Red Wings

I wouldn't say you're lucky, Cheeky; you shouldn't be grateful for the fact that your bloke's not a complete arse! (which any man would be, if he has issues with it)
Was just going to mention the potential for heightened sensitivity, but Annabell beat me to it. As with most things, it's just about individuals; mental and physical. But some women who might find it extremely enjoyable may never try it because of negative social conditioning re menstruation (ditto men who get squeamish).

I wouldn't go all touchy feely male-feminist and say it's a beautiful, sacred, woman-power thing and everyone should love it, but I am saying society needs to change how it views a completely natural and healthy thing. Sex during a period may also give your partner a bit of a boost of confidence, if she usually feels pretty shitty when she's on. But again, everyone's wired differently.

In what way does society view being on your period negatively? Do I not know this because I'm a guy? The only thing we're taught about women on their period is that they get hormonal super-strength and rage beyond our comprehension. Is that negative? Because if I got super-strength and a fuck-all temper for a week strait and sent folk scattering in fear I would view it positively. But I guess the trade-off is the intense pain I've been described... I'm always here ladies- with a heating pad, a romantic comedy, a gallon of ice-creme and, you know, my penis.

Men are scared of menstruating women, but I don't see that as a bad thing. You can ask for a hall pass from a male teacher who's usually a total dick and if you say the word, "period" "menstruation" or even "That time of the month" fuck it, you can stay in the bathroom (or, you know, just gone) the entire class and he won't say shit. He'll just murmur something unintelligible and send you on your way. A friend of mine used to pull this in high school all the time. That same teacher didn't want to let me make up the work that I had missed because I was taking radiation therapy.
