Quick question for sub

What is the LSC

Originally posted by Never <snip>
If I were a sub and if I felt my Dom/me has violated our privacy agreement, my feelings would not be changed by any ruling of the LSC (Literotica Submissives' Committee.)

There you go Lovetoread.

BTW... I was rofl laughing when I read that Never.
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Ok... I will admit to having been confused as well... somehow I had the impression that it was YOUR sub, and that you had done the smacking. It is a lot clearer now, ty. As for it being annoying that I believe (emphasis on I, you did ask for our two cents) that it is a double standard for it to be ok for a Dom to "play" spank a sub in public, and expect her to NOT take it in the context of the private relationship, while he will not give her the same right, well, I am sorry to have annoyed you, but what is good for the goose is good for the gander, as I believe someone else stated on this thread.
lovetoread said:
What the heck is the LSC?

A few posts back someone said LSC = Literotica Submissives Committee. I think it's got quite a ring to it :)

As for the question at hand...I'm a pretty secretive person when it comes to my lifestyle, but even in vanilla relationships I've had sexual partners use flirting/sexual moves in group surrounding - so I wouldn't be thrown off...but that's me and not neccessarily worth anything.

I'd say each relationship is too individual to really be able to look at from the "outside" Maybe they discussed keeping the lifestyle private but he didn't see what he did as bdsm related and doesn't understand her response. Or maybe She was super-sentive about privacy and while she wouldn't have seen the same move from a nilla friend/lover as a threat, she interpreted it that way because of fear of letting it out. Or maybe he knew how she would take it and thought he'd up the stakes a little by playing 'just a little' in the public scene to shock her. *shrug* I really don't know. There are a host of possibilities I guess. Its hard to say anything for sure.

I would say that if the Dom is wanting a more public relationship while the subbie is against it, it can lead to a lot of headaches. I'm sure there are others who could agree (raise yer hand if one of your dom(mes) thought exhibitionism was part and parcel of bdsm *raises hand*)

Of course, the reverse is true too I suppose. Just because I don't know any couple were the subbie is the one wanting to go public definately doesn't mean they aren't out there.

Hell, I don't know any Dommes IRL, or any Pros of either sex for that matter...so that right there shows you that I live in the bdsmblackhole *sigh* Well there's my depressing thought for the day....think I'll sign off now.

Ms. Black
niteshade said:
Ok... I will admit to having been confused as well... somehow I had the impression that it was YOUR sub, and that you had done the smacking. It is a lot clearer now, ty. As for it being annoying that I believe (emphasis on I, you did ask for our two cents) that it is a double standard for it to be ok for a Dom to "play" spank a sub in public, and expect her to NOT take it in the context of the private relationship, while he will not give her the same right, well, I am sorry to have annoyed you, but what is good for the goose is good for the gander, as I believe someone else stated on this thread.

Okay I apparently made a hash of this thread as everyone is confused.

As for this point. I don't mind an occasional playful spank, but experience has taught me that if a sub knows she can get away with it in public she'll do it approximately 484,842 time a day (that's a scientifically exact average by the way), which will get on my nerves. Thus I don't allow it.