racial domination

While reading this thread I have been thinking. There is a lot of 'stigma' attached to interacial relationships. The sexual aspects are in some cases, attractive to people. I believe that I am not racisist, however I have read and enjoyed some stories on the net about Black/male/Doms and white wives,sub. I find that type of story to be arousing in some ways. I have also read some sotires with the opposite...White male doms/black wives sub.

I wrote some stories about similar 'relationships' and got feedback positive and negative. I can tell you that there are racisists out there, of many races, and they show up in feedback on stories like mine. I have also gotten my best feedback responses on my stories from some who actually practice interacial sexual Dom/sub type relationships and found that overall they seem to be quite happy in their lives.

I think that the racial thing dates back to the slavery issue in some ways but also has a lot to do with the color variation too. Black on white, or dark on light skin. While I have not experienced anything remotely like it,(wife and other male) and not sure if I would want to in real life...it does paint a picture in the mind.

Like many sexual likes and dislikes, there is room for racial domination of either or rather any race being dom or sub. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in this case, readers/practiioners.
I can see the appeal for a scene, playing with a possibly potent taboo but, as in any other relationship I would need to feel the underlying attraction was as people, beyond our skin color or culture as it may be.

I have dated white, black, hispanic and asian people, and it's our similarities that keep me in the relationship moreso than our differences. There are certain people I find attractive of all races, and no specific race where I find everyone attractive. But I do know quite a few people who, though are generally open, find one race of people particularly does "it" for them. For me, gender is a much larger definer then is color - huge trigger trip for me. So, has to agree that sexual attraction is indeed a curious thing.

I can see some intense play built around race and/or history. Afterall, there are people who have very potent fantasies around people in Nazi uniforms and torture/interrogation scenes. Under the concept of "SSC" they can be intense passion/power plays.
good points all

lark i must say you made some very valid points...so thanks for expressing so well what half of us wanted to say but had not the eloquence for...until next time
Ebonyfire said:
I have been dating interracially for over 30 years. I just do not have that rapport with black males ...


I too lack a certain simpatico with the majority of Black females in my area. I grew up in the deep suburbs, and so was acculturated with rather WASPy interests and speech patterns. This is compounded by the fact that I went to virtually all White prep school in rural Ohio throughout middle school and high school. Not having a sister, I had absolutely no contact with Black girls during my early to mid adolescence. University was basically more of the same.

It wasn't until I moved downtown, to shorten the commute to my first real job, that I began to attract the attention of Black women. I am an avid runner, skater, and cyclist. I actually ride my bike to work, weather permitting.

Much to my astonishment Black women would occasionally flirt with me. This unnerved me completely because I'd somehow developed an intense, albeit newfound, attraction for full lips, brown skin, and above all else ... round protuberant butts. I was confident in my appearance but dreaded opening my mouth. I knew that if I attempted to "rap to the sistas" that my boarding school/ Advanced Dungeons & Dragons/ guitar playing/ heathkit building/ snow boarding/ Gnu/Linux loving/ 9 skate board owning accent and lack of urban hipness would betray me ...

I continued in this pattern of avoidance well into the summer months. One day I happened to be riding my bike down Jefferson Ave (a busy thoroughfare in Downtown Detroit that runs along the river that separates the United States from Canada.) Serendipitously, I chanced to see a beautiful voluptuous Black girl using a pay phone by the side of the road. I distinctly recall that she was wearing a white tennis skirt with royal blue trim. I couldn't take my eye off of her. And, as I passed, a divine wind (a kamikaze if you will) blew the back of her skirt up, and I beheld the caramel brown, thong-enshrined, all-singing-all-dancing ark of the covenant! That brief moment thrust upon me a new raison d'etre.

So, although I'm still know the all of the lyrics and most of the chord progressions to every Smashing Pumpkins song, can recite Hooper X's Star Wars diatribe from "Chasing Amy" by rote. and can sing the baritone and tenor parts of the choral in the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth symphony... in German, it's no stop to my overriding attraction to Black females.

However, despite my intense attraction for, and desire to drink the bath water of, Black and (morena) Afro-Latinas (read as Puerto Ricans and Dominicans) I don't arbitrarily exclude women from my potential dating pool based solely on the fact that they're a member of a certain ethnicity for which I hold some prejudice. Nor do I make assumptions about their character based on gross generalizations about their ethnicity, nationality, or what have you. I have my preferences, as does everyone, but in the end they are a small part of the over-all decision making process whether to romantically or sexually pursue an individual woman.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Serendipitously, I chanced to see a beautiful voluptuous Black girl using a pay phone by the side of the road. I distinctly recall that she was wearing a white tennis skirt with royal blue trim. I couldn't take my eye off of her. And, as I passed, a divine wind (a kamikaze if you will) blew the back of her skirt up, and I beheld the caramel brown, thong-enshrined, all-singing-all-dancing ark of the covenant! That brief moment thrust upon me a new raison d'etre.

I miss the cbm. He is my negro better half, my black good twin.
very surprised (pleasantly so) to see this topic here. i am a black american submissive/slave, and i have always had a strange sort of preference for white men...no, i don't think they're more attractive, i don't think they're "better" in any way....but the race thing (combined with the age difference, as i ONLY become involved with men much ..15 yrs or more...older than myself) brings about a different sort of submission on my part, nothing that i consciously think about, and something that i've only noticed in the past few years, but it has always been there. i don't know what it is, sort of a sense of "i was intended to be below you, to serve you". it's just...well...different, than being with a black man or a man of any other race. so, as you can imagine, i always pictured my future Master/Mate as an older, very Dominant white man. and wouldn't you know, i fell completely, utterly, madly in love with an older, very Dominant BLACK man. love knows no color. it was actually my preference for white Dominants that brought my Master and i together...i had posted about my dream Master on a message board, something 19 yr oldish and dramatic about a "beautiful, powerful white Master"......lol....and well my Master-to-be found my needs and desires regarding race interesting, and we began a discussion about it. i assumed he was a white man. by the time i discovered he was black, i liked him so much and respected him so much as a Dominant, that color was a total non-issue. so i'm the property of a black man. but he understands my need to be used by white men and so the vast majority of the other men he has me serve are white, and if not Dominant, definitely on the aggressive side.

something i've discovered in the 9 years i've been a slut (since i first had consentual sex)...many american white men, particularly if they are older, are naturally more aggressive with me sexually than they would be with say, a white girl/woman. i think this of course has to do with our history...a black female's duty, every black female's duty, was to be ready and available to fulfill the needs of white men. and this was not so very long ago. so there's bound to be this unspoken, intangible connection between many of us (white men and black women), for generations to come yet.

something else i've noticed....how often do we see erotic stories involving a Dominant white man and a submissive black woman (how often do you even hear about a submissive black woman...i can't tell you how often people have assumed i was Dominant simply because i am black and female)?? how often do we see erotic stories, or films, about nonconsentual or "rough" sexual activity involving white men and black women, where the black woman is the victim?? now, if you wish to see the other way round? Dominant black men and innocent, submissive white females?...you'll have no problem, it's everywhere. type in "interracial" into a search engine, and 90% of what you will find will have to do with black men, and white women. i have my own theory as to why the white man/black woman thing is still taboo, in 2003, and why the black man/white woman thing is seen as more acceptable. america doesn't like to be reminded of it's atrocities. a white man abusing a black woman, is repeating history. a black man abusing a white woman however, is rebellion...the slave finally taking back their power over Massa. almost like retribution...more interesting than 40 acres and a mule, i guess.
No eyes on my cock, it only sees pink

I have successfully found at least one woman of every race attractive. As long as she's not blonde (or gray haired I suppose), she has a shot. I've only been involved with one black girl, but she made the same noises. There was some touchiess at the beginning of the relationship as we both got used to dating someone of a different race for the first time.

There is unfortunately still a stigma (see the Old South), and I encountered a little of this. Most of my friends are minorities (not black: Hispanics, Asians, and Vegans), so there was not tension there at least. Her friends were not against it so much as surprised.

I like to sample the buffet of life. What she does on her knees matters much, much, much more.

Oh yeah: "Me white."
curious2c said:
... While reading this thread I have been thinking. There is a lot of 'stigma' attached to interacial relationships ... I wrote some stories about similar 'relationships' and got feedback positive and negative. I can tell you that there are racisists out there, of many races, and they show up in feedback on stories like mine ...
My former wife is half black/half german. i know where you're coming from with "stigma," but never had a problem with it in my old profession. i did, however, spend a bit of time in LA near the Gulf Coast, and simply couldn't believe how many black males couldn't get over the fact of us walking hand in hand. Never really had to say anything because she ripped into their asses all by herself.

My personal belief on the matter is fuck them and their assinine perspective.

Life's too short to deal with rectal cranial infarction.
Okay...i had posted on this thread under a different name long ago (see browndream72) and it is extremely wierd to me the turn my life has taken since my last postings. Until this year, i had never felt (or been) submissive to a MALE, ever. I was usally the Dominant one. The only time the submissive in me, came out to play was when I was involved with women..and usually older White women.

Since that time, I have been involved in a r/l relationship with a black male (DOMINANT) and am now on the search for a older woman, of any color. I guess with time and circumstances come change. But i am soo glad to see that this thread is still here and viable.

Speaking as a bi-racial maso-switch...i have to agree with with osg...it does seem that prejudice is still alive and kicking when it comes to the white male/black female thing...but it has always been My experience that it was the black men who had a problem with it...moreso than any white guy i have ever ran across. Then again..i have been dating white guys and girls the majority of my sexual life so i would not really have any other thoughts on the subject. :confused:

I will be waiting to see what else cums up ...

til next time
ownedsubgal said:

something i've discovered in the 9 years i've been a slut (since i first had consentual sex)...many american white men, particularly if they are older, are naturally more aggressive with me sexually than they would be with say, a white girl/woman. i think this of course has to do with our history...a black female's duty, every black female's duty, was to be ready and available to fulfill the needs of white men. and this was not so very long ago. so there's bound to be this unspoken, intangible connection between many of us (white men and black women), for generations to come yet.

This observation has resparked, or maybe refined would be a better word, my own thoughts on such topics. I have always acknowledged the same view in relation to the US, while also being aware from my years in the Aboriginal community living with an Aboriginal man in times when it was still against the law in my country to do so, that women from that community were also treated in a similar way by white Australian men. There are multitudes of Aboriginal women raising the children of their now absent white lovers and husbands. It seemed many men saw (and see)them as a picking ground for their own selfish needs.

In those days I was younger, and our history was buried and disputed, which is a state which has not improved greatly but at least there is a lot more openness about it now, even if the white government chooses to paint it a different colour bathed in so called benevolence. Until 1967, Aboriginal people were not counted in our census as they were officially classed as flora and fauna.

The fact is Aboriginal women were enslaved by their white 'betters'who used them as sex slaves, often put in cages on cattle stations like animals for the use of any male. Is food for thought as to whether this history and the subsequent perceptions were grounds for the view of Aboriginal women as sexual prey in modern Australia, or if it is a more generalised racism/sexism which sees women of any race other than Anglo white as subservient. Unfortunatlely, in my observation, the Aboriginal male in our country is even more discriminated against in the larger community than Afro Americans in yours. Racism sucks, but for now it seems it still raises it's ugly head to gasp a surviving breath.

Catalina, you speak the truth. there seems to be a similar trend of abuse from recent history to the modern day all throughout the world, when the man is white, and the female is dark. with this being the case, and with my own experiences with white men being the case, one would maybe wonder why i continue to feel that special "tingle" with an older white man. but, i'm a strange girl. ;) it's a mindset that many have, from being raised where they were raised, that makes them feel (and accordingly act) more superior than someone of a darker race, particularly if the someone is female. this is something that usually, they are not even aware of. nor does it make them racist. it's simply how we all grow up, in this world, with this world's history. of course with some, they are indeed racist, and they KNOW (in their minds anyway) that they are superior and make their feelings obviously clear any chance they get. i used to work with such a man and not a day went by when he didn't make racist commentary and order me around, patting me on the head after i had completed a task, telling the other white men, "you just have to know how to keep 'em in line". but of course i grew up in the rural south where such people aren't exactly a dime a dozen.

but the connection is there, that sense of superiority (whether conscious or unconscious) on his part, and the sense of inferiority (conscious or unconscious) on my part. and that is what draws me to that exchange. it's a whole other sort of Dominance. i'm attracted to islamic middle eastern men for the same reason...that sense of superiority (over women in their case) that's drilled into them from birth. so with many i receive that same sort of treatment...that keeping me in my place and being aggressive with me physically....that i get from many white men. racism is depressing, but fortunately or unfortunately, it's erotic as well.
This is old news


My family has so many interracial relationships as well as Black/black relationships, black/hispanic, whatever.

Race is only an issue if you make it so.

People can find controversy in the most inane things if they choose to.

My boys are white, cause I find that white subs know how to serve, and they know their place. I have yet to meet a black, hispanic, or middle eastern male who is truly submissive. I am not saying there aren't any out there, I am saying I have never met one.

When I meet a sub of color, they always want to control the relationship. they want Me to cater to their kinks, and desires.

It ain't gonna happen, boys.
I'm kind of in Lark S's camp on this. To quote Hanif Kureshi "I'll fuck anybody!"

...and making a huge issue out of it is not particularly erotic. For me.

I've had relationships with people of color, just about all colors, but I've found that they tend to be, usually

-biracial (incidental)

-socialize primarily with white people. (often as a factor of being biracial)

I think the latter minmized our differences and put us in the same space together. With my black gf, we could both cuss in yiddish and be food snobs. She preferred white guys.

Now that I think about it more, all my relationships with people of other races were with women of other races. Not so much an issue of comfort levels, but let's face it, America plays and socializes in a pretty segregated fashion still. Women I think, negotiate those barriers between them more often.

It's not always a factor of attraction, when a guy grabs my attention he grabs my attention, it's the fact that I don't meet very many men of color I have so much in common with, and who I want to be with and who want to be with me. Getting all that to line up is hard with anyone, but possible with anyone, as far as stats go, for me.
ownedsubgal said:
Catalina, you speak the truth. there seems to be a similar trend of abuse from recent history to the modern day all throughout the world, when the man is white, and the female is dark. with this being the case, and with my own experiences with white men being the case, one would maybe wonder why i continue to feel that special "tingle" with an older white man. but, i'm a strange girl. ;) it's a mindset that many have, from being raised where they were raised, that makes them feel (and accordingly act) more superior than someone of a darker race, particularly if the someone is female. this is something that usually, they are not even aware of. nor does it make them racist. it's simply how we all grow up, in this world, with this world's history. of course with some, they are indeed racist, and they KNOW (in their minds anyway) that they are superior and make their feelings obviously clear any chance they get. i used to work with such a man and not a day went by when he didn't make racist commentary and order me around, patting me on the head after i had completed a task, telling the other white men, "you just have to know how to keep 'em in line". but of course i grew up in the rural south where such people aren't exactly a dime a dozen.

but the connection is there, that sense of superiority (whether conscious or unconscious) on his part, and the sense of inferiority (conscious or unconscious) on my part. and that is what draws me to that exchange. it's a whole other sort of Dominance. i'm attracted to islamic middle eastern men for the same reason...that sense of superiority (over women in their case) that's drilled into them from birth. so with many i receive that same sort of treatment...that keeping me in my place and being aggressive with me physically....that i get from many white men. racism is depressing, but fortunately or unfortunately, it's erotic as well.

and this: "i used to work with such a man and not a day went by when he didn't make racist commentary and order me around, patting me on the head after i had completed a task, telling the other white men, "you just have to know how to keep 'em in line""
Made my heart palpitate.
Race, colour are all perceptions in people minds. To me there are no differences whatsoever and most of what is considered to be a racial differences in my opinion are cultural differences.

Let me give an example of what I mean, being European and being from Spanish blood I have always considered myself to be white. To my surprise when meeting people from different continents I was considered Latin or Hispanic and not white.

I do not really care what I am considered of by whom, I am who I am. The same applies to a possible partner I have never judged them on colour, race or culture. I think there are many more important things to look at, for example the breast size;).

catalina_francisco said:
Race, colour are all perceptions in people minds. To me there are no differences whatsoever and most of what is considered to be a racial differences in my opinion are cultural differences.

Let me give an example of what I mean, being European and being from Spanish blood I have always considered myself to be white. To my surprise when meeting people from different continents I was considered Latin or Hispanic and not white.

I do not really care what I am considered of by whom, I am who I am. The same applies to a possible partner I have never judged them on colour, race or culture. I think there are many more important things to look at, for example the breast size;).


the smaller the better, right?? *pushing up my 32bs* :D

btw Francisco Sir, i agree that the differences btwn the races have more to do with culture than actual technical race. human beings are human beings.
Interesting topic ownedsubgal. You're very honest.

Play around 'forbidden areas' is certainly exciting, but some, like me would have a bit of guilty conscience. Consider a German man and a Jewish female consensual 'sex slave.'

On the other hand, the incest barrier is similar: the urge and turn on from a partner who is 'daddy' or 'mommy.'

My opinion is that you are boldly exploring a part of yourself, since the history of the races in North America is somewhat engrained.

Re: Re: racial domination

Ebonyfire said:
I am a Black Domme who has white male subs and in my humble opinion it has nothing to do with racial dominance or female superiority. It has everything to do with my preferences.


i have to agree here its about a persons preference
I have found there are plenty other reasons to dislike folks, race is one of the more ridiculous ones, IMHO.
Pure said:
Interesting topic ownedsubgal. You're very honest.

Play around 'forbidden areas' is certainly exciting, but some, like me would have a bit of guilty conscience. Consider a German man and a Jewish female consensual 'sex slave.'

On the other hand, the incest barrier is similar: the urge and turn on from a partner who is 'daddy' or 'mommy.'

My opinion is that you are boldly exploring a part of yourself, since the history of the races in North America is somewhat engrained.


my Master would never allow me to be anything but honest, Pure. this is one of those issues that it took me a very very long time to allow myself to acknowledge, and even longer for me to not feel shame because of it. i mean heck, it actually arouses me when a man thinks of me as inferior or naturally subservient to him simply because of my color. i think it should be made clear that while for some it's sort of a game...some sort of role play...for me, it's very real. the feelings (of superiority and inferiority) must be real. an older white man who "sees no color", and truly looks no differently at a black woman than he does at a white green or purple woman, is not going to stir up those ultra submissive, i'm-in-my-proper-place-below-you-now, below-you-solely-because- you're-white-and-i'm-black feelings inside me. but, most people are not color blind, even if they claim to be, so usually that oddly natural, intense, purely racially based (though neither of us may admit it) exchange is there.

it's nothing that i personally could ever pretend or role play. it's simply reality...it's there, or it's not. it can't be created.
I didn't even think of what color the lot of you might be. A while ago I forgot ownedsubgal was black, even though I knew it in my subconscious. It just doesn't enter into my brain what race anybody is.

I'm white. Daddy's white. My girlfriend is Hispanic on the census, but not much in her personal life. I have a thing for strong muscley black butches. But in reality, I just don't care.
Not too sure how i would feel about it.

i am equally intimidated by someone who is black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. if they are Dominant in nature.

i have a hard time focusing on racial differences unless the people around me start to harp on them.

would the prospect of adding racial undertones to play turn me on/off? To be honest, neither. That isn't a button.

ownedsubgal said:

something i've discovered in the 9 years i've been a slut (since i first had consentual sex)...many american white men, particularly if they are older, are naturally more aggressive with me sexually than they would be with say, a white girl/woman.

How can you speculate how differently you would be treated if you were a white sub?
that viewpoint is based on observation (seeing), and speaking with some of my white male friends over the years....i'm not speaking of Dominants, just typical run-of-the-mill american vanilla guys.