adjustment

Poke (your fingers in)
my navel disengage locking
ratchet pull my (golden rooted synthetic)
hair to desired length
finger twist back button,
no scissors necessary

Pull my (please save me) string
so speaketh we all "Hi
I'm Chrissy. I have
a secret."

Soft squeeze (oh my god)
my shoulders vice grip knees
open, finger whisper (wider thank you)
and (do as we) please.
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1. At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen.

7. You have to travel far before you turn it over.

11. It's so fragile even saying its name can break it.