Questions for Americans by a former Ukrainian

You don't believe that and so will you.

What you fail to acknowledge is... with the GI Bill and other programs, virtually everyone in this nation has access to a college degree. HOWEVER that opportunity comes with some responsibilities and obligations. Things like studying hard, staying out of trouble, making good life choices. When those responsibilities and obligations are not met, surprise!... failure follows.

What liberals seem to demand is not equal opportunities, but rather equal outcomes and when those outcomes are not met, it becomes easier (and politically profitable) to blame the system rather than the individuals who squandered their opportunities.

The sad part of all this is, as long as liberals keep making excuses for the individuals and blaming the system, those that they claim to be helping will keep making the same mistakes over and over.
daily in poverty?
i know that you'd like to believe that,
but it's simply not true.
he's a self made man,
a businessman,
and he has enough wealth to afford...
welll...for example...
a week of my company.

Then it's ironic that he doesn't understand what a meritocracy is.