
wildsweetone said:
nice stopping point Art, thanks. :)

Mistress Jett, my advice is to take notice of constructive feedback and ignore votes (there is an ability to turn them off).

Angeline, i don't think any of your poems that i've seen are fraudulent crap. :D

i think sometimes when i have doubts it is because i've either written something that surprises me - i.e. it shows another layer or different meaning to my initial expectation. that's when i sometimes find myself wondering if what i've written is a poem.


Well, maybe "fraudulent crap" is the wrong way to put it, lol, but I know when I'm not writing as well as I could, when I'm falling back on the same themes if you know what I mean. There are some things I can do, like sonnets for example, where I can fool some people into thinking it's good--and it might be pretty good--but I know with more effort I can do better. There are a lot of poems here and at Eve's forum that I wrote spontaneously, and I know if I go back and work on them, I can polish them up. I have way too many poems that could use a good edit. :cool:
The_Fool said:
There is no poetry....

There is no Fool.... :D

well, it takes all sorts to help the world spin 'round.

Hello Mr Nobody! :rose: hope all is well in your niche of the world. :)
The Poets said:
I think of you as a poet.

all in favor....


or is it I?

or Eye?


the eyes have it

and is it speak now or forever hold your peace, like forever shush it don't cause a stir! quiet!


speak now or forever hold your piece, like forever hold that piece of yappin you were gonna do? piece=part?

or piece-- like cod piece? hair piece?
or forever hold your peas?
wildsweetone said:
pretty stupid title i realise now but nevermind, it's apt.

are there times when you've written a poem that you think is pretty neat, when you turn around and have doubts whether it's even a poem?

when you have those doubts, what do you do? do you share it with someone in the hopes they'll tell you 'yes, it's a poem' or 'no it's carpet underlay'?

what do you do?

All the time. I bite my nails, run around like the sky is on fire and wail.
I often have doubts about whether I can just pick up a pencil and write anything. I just have to gather myself and write, even its the most mundane, crappiest thing.
One of the best things I decided to do (as recommended to me by TRM) was turn off the voting. When I first came to Lit (in a previous incarnation) I would post anything, no matter how bad it was. The votes mattered, even if I had doubts, the votes would make it all right. Which didn't help my writing at all.