Potty Mouth

Pyro Paul said:
except for fuck, thats an acronyme (sp?)

Actually that's an internet furphy, along with shit which is also purported to be an acronym.
Without going into the whole etymology of the word, one of the earliest appearences in it's current spelling was in 1535.
Acronyms are mostly a 20th century invention with a few exceptions, not including fuck or shit.
I have a difficult time with cursing.....like I tend to let it just slip out of my mouth.....has a lot to do with my upbringing. Every other word seemed to be *f* or *s* or something equally "bad."

It has taken me quite some time (and moving away from my bad influences) to get my cursing under some type of control. Due to my profession, I really need to make sure that the cursing does not flow forth at inappropriate times. I tend to curse a lot on weekends and of course, during the summer when I am not around students.

People that know me would find the fact that I cuss like a sailor quite a surprise......I guess I don't have that typical demeanor associated with cussing. *shrugs*

It is a work in progress ;)
I'm around kids constantly and it's important to me that they not have to hear stuff like that. When I worked in childcare I remember how sad it was to hear a small child swear (and use it correctly). I swear but only in my head. I don't say them outloud. When I do feel the need to say something outloud, I use nicer words like Gosh Darn. I don't know how I trained myself to do it because in high school I swore a lot because it was cool. It was just important enough to me that these poor, innocent, sweet kids not have to endure that kind of stuff.
Yes kids say the craziest thing. My youngest daughter who is 3 calls her sister crotch and I have no clue where in the world she heard it!! I say many things from time to time but Crotch isn't one of them! You can imagine my horror when we are shopping and the youngest child is yelling Crotch come here!!!!

Rose :rose:
The way I see it, words are only as offensive as you make them. They're just words. Who designated "shit" and "fuck" as bad or offensive words? What makes them offensive? When was this decided? What about the formation of those syllables made someone go, "Hey, I don't like the way that word sounds. It's a bad word."

I think "bad words" are bullshit. They're not sad or dirty, you're not a bad person if you say them . . . they're just words.

That having been said, the type of language one uses should be chosen carefully according to the occasion. This doesn't only apply to "bad" words, but casual words, formal words, etc. For instance, I wouldn't go up to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company that I worked for and say, "Dude! How's it going?"

So, as far as saying "bad" words in front of kids, I certainly don't think it's appropriate not because I believe the words will harm them in any way. Again, they're just words. Rather, I don't think children have a grasp on the social rules of how and when to use such words, so they shouldn't (if at all possible) be introduced to such words unless and until they understand the hows and whens of using them.

On the other hand, however, I wouldn't censor myself in the presence of casual friends because one of them happened to not like my language. I'm more likely to tell them to blow it out their ass.

But, that's just my opinion. :)

As it is spring over here the nesting birds are very protective and it is not unusual for these birds to launch an attack, as my soon to be four year old found out.
Later on in the day when he and my wife were out walking, a flock of cockatoos flew overhead "Those bloody white birds, they give me the shits." he said. "What did you say?" my wife asked him. "Nothing you need to know." was the reply. :devil:
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quoll said:
As it is spring over here the nesting birds a very protective and it is not unusual for these birds to launch an attack, as my soon to be four year old found out.
Later on in the day when he and my wife were out walking, a flock of cockatoos flew overhead "Those bloody white birds, they give me the shits." he said. "What did you say?" my wife asked him. "Nothing you need to know." was the reply. :devil:

That's too funny! Your kids are awesome, quoll! :nana:

edit: omg, thanks quoll... close one.
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Lynxie said:
That's too funny! Your kids are awesome, quoll! :nana:

edit: omg, thanks quoll... close one.

Now that it is safe to quote you.

Thanks, He seems to have a very quick grasp of what goes on around him and is not shy about letting people know.
He will take people to task over those cute little sayings that are often said to kids.
eg: Liar liar pants on fire. "That's not a nice thing to say to me, I would get burnt and hurt." and said in such a hurt way that you feel guilty for even mmentioning it.
Substitute words

I spent a few years thinking it was cool to trash talk all the time, then I listened to how I talked, decided to change it and started to say other things instead. It doesn't really matter what you use, doesn't even have to be the same thing all the time for certain words and it will take time (months). But now I have people going "Oh my god you just said the F-word I didn't know you cussed!" if I do. Backsliding is to be expected even after all these years if I cuss just once in the morning then I will catch myself cussing throughout the day and have to consciously reign it in again.
Good Luck!