Poets, do you get enough feedback?

Do you get enough feedback?

  • more than enough

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • just about right

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would like more

    Votes: 19 86.4%
  • don't care about feedback

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
On the topic of feedback:

There's a professor of art here at Temple Rome that's gotten quite a name for himself. Some like him, some hate him, everyone (even myself and I don't even have him for a class) talk about him. But then, appearently, all it takes to be talked about is being an asshole, for which most agree, this prof is an asshole.

Is it an effective way to teach? Is it effective means of giving feedback? Telling students "Learn to say 'Do you want fries with that,'" or "Suburbia wins again," (the prof in question is african heritage from the US) or any abusive comment to the artist that doesn't actually comment on the art begs the question, where's the critique?

But, there is one important thing I have learned about such teachers - they're really not worth talking about, never mind talking to.

Now, where's my can of Raid?

Lotsa luv goin on in diz thread. :rolleyes:

Please, folks. If you are against slander, don't feed the slander. Doesn't do no good, not even if you're right.

I joined Literotica to post my poetry (I have 2 here now) but saw that the main focus was on prose. So I switched and wrote some stories. I am a poet first though.

I would like to see more emphasis on poetry. Perhaps a poetic roleplay would be fun - written in the style of Shakespeare.

Poetry is something so personal, you either love a poem, hate it or don't understand it! I think discussing poetry would be a good idea. Writing erotic poetry is hard - and poorly written erotica is very hard to read.

Thanks for listening!:rose:
I choose "don't care about feedback" because really, why would I change my writing style because of what strangers say? Sure, I listen to recommendations but I don't edit my poems or stories.
I write on my ground rules, not others.
Scott X said:
I choose "don't care about feedback" because really, why would I change my writing style because of what strangers say? Sure, I listen to recommendations but I don't edit my poems or stories.
I write on my ground rules, not others.

So then, why share you work with others? If it's all about you, then does that mean you're only looking for praise? Does that include typos? Or how about technical faults - "improper punctuation," grammer or sentence structure? Do you make mistakes, or do you simply not care if what you say is being comprehended?

There's a natural tendency to get defensive in the face of questioning....

HomerPindar said:
So then, why share you work with others? If it's all about you, then does that mean you're only looking for praise? Does that include typos? Or how about technical faults - "improper punctuation," grammer or sentence structure? Do you make mistakes, or do you simply not care if what you say is being comprehended?

There's a natural tendency to get defensive in the face of questioning....

Why do I share? Simply because this is a place to do so. If I have typos or confusing sentence structures, I want people to tell me and no, I do not look for praise here, I get it IRL.
I welcome questioning, just not one-liners. I could mention names...
I have submitted 4 poems and not recieved any feedback on them. I like to share my poetry with others and would like to know other peoples opinions on them. Anything about the poems you care to write at all. I am looking for good comments or constructive critism. I have various writing styles but they are all mostly on the same subject. My love and feelings for PollyJean. So please send me some feedback:)
Wooooohoooooooooo!!! *falling to my knees...hands folded over breastses... "I am REDEEMED!!! hoowaaaaaaaa!!! and all this time I thought it was just me...

I thank you Senna

I'm not quite sure what you said... but I respect your right to say it... and I have enjoyed the others' responses... and I respect them too!!

But come onnnn... thought there was an age requirement here??

By the way- I voted I don't get enough feedback... and I give GOOD feedback...

I had quite a few comments I was gonna make re: some of these posts... but I wrote my Lit Swan Song Poem tonight... goin back to the Stories... I got honest feedback on my stories and lots more of it... I say honest cuz if you only say sugar coated things but not the 'hey this sucked' things then its not honest... it's out of balance and did leave me feeling let down ... and disappointed in myself... silly me!!
How sad that so many people say they don't get enough feedback! My problem with poetry feedback is that I don't feel qualified to offer suggestions, so I only give feedback to poems I really love.

sophia jane said:
How sad that so many people say they don't get enough feedback! My problem with poetry feedback is that I don't feel qualified to offer suggestions, so I only give feedback to poems I really love.


How qualified do you have to be to say " I like this"?
Tathagata said:
How qualified do you have to be to say " I like this"?

It's not saying "I like this" that I feel like I need to be qualified for. It's the ones I don't like that I don't comment on because I'm not sure I can offer much by way of suggestion.

sophia jane said:
It's not saying "I like this" that I feel like I need to be qualified for. It's the ones I don't like that I don't comment on because I'm not sure I can offer much by way of suggestion.


funny that doesn't stop a vast majority of people here...

You can always pm or email a poet with a comment and in that way they may be able to explain a word choice or a line break or whatever too you.
Some poets prefer that rather than public comments.

and may i say, as a person who writes here, I appreciate the fact that you are hesitant to offer criticism on something and don't just write " this sucks"
sophia jane said:
It's not saying "I like this" that I feel like I need to be qualified for. It's the ones I don't like that I don't comment on because I'm not sure I can offer much by way of suggestion.

Interestingly, offering critique can do wonders for your own writing. I know it can be difficult, but when you dislike (or, just as meaningfully, like) a poem try to determine why you feel that way. Did the author use arcane language? Was the flow jerky? Were the metaphors silly? Did you wish there was more explanation? Did the poem repeat itself?

As you find in other's work the elements of poetry that you like or dislike, you begin to put more thought into your own. Everyone wins. :)
flyguy69 said:
Interestingly, offering critique can do wonders for your own writing. I know it can be difficult, but when you dislike (or, just as meaningfully, like) a poem try to determine why you feel that way. Did the author use arcane language? Was the flow jerky? Were the metaphors silly? Did you wish there was more explanation? Did the poem repeat itself?

As you find in other's work the elements of poetry that you like or dislike, you begin to put more thought into your own. Everyone wins. :)
Perfectly put. :)