Ratio of Doms to Dommes

Re: Re: Ratio of Doms to Dommes

Hecate said:
IWhy? maybe because male domination is more societally accepted and thus more openly displayed? Maybe because female submission is still considered a virtue with many? While male submission is often ridiculed... and thus not so openly practiced and discussed?

Just a few thoughts from my end ..... *s*

You have a good point. Many men and women think that submissive men are weak. That is not necessarily so, however men are rewarded for certain types of behaviour, and penalized for other types of behavior.

Dominance and aggression (not assertiveness) is often rewarded. Look at the behavour of athletes.

Re: From an European POV

Hecate said:
I happen to be European, living in Germany but traveling to the UK a lot lately ... and I know there are Dommes around (but still many more male and female Domme-seeking submissives).

I do not know whether there are more or less Dommes than in the US, but you will find quite a few dedicated clubs and bars with party nights etc. in major cities and I am sure there are quite a few strong women out there giving a damn about role clichees*winks* and enjoying a bit of healthy friendly power exchange and SM-games on a non-pro just-for fun level.

Oh well, you will sure find out should your plans work out *s*

Good Luck

LOL! I was planning on going to Germany! Two weeks this summer, with my Great Uncle there. Southern border of Germany, I dont know the name of the town lol! Would have to look at the letter. Anyway, I dont speak a word of German lol! Thanks for the info :D
Hi, I thought I'd just wade in here, with my two pennyworth:

I tend to be a submissive, with women. With men I'm assertive and tend to control, dominate and occasionally be downright scary.

I like to relinquish control when I'm with a woman, and just BE.
This is a common form of male submissiveness. It's very non-violent and passive and is more of the plane that women are on.

People try to find a balance in their lives -- you'll often find that so-called "doms" and "subs" are only that way to redress a tendency to feel that they are too much the OPPOSITE.

In Britain, we have a lot of prodommes, for a couple of reasons, I think:

Firstly, Britain has had a strong matriarchal tradition, from Boudicca (the warrior queen who was defeated by the very patriarchal and misogynistic Roman Empire), through Elizabeth the 1st to Queen Victoria and even Margaret Thatcher. This is a pretty unusual country in its attitudes to women and power. I think it's no coincidence that that Emily Pankhurst was a British woman, and that the Female Eunuch was first published here.

Secondly, we have very prudish laws about prostitution. Basically it's not legal. There are no legal red-light districts. Some women have found a loophole by advertising themselves as Professional Dominatrices, which is seen as ok from a legal point of view (as well as safer from a physical standpoint).