Rejected Poem

i think he likes those parts
he did this shit in the past.
Now cane wendy, he probably was expecting you to show up with the spankies and you didn't. YOU failed him. YOU should be ashamed of yourself.
Go spank yourself.

I submitted this poem and it was rejected by the editors of this site.

As soon as the thought of purgatory had been washed away:

The xxxxxx xxxx, frozen since birth, got up to dance. Bathing in the morning sun, she felt her heart fluttering in the clover patch where she had stopped to say a prayer through a spider's web to the rainbow.

I remember watching her walking in a wilderness of mirrors, where daydreaming sheep with carnivorous eyes sought the opportunities of secrecy; moving like a silent panther through glaring reflections of evident truths surrounded by a fog of lies.

She came to my window, a raven with a broken wing.....

We shall steal fire. With it I shall give you the flame of confidence. Will you take it from me?

We shall walk on the vapors of clouds.

Those who do not count admire your fortress, but I am not impressed. I see your soul reflected in your eyes and the pleading tremors in your narcotic voice. I seek the Beauty you hide within. I shall come at you relentlessly until I squeeze every drop of it onto your mirror.

You know the geometry of passion. I shall take you to a destination where there is no logic; where infinity is an experience and the only proven postulate is pleasure. The doors you fear to walk through hold the treasure that you seek.

Our pleasures will be deducted from our shares in Paradise. I give mine most willingly to sin most wickedly with you now. The deeper we go, the higher we will climb. The higher we climb, the deeper we will go. We shall arrive at the point where each is both.

I am with you even when I am without you. We are there, in our own place, where only the two of us may go.

Half of what I write is meaningless. Keep only the pieces that reach you.

I invite you to an exploration of the psyche where the true realities of desire lie; a journey into the paradox of self, where surrender is a triumph and bondage brings freedom; a catharsis, a purging of the demons so that the spirit inside may take flight.

Will you come to me?

I will present you with the tantalizing tools of the trade: the loving caress of the blade, the scented sensation of Mayan roses scraping and striping the purity of tender white skin, the taste of the whip, the feel of lace and rubber, strands of knotted Prussian rope littering sweat soaked blankets strewn with satin pillows, the persistent presence of a punishment paddle, tears that dissolve ancient sorrows, ice that burns the body, ivy leaf and silver thorn, and a gnawing intensity that drives you insistently to ever expanding edges,

I will confront your fears with a sledgehammer. And you will kiss the sledgehammer as you give it to me.

I will make you do exactly what you have always wanted to do.

......seeking the healing to allow her to fly to the Himalayas and the Seychelles of her mind on new wings stolen from the ashes of the phoenix.

remarkably the rest of the text was not parsed.
Unlike the last time, when you did actually have a case, I won't bother to bring up the other TWO threads, where I did take the time and pulled some poetry out of the prose.

and this is my reward

by Koba09/27/12

Hmmm.....this gets posted and mine gets refused. Very interesting. We are certainly on a level playing field around here, aren't we? Yes, but there is no plot in yours, it's just pure beautiful poetry. And the fawning sychophants stand in line to praise your brilliance. No, there are no cliques here either. What a farce!

Actually there was a plot, a story. And refering to the readers as "fawning sychophants" some of whom did mention specifics and problems, whereas you did not, that kind of says something, doesn't it?

Again, I can only reiterate. I wrote the poem. It was intended as a love poem for a 50 year old woman. That was the sole and solitary purpose of it. There was no attempt to offer up anything else or attempt to disguise anything. In my mind the term "little girl" is so commonly used as a term of endearment and affection that it staggers me that anyone can even infer that it is being used as a literal term in this case. There are numerous other references in the poem that clearly point to it being directed at an older woman.

Am I ticked off about what is going on here? Yes. I am being accused of being a pedophile, of disguising pedophilia, of lying, of writing shitty poetry, and being arrogant. There is truth in the last but not a shred in the former cases.

I know what the truth is. If anyone wishes to infer and interpret differently, then I guess that is the way it is. I am not going to change my writing or my outlook to suit the audience.

What's at stake here is not your artistic or poetic freedom. Literotica is an enterprise which operates within the law of the various nations where it can be accessed. Child porn laws are vague and arbitrary. Once a site, which is to say the site's owners, attracts official attention, it's just never the same. Child porn and pedocures(see what I did there?) are the third rail of the internet. If a site starts to appear on searches related to those two topics, it is an unending headache. There really is no half or quarter volume. It's either shut or wide open.

Most sites, even the most enlightened, will not allow discussion of the legality of child porn laws, for fear of creating a pedo clearing house in their pm system. If an admin discovers child porn or links to such things on their servers, it's bad enough, but it's even worse when it's discovered by a search warrant.

Lit's rules are created to keep this site in operation. Sometimes the rules seem silly, but that's what it takes to stay in business, in the real world.
What's at stake here is not your artistic or poetic freedom. Literotica is an enterprise which operates within the law of the various nations where it can be accessed. Child porn laws are vague and arbitrary. ...Sometimes the rules seem silly, but that's what it takes to stay in business, in the real world.
Voice of reason ^ serious consequences may entail
Voice of Koba...
I am not going to change my writing or my outlook to suit the audience.

Sometimes the rules seem silly, the other poem, well that was silly, it had a story are or some such shit, and it was pointed out that he would get more readers as a story.

Voice of Koba...
Hmmm.....this gets posted and mine gets refused. Very interesting. We are certainly on a level playing field around here, aren't we? Yes, but there is no plot in yours, it's just pure beautiful poetry. And the fawning sychophants stand in line to praise your brilliance. No, there are no cliques here either. What a farce!

Koba, you had the other poem in two threads for weeks, everyone was sick of seeing it. Then I was on your side. Until I see this comment. It is a little strange.

You write words, Koba, words can get you on trouble, but the biggest trouble is the great love you feel for your own words, and this was no noble stand, it was sheer idiocy.
What's at stake here is not your artistic or poetic freedom. Literotica is an enterprise which operates within the law of the various nations where it can be accessed. Child porn laws are vague and arbitrary. Once a site, which is to say the site's owners, attracts official attention, it's just never the same. Child porn and pedocures(see what I did there?) are the third rail of the internet. If a site starts to appear on searches related to those two topics, it is an unending headache. There really is no half or quarter volume. It's either shut or wide open.

Most sites, even the most enlightened, will not allow discussion of the legality of child porn laws, for fear of creating a pedo clearing house in their pm system. If an admin discovers child porn or links to such things on their servers, it's bad enough, but it's even worse when it's discovered by a search warrant.

Lit's rules are created to keep this site in operation. Sometimes the rules seem silly, but that's what it takes to stay in business, in the real world.
Voice of reason, ^
Sorry Bronze
92 posts since 2002.

I'm guessing he crawled back into his groundhog hole and won't reappear until it is necessary to solicit a new submissive acquaintance or complain about a another rejected submission.

I suggest leaving the Dominator alter ego behind at Fantasy Island and you won't have problems like this in the Real World where you don't get to be in control of everything.