Poets, in this moment, what are you thinking—

A man speaking truth.

Thank you, and not to pick a nit or anything, but I do prefer to think of it as a man sharing his personal experience form his somewhat examined Life.

Best wishes to you!!! We're going to be okay . . . because we already are.
In Feb of 2002 little Lit poets, not All, were at each others throats & Some were cheating competition voting. Laurel had to post about vote cheats if caught would get her stiletto in the boot—FAST forward to late July 2024… missive bliss(?)
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I struggle with getting thoughts in order. I usually get hit with inspiration like bolt of lighting and have to start writing right then. Last night I woke up…thoughts about a story/poem…went back to sleep and now it’s gone…
I struggle with getting thoughts in order. I usually get hit with inspiration like bolt of lighting and have to start writing right then. Last night I woke up…thoughts about a story/poem…went back to sleep and now it’s gone…

That happened here on Sunday.
I taught myself to write in the dark so when I woke I wouldn’t lose dreamed poems. You might say why not use your phone? Because it was more fun reading it hand written in the morning. And who wants to truly wake up from a poem.

Annoying as it is enjoy it while you are still getting it. idkw? I haven’t dreamed a poem in at least a couple of years.
Probably because of my age, I've been thinking a lot about the past and things I might have done differently with my life. Things like where I went to college and what I majored in, places I lived or wish I had lived, old girlfriends and wish-they-would-have-been girlfriends. What I ended up doing for a living. Whether I have been a kind enough person. What I could have done to be less shy.

None of this has any real meaning, of course. At best I, or the me that branched off from me in the past, have done all of those things in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, but all of those incarnations of me, if they actually exist, are probably also wondering about whether those choices were the right ones to have made.

I've had a really good life overall, so it's kind of a silly Gedankenexperiment. But it's where a lot of my poems come from.
Probably because of my age, I've been thinking a lot about the past and things I might have done differently with my life. Things like where I went to college and what I majored in, places I lived or wish I had lived, old girlfriends and wish-they-would-have-been girlfriends. What I ended up doing for a living. Whether I have been a kind enough person. What I could have done to be less shy.

None of this has any real meaning, of course. At best I, or the me that branched off from me in the past, have done all of those things in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, but all of those incarnations of me, if they actually exist, are probably also wondering about whether those choices were the right ones to have made.

I've had a really good life overall, so it's kind of a silly Gedankenexperiment. But it's where a lot of my poems come from.
Einstein’s spooky action at a distance or quasi quantum entanglement I find myself wondering similar things. In particular reaction to this tangent ‘the me that branched off from me in the past’ I wonder if will ever branch off from my past?
I am wondering why authors come and discuss their problems in the Poets Hangout. It’s not like we can do anything about it. The most bemusing thing of all, posting a plagiarism problem in the poets hangout doesn’t solve anything.

I thought we Poets were weird. I realize now we are Lit’s communicatively well adjusted. Poets and poems try to be effective.
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anyone who needs to write poetry is always looking for better ways to express what they want to say

we all share the same path, even those who wander from it
I'm thinking about the late, great Laura Nyro, one of the most underappreciated talents of my generation. Most of her popular songs were covers by other artists, but I always loved her voice best. And her lyrics really straddle the line between lyric and poetry. Look at these examples~

Life turns like the endless sea
Death tolls like a vesper bell
Children laugh and lovers dream
On a street called buy and sell

And I swear, I swear you were born
A weaver's lover
Born for the loom's desire

Still baby, every time that I see your face
It's like a warm embrace to me
Maybe it's the spring night blowing
Through the pines and the amber gem
All my life I'm searching
For celestial harmony
Oh, pretty baby, love me again

Come to the lights my sisters and take what you need
Doesn't matter, my brothers, your Sunday creed
Cause each one's a lover to this winter night star,
a pilgrim, a pioneer, that's who you are


I still love you, Laura ❤️

Angeline's poem, Mystify Me, post 21... really, reallllllllllllly resonates with me given the history of HarryHill and myself :heart:
think his flight to me was a whole lot longer than 1,000 miles... Tennessee to Atlanta to Canada to the UK... and mine which was somewhere between 6 and 7,000 miles i think. But the heart of the poem, that is us, too.
I thought of you two as I was writing it. I know of a handful of "Lit" couples, but our two stories are the only ones I know of that happened on the poetry forum. ❤️
I love writing prompts, especially with my poetry-writing practice. I know that some writers do not use them. How about you?
I'm thinking about whether any form of literary expression other than poetry can use "fourth person" perspective effectively.
Thinking about the time a drunk person at a diner told me that I'm an ET. They said that because I'm autistic and asexual, I must be an ET. Also, I have green eyes, which made him even more suspicious. You just cannot make this stuff up! There has to be a poem in there somewhere.
How fine is the line between overthinking and just mindlessly fantasizing scenarios?

How can instincts be so accurate yet misleading about the same person?

So i care? Should i?
I'm thinking about how to store my old volumes of journals. I have maybe 25 volumes stored in a bin in my closet right now. I really hope that the mice do not destroy them.