Re: my humble opinion


out of respect for the author who was disparaged and singled out in the other thread, please post on the topic of lit's "no minors in sexual situations" rule here. Also welcome here are any other thoughts on issues discussed in this thread such as laws, policies, societies views on sex and adolecence/childhood, what constitutes a pedophile or any other topic that seems related. Questions on weather a particular story crosses the line, ect are also particularly welcome. I realize that many people want to respond to the things that have been posted in the previous thread, PLEASE DO IT HERE. We are trying to get the old thread to die down.
Re: Re: my humble opinion (Post here instead of I AM OUTRAGED)

I realize that many people want to respond to the things that have been posted in the thread titled "I Am Outraged", PLEASE DO IT HERE. We are trying to get the old thread to die down.

sweetnpetite said:
Re: my humble opinion

Originally posted by CrownJoolz
I have much less of a problem with projecting into the future when a celebrity comes of legal age than I do with some of the stories that really push the envelope.

There's another story which is in the Toplist which clearly states the girl is 18, but could pass for at least 3 years younger. And I've seen this tactic used in quite a few other stories as well.

Those kinds of things bother me. They skirt the rules and they blur the line between erotica and kiddie porn. I personally don't think the Olsen Twins at their 18th birthday party fall into that category. The celebrity category, in my mind, is mostly tongue-in-cheek anyway.



I'm always very sensative about being clear that my characters are over 18, if there is any suggestion that they are not (high school, teenager, young girl, school-girl or whatever) However sometimes you feel like acnowledging in a sidewinding way that your character was NOT a virgin til her 18th birthday and that teenagers do indeed have ****edited for content********

On the one hand, I kind of agree with you. On the other hand, I am 28 and still look like jail-bait. If I wrote a story that was about ME, I would have to change that detail and sometimes I don't mind, sometimes I do. Since all of my stories are ultimatley about my fantasy, I feel that my situation and who I am is totaly legitamate. I really am an adult who looks like a teenager. What comes out of my mind and experience is likely to reflect that, and its frustrating to have that part of who I am stiffled because someone thinks I'm writing "kiddie porn" or endorsing pedophilia.

Even worse than that, when I was 18, I actully looked like a well developed 12 year old. I was told that nearly every day, and it got worse when I turned 21 and everyone said, "are you sure you don't have that backwards?" These days I have to explain my age a lot bc my oldest child is 9 years old. So what sounds perverse to some is a daily fact of my life. I don't think that every guy who hits on me without seeing my id is a pedophile (even if he does probably think I'm a teenager). And I have to say I get more than my fair share of adult male attention.

I wonder if I wrote a story adressing this issue if it would be allowed? I actually have a few ideas that would make good if controversial stories.
Originally posted by sweetnpetite
I realize that many people want to respond to the things that have been posted in the thread titled "I Am Outraged", PLEASE DO IT HERE. We are trying to get the old thread to die down.
The old thread does just not seen to want to die, does it? This thread is someway down now, but as I post this, the other thread is still on top - but not for much longer.
Well, I turn away and there it is again, back up there on top. I guess the thread just has one of those titles that grabs attention.

I Am Outraged

I think people can just smell trouble ... and maybe blood!

my humble opinion

just cannot compete as a thread title.
hehe Thanks VA, I'm kinda shocked one of her other egos didn't speak up or haunt Me from the great void that is her life.
I'm doing my best to knock down that other thread, by posting on the suroundiing threads, and also bumping this one. I also posted a link to this thread on the other one at the top of each of my old posts. (thank goodness for the edit feature) so that hopefully, those stumbling onto it will realise before posting to hop over here. Its important if we want to burry that thread to reply to threads other than this one as this is not a very active board, any little bit of activity will bump a topic right up to the number one space:)

I don't want to be too obnoxious though, just going around and bumping ignored threads, so anyone who wants to help out can do so simply by reading the threads on the bottom of the heap and the storys by there authors and sending some helpful feedback or encouragement. See everybody wins:)
sweetnpetite said:
so anyone who wants to help out can do so simply by reading the threads on the bottom of the heap and the storys by there authors and sending some helpful feedback or encouragement. See everybody wins:)
I'm game. I may start a new thread or two instead of bumping, just for camouflage.
hey that's a good idea too. I started a bunch of new threads on story ideas one day, just to infuse some more variety in the board. I wanted to get more ideas floating around. I think people thought that I wanted advice on how to write a specific story or was requesting a specific story, but I was just brainstorming:)

Plus, I'm trying to get my 1.000 posts. It seems to take 4ever!

openthighs_sarah said:
I'm game. I may start a new thread or two instead of bumping, just for camouflage.
thanks, pookie_grrl

this was originally posted by pookie_grrl, who kindly allowed me to copy and paste it over here, since it is relevant to this discussion.

Just to clear up something, fictional stories about people under 18 years of age having sex are not illegal in the USA. However, child pornography is illegal. But "stories" are not child pornography in the eyes of the Courts.

Child Pornography: material that visually depicts children (real children as well as computer-generated depictions of children) under the age of eighteen engaged in actual or simulated sexual activity, including lewd exhibition of the genitals. Child pornography laws were recently amended to include computerized images or altered (morphed) pictures of children, and counterfeit or synthetic images generated by computer that appear to be of real minors or that were marketed or represented to be real child pornography

Legal Definition of Child Pornography: An unprotected visual depiction of a minor child (federal age is under eighteen) engaged in actual or simulated sexual conduct, including a lewd or lascivious exhibition of the genitals. See New York v Ferber, 458 U.S. 747 (1982), Osborne v Ohio, 495 U.S. 103 (1990), U.S. v X-Citement Video, Inc., 115 S. Ct. 464 (1994). See also U.S. v Wiegand, 812 F.2d 1239 (9th Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 484 U.S. 856 (1987), U.S. v Knox, 32 F.3d 733 (3rd Cir. 1994), cert. denied, 115 S. Ct. 897 (1995). Note: In 1996, 18 U.S.C. § 2252A was enacted and § 2256 was amended to include "child pornography" that consists of a visual depiction that "is or appears to be" of an actual minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct. See Free Speech Coalition v Reno, No. C-97-0281 SC, judgment for defendants, Aug. 12, 1997, unpublished, 1997 WL 487758 (N.D.Cal 1997).


Clearly, fictional stories are not visual depictions. Laurel has chosen to not post stories involving characters under eighteen for personal reasons, not legal. It's her website and she can do as she pleases. If someone doesn't like it, they can go elsewhere to post their stories.

Laurel has stated her opinion on this issue at least once:

Originally posted by Marxist

Then the obvious question must be asked, why not? Is it for fear of incitement to action (my original point)? How is that vastly different than "Lot Lizard?"

I'm playing devil's advocate, I'm on neither side of the argument as it pertains to Lit. I have written scenes that involved an element of non-consent myself. Governmental censorship regarding speech is patently wrong and everyone here probably agrees on that point.

But regarding murder fiction, you must answer your own question, why is fictionalized murder fiction and fictionalized adult felony rape OK but not fictionalized child felony sodomy?

It's all fantasy, or is it?

Why draw the line unless there is a thought, no matter how obscure, that it will be a cause to a specific action?

Originally posted by Laurel
Not so fast, buster. I asked YOU first.

It has nothing to do with incitement to action. It has to do with personal tastes. I don't want to read stories involving young children. They offend me - not because I think they're harmful, but because I think they're distasteful. It being a privately run site, we can make up whatever rules we deem fit. We also don't allow stories under 750 words. (Not for the same reasons, of course. )
