

That was said in the other thread, too. I haven't really read it, though. Honest. :eek:

*Sits back and waits for Pure to do the business*

Yes, Destinie, the total possible is 1600; Track had that wrong in the original, but did admit to it later. You can see it's the most minor and inconsequential of his errors.
In case anyone wonder about the substance, Track claims that Bush is a pretty bright guy who did well at Yale, and in effect is smarter than Gore. Liberals underestimate GWB.

SEE THE POLL THREAD: how many believe that 'liberals' and the 'liberal media' UNDERESTIMATE the intelligence of GWB?
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I must say, his posts make for quite exciting reading. Pure: Can you explain to meexactly how SAT scoring works. In as much detail as possible. I collect this sort of information.
SAT is an alleged measure of "Scholastic Aptitude", used by US colleges and universities as an indicator of how well someone might do.

It is multiple choice, and has a verbal section and score (possible 800), and a math section (possible 800), and score.

Often people add the verbal and math (possible total 1600) as a rough indicator of mental/academic ability. In another thread, by the way, the verbal score of Bill Bradley was given as in the 400s, very mediocre. Yet Princeton admitted him; partly because of his other gifts. He was a Rhodes Scholar, and is now a Senator.

Bush's total of 1206 is very below par, and would likely have prevented his entry to Yale, had he not been an Alumni son; a preferred category.

The verbal section is on vocabulary and reading comprehension (answering questions about what was said in a sample paragraph). It formerly included 'analogies.'

The math section was the usual grade 11 and 12 math, no calculus.

Testing is a billion dollar industry as you know.

When scores began to fall in the 1980, the test was gradually dumbed down. Finally the analogies were removed as too difficult (they demand both good vocabulary and logical thinking; occasionally the answers are debatable.)

Berkeley recently threatened to drop the SAT verbal entirely since it discriminates against some ESL persons, AND fails to indicate such simple abilities (in ESL folks or native speakers) as to write one para. The 'one paragraph test' is now failed by up to one half of those applying to higher ed. in US and Canada.

The SAT folks have now added the requirement: write one coherent paragraph, which is separately graded.
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Thanks, Pure.

Pure said:

The SAT folks have now added the requirement: write one coherent paragraph, which is separately graded.

Well, I'm fucked then.
yep, in all orifices.

(Brits generally have stricter literacy standards and abilities, since the university-streamed students in grade 10-12 are asked to write paragraphs, and even essays.)
Feels good, wearing this bikini. I chose this pic on purpose.

Somebody knows why. :p

Yeah, it's because it's red, in line with Valentine's Day, that's right. ;)
Track Star 18 said:
Sorry, me again...
If Couture did make a mistake in typing, then his/her addition skills are sub-par. The two numbers, one even and one odd, still added together to make an odd number, which as i've already said is impossible. Now, you would have thought that once you accidently typed an odd number, you would have caught yourself once adding it up. Two odds equal an even, two evens make an even, and an odd plus an even makes an odd! Wow, I should be a math teacher, but then i'd have to join a union

My addition skills are fine. I made an error when I copy/pasted the results from the Washington Post article I was reading.

The correct results would be 1206 as Pure suggested. And really Trackboy, you need to take what I said into context, ie I was higher than the hubble telescope at the time I posted. Now, I think it's really sweeto neato burrito that you made a 1550 on the SAT and can run a 4:13 mile etc. etc. However, if I were you I wouldn't feel too terribly smug about myself when someone who was tee-totally high as a kite was a whole hell of a lot closer to the real score than you were.

So, speaking of running, why don't you run along now junior and come back when you have some facts.
Yes, yes, that's all very well, but what about Tatelou's avatar? Eh? Eh?
Couture said:
They're - I mean it's magnificent!

:D Thank you. ;)

Anyway, I've changed it now. I think they - I mean it was getting too much attention.

May as well change my AV then. I wasn't getting *enough* attention.
Ohmagawd, I think I met that guy today!

Damned guy kept coming on to me, trying to kiss me and hug me and flirt with me. I kept saying no, I gave him icecold stares, I pushed him away, I talked about my boyfriend, I asked him about his girlfriend, I insulted him...

He still was all puppy-eyed and wanted to touch me, tried to take my hand...

Damned this sexiness of mine!:mad: