Random Haiku strike

Merrymaker said:
smile as thoughts drift back
brief dip into summer night
lavender essence

scented bath water
undulating guitar chords
a spanish heaven

Tathagata said:
scented bath water
undulating guitar chords
a spanish heaven


pretty brown eyes wander
move senses to distraction
guitar strokes falter
Merrymaker said:
pretty brown eyes wander
move senses to distraction
guitar strokes falter

fandango heart beat
as her tongue rolls the "R" in
ah mi querida
reading sexy words
scrawled on the computer screen
wish I could hear them
To convey the truth
my writing would have to sound
like the empty page
Oops! I made a subject verb agreement snafu on one of my haikus! Please allow me to fix!

Snowflakes fall on me
Turning from icy to warm
Their patterns disappear

crimson edged oak leaf
a lone goose honks overhead
autumn in my breath
Hiya Tath

furtive hush descends
echoes of her laughter gone
status quo returns
irishcatsmeow said:
beast crouches in wait
song unknown to the victim
tune becomes a feast

tune becomes a feast
sirens call from jagged rocks
on platters we sail
irishcatsmeow said:
on platters we sail
through jungle's last perfect dance;
heed the warrior's cry

heed the warrior's cry
steel echoes off icicles
frog pond is frozen
Tathagata said:
heed the warrior's cry
steel echoes off icicles
frog pond is frozen

frog pond is frozen
glass obscuring hidden depths
look inside yourself
tungtied2u said:
frog pond is frozen
glass obscuring hidden depths
look inside yourself

Look inside yourself,
hidden between hope and fear,
what do you find there?
irishcatsmeow said:
what do you find there?
a clear notion of your fate;
a screaming stop sign

a screaming stop sign
unyielding to life's onslaught
the wind bends backwards
the wind bends backwards
and forwards its brief message
to my restless mind

(i don't know how to make the previous post appear before my reply...)
irishcatsmeow said:
the wind bends backwards
and forwards its brief message
to my restless mind

(i don't know how to make the previous post appear before my reply...)

To my restless mind,
engaged in so many things,
Settle down some, you!

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