Republican Leadership Is A Threat To America

I honestly think the number of Christians in the US is MUCH lower than any poll would say. My mother claims Christian. She doesn't believe there was a flood or an immaculate birth or plagues in Egypt. Shit went down Egypt just like everywhere. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and the Chinese kept exceptionally good records for the time period. If seven plagues had hit followed by losing their slave force, they'd still be bitter to this day. LOL. I'm not gonna start passing judgement on people. Not for that.

I treat it the same way I treat it the same way I do fiction. Assume a person is "Christian" unless told otherwise. Orthodox Jews and Muslims it will come up sooner or later that they don't eat bacon or shrimp. Just like I don't really believe in atheists. I think if I took a hundred people lined em up and said I don't believe in God but I have a gun. Report back if you find anything. 99% would say they are fairly sure there is no God. The last thinks I'm bluffing. Which I would be but that's not the point.

Clearly right now its like many other things just talk. What they mean is they want to push their morals on you. Nothing more, nothing less.

Except Trump. That man is as athiest as I am. He just knows that claiming to be Christian is money. Hell I couldn't tell you the chapter and verse but but I love Judges. Judges basically boils down to "Israel dun goofed, so I let the philistines take them as slaves. When they cried out for a hero I sent a guy with super strength, unless you cut his hair. He was a bit of a dick and frankly pretty dim. I don't care if it's Beyonce and JLO. If you ask me how to take away my strength and I like three times and three times I wake up in those situations I'm NEVER telling you the truth.

Is it necessary? Are the illegal border crossers bringing it with them?

Polio has been pretty much eradicated.

Poilio WAS nearly eradicated, until the anti-vax nutcases stopped getting vaccines. See how that works?

The Clown Show Conspiracy Nut Republican Party is pro-polio.
She had trouble parsing his statement, so she got it wrong, but that's okay, she's a government worker.
Since 2020, Polio has spiked from virtually nothing to around 16,000 cases in the US, but yah, Polio's eradicated?
Where are you getting this figure?
New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan warned in April that at least half of the migrants who have poured into the city had not been vaccinated against polio. The potentially paralyzing and life-threatening virus remains endemic in two countries in the world, Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to the World Health Organization. Since President Biden ordered what proved to be a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, an estimated 90,000 Afghans have come to the U.S. under the terms of Operation Allies Welcome.
Word is, that after Trump deliberately crashed his gag order the Secret Service is making plans for an overnight stay in Rikers.

They can put him in with the other sex offenders seeing as General Population is not secure enough with all his ex-staff imprisoned there harboring grudges.