Request for Blackmail Ideas

SkylineBlue said:
You want to explore slavery. You want to as you said "turn typical slavery" on its head. What is typical slavery? It is hard for me to imagine a way to help you in your dilemna when I'm not sure how you define slavery. I have to question you - have you ever been a slave? Your first post seems to suggest you aren't a bdsmer - I'm not saying a person can't empathize but I find it hard to believe you can write this particular story without having in some way experienced "slavery" yourself.

Your observations are correct; I have not experienced slavery myself, nor do I wish to. Some playful, if not academic, BDSM is about the extent of my experience. This does not mean, however that I do not have an interest in studying submission. I have made many friends within BDSM communities and have attended a number of BDSM events. I am an amateur anthropologist; my subjects of interest are subversives and deviants. Much as a criminologist can articulate the thoughts of a killer in fiction, without killing anyone; I feel I am qualified to explore this subject matter based on my own research.

I can fully appreciate your concerns of an outsider writing about something dear to you. It is for this reason my plots are always in a far dark extreme and never revolve around common D/s relationships. Please believe I have the greatest respect for the community and try hard not to let my stories misrepresent the lives of those in it.

catalina_francisco said:
But the interesting thing is we are getting asked a lot lately to help people out with their story lines for books. My way of thinking is if you are a writer and worth publishing, you do not usually advertise for people to outline a suitable plot based on a minimal idea you vaguely have thought up (as this one appears as getting the cooperation of our heroine is presumably the beginning or near to it), and how to make it workable, you usually have your own plot with the solutions to any hitches you come across. Isn't that part of the challenge of writing?

This is not a storyline for a book or any other commercial gain. This is purely academic for me, and the finished work is released to the public here and on a.s.s.m. While you are correct that in many ways this question I have posed is a part of the challenge of writing, I am not looking for plots; I am researching ;)

I am deeply sorry if my manners or persistence here has offended either of you or anyone else. Perhaps if you would like I can send you both copies of my unreleased works (my proofer seems to be pressed for time and has been unable to complete the task in the last 3 days) and you can proof them for authenticity? Send me a PM with your email address and I will send them over. (Note: The series is extremely dark. MF, Mdom, BDSM, WS, semi-reluc, 1 scene of beast, 1 of scat, 1 sorta-Fdom scene, and very horrific and accurate depictions of substance abuse as a tool for mind control. Based on a real Slave market I encountered in SF for gay men, I adapted it and the methods employed for a straight story.)

Edit: Should be easier to read now, just woke up and my fingers weren't paying attention to my brain. :D
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snoozebutton said:
Well of course, I have a gender neutral name. So no offence taken. Besises who can say no to a naughty nurse. :)
No-one if they know whats good for them ;) Its in everyones best interests to be nice to nurses,( and nicer to the naughty ones) and we all like chocolate.:p
catalina_francisco said:
But the interesting thing is we are getting asked a lot lately to help people out with their story lines for books. My way of thinking is if you are a writer and worth publishing, you do not usually advertise for people to outline a suitable plot based on a minimal idea you vaguely have thought up (as this one appears as getting the cooperation of our heroine is presumably the beginning or near to it), and how to make it workable, you usually have your own plot with the solutions to any hitches you come across. Isn't that part of the challenge of writing?


I thought that was the whole purpose behind share ideas, help with the challenge of writing erotic literature. :confused:
JupitersGirl said:
I thought that was the whole purpose behind share ideas, help with the challenge of writing erotic literature. :confused:

Perhaps to a degree, but then that is usually something betwen regular Lit posters, and on the appropriate forum. I have noticed a few who are not regulars who register, drop in to BDSM Talk, ask, and disappear again.......and it just leads me to wonder who is writing the book when there is so little already written except for a vague idea. I guess as someone who does write, I tend to think there has to be some foundation set by the credited writer before getting outlines from others. Just my opinion and perhaps a little suspicion when hearing stories of such things from other sites where someone unknown to regulars pratically gets others to write the story, fill in a couple of details themselves at the end, and then pin their name to it.

And also it is a hangover from working for an employer who did the same thing, asked her workers to write articles then had them published under her own name and publicly accepted all the credit, even for a book on one occassion....after that I stopped being so helpful and gullible when approached by people who did not seem to have a clue what to write. Tends to make you a little cautious after awhile. Also I think there are books a plenty which misrepresent the lifestyle written by people who see a way to exploit for their own purposes, so once again I am cautious. This particular poster may not be the same and does seem to contribute on other threads now they are here, but it still makes me wary.

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landcruisergal said:
No-one if they know whats good for them ;) Its in everyones best interests to be nice to nurses,( and nicer to the naughty ones) and we all like chocolate.:p

Well nurses are good at relieving pain but a know they like recieving it too from time to time.:devil: As to the Chocolate anything that brings a smile is ok with me.
catalina_francisco said:
Perhaps to a degree, but then that is usually something betwen regular Lit posters, and on the appropriate forum. I have noticed a few who are not regulars who register, drop in to BDSM Talk, ask, and disappear again.......and it just leads me to wonder who is writing the book when there is so little already written except for a vague idea. I guess as someone who does write, I tend to think there has to be some foundation set by the credited writer before getting outlines from others. Just my opinion and perhaps a little suspicion when hearing stories of such things from other sites where someone unknown to regulars pratically gets others to write the story, fill in a couple of details themselves at the end, and then pin their name to it.

And also it is a hangover from working for an employer who did the same thing, asked her workers to write articles then had them published under her own name and publicly accepted all the credit, even for a book on one occassion....after that I stopped being so helpful and gullible when approached by people who did not seem to have a clue what to write. Tends to make you a little cautious after awhile. Also I think there are books a plenty which misrepresent the lifestyle written by people who see a way to exploit for their own purposes, so once again I am cautious. This particular poster may not be the same and does seem to contribute on other threads now they are here, but it still makes me wary.


So true but I guess I miss the Sexual Roleplaying Stories I used to contribute to. I quit because so many start only never to finish. So many wicked ideas, if only I was discipled enough to just write a few stories. lol
catalina_francisco said:
Perhaps to a degree, but then that is usually something betwen regular Lit posters, and on the appropriate forum. I have noticed a few who are not regulars who register, drop in to BDSM Talk, ask, and disappear again.......and it just leads me to wonder who is writing the book when there is so little already written except for a vague idea. I guess as someone who does write, I tend to think there has to be some foundation set by the credited writer before getting outlines from others. Just my opinion and perhaps a little suspicion when hearing stories of such things from other sites where someone unknown to regulars pratically gets others to write the story, fill in a couple of details themselves at the end, and then pin their name to it.

I am sorry if I gave the impression that I was looking for an entire plot or for someone else to write my story... what fun would that be for me? :) All I asked for was ideas on controlling someone without the typical unimaginative uses common in this sort of fiction.

catalina_francisco said:
Also I think there are books a plenty which misrepresent the lifestyle written by people who see a way to exploit for their own purposes, so once again I am cautious. This particular poster may not be the same and does seem to contribute on other threads now they are here, but it still makes me wary.

This is actually a place I hope to frequent and venture further into. This is a whole community well populated with literary types with an interest in BDSM and other deviant sexuality. This is a wet dream for me! :D I have tried to find similar communities in the past, but online BDSM communities tend to be almost exclusively personals or very exclusive elitists... many from both groups tending to be entirely fictional characters themselves. This is the first community I have found that is not founded to get their jollies off, or populated dominantly with faux-personas.

You must realize though, that most of these threads are between the same 20 people back and forth. It may be a bit daunting for some to stray from their own thread into others. Your defensiveness would have scared away less enthused new comers, but since I am extremely excited to have found you all it will take the entire community with pitch forks and torches to drive me off! :devil:
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MartinConteggio said:
I am sorry if I gave the impression that I was looking for an entire plot or for someone else to write my story... what fun would that be for me? :) All I asked for was ideas on controlling someone without the typical unimaginative uses common in this sort of fiction.

This is actually a place I hope to frequent and venture further into. This is a whole community well populated with literary types with an interest in BDSM and other deviant sexuality. This is a wet dream for me! :D I have tried to find similar communities in the past, but online BDSM communities tend to be almost exclusively personals or very exclusive elitists... many from both groups tending to be entirely fictional characters themselves. This is the first community I have found that is not founded to get their jollies off, or populated dominantly with faux-personas.

You must realize though, that most of these threads are between the same 20 people back and forth. It may be a bit daunting for some to stray from their own thread into others. Your defensiveness would have scared away less enthused new comers, but since I am extremely excited to have found you all it will take the entire community with pitch forks and torches to drive me off! :devil:

Well that is reassuring....not sure I would say I was defensive, but I have learned not to be taken in so easily. As to scaring people, well as caring as I am usually, I think if you have an interest in this lifestye and find yourself scared by someone voicing possible reasons to be concerned about a community they belong to being used, you are not going to survive as an active participant in BDSM for long. Takes courage no matter which end of the whip you are on. Enjoy and welcome.

snoozebutton said:
So true but I guess I miss the Sexual Roleplaying Stories I used to contribute to. I quit because so many start only never to finish. So many wicked ideas, if only I was discipled enough to just write a few stories. lol

An undisciplined Dom?!!! No!! Never!!! Shame on you. LOL

SkylineBlue said:
Note to self: Watch plate if out to dinner with Carnus
Newp, actually a good idea ... it worked on Snake Pliskin twice: once in NY, once in LA.
Have you ever read Neuromancer by William Gibson? The main character starts in a state of neural disability which the blackmailer offers to fix in exchange for the main character's professional services. The main character, Case, takes him up on the offer and undergoes ground-breaking, successful surgery that gives him back his neural abilities. Unfortunately, while he's in surgery, the doctors implant toxin sacs that are time-released, and will explode without the timely intervention of a secret enzyme that only the blackmailer can offer. So Case has to do what the blackmailer wants in the hopes that he finishes before the toxin sacs break open, and in time for the blackmailer to dose him with the enzyme that will get the toxin sacs out of his body unbroken.

Now it's probably illegal to take Gibson's idea word-for-word, but it seems like a pretty effective blackmailing device.
NemoAlia said:
Have you ever read Neuromancer by William Gibson? The main character starts in a state of neural disability which the blackmailer offers to fix in exchange for the main character's professional services. The main character, Case, takes him up on the offer and undergoes ground-breaking, successful surgery that gives him back his neural abilities. Unfortunately, while he's in surgery, the doctors implant toxin sacs that are time-released, and will explode without the timely intervention of a secret enzyme that only the blackmailer can offer. So Case has to do what the blackmailer wants in the hopes that he finishes before the toxin sacs break open, and in time for the blackmailer to dose him with the enzyme that will get the toxin sacs out of his body unbroken.

Now it's probably illegal to take Gibson's idea word-for-word, but it seems like a pretty effective blackmailing device.

Was also a good plot device in Ninja Scroll one of my favorite animes. Though it was a poison from a weapon that pierced him.
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i believe that everyone has a weakness. A center fault that will bring them crashing down if manipulated correctly.

MC, you have made her nearly impervious to attack. i think she must have a weakness that can be exploited by blackmail.

Is it possible to assign the character a psychological flaw? A phobia so deep-rooted, she is unaware that it exists? How about an emotional disorder she may have been diagnosed with but never informed of by a doctor? If someone were to obtain information about her that she herself was unaware of, the potential for manipulation would be possible. It would also add an air of mystery (given you interweave enough clues) to why she's cooperating, while giving the reader an added benefit to a typical BDSM story.

Cautionary use of dangling the carrot. Erotica readers like to be stroked along the way and resent too much web-like story construction. i'm guessing a liberal dousing of 'erotica' between (disturbing) involuntary behavior from your femme character and heavy hintage would be a good thing.

Just a random thought. Wish you well on your story.

If you think deportationof an alien isn't good enough as a threat, go see Dirty Pretty Things and reconsider.
AngelicAssassin said:
Newp, actually a good idea ... it worked on Snake Pliskin twice: once in NY, once in LA.

that is great, a reference almost no one will get. :)

Carnus said:

that is great, a reference almost no one will get. :)


Uh oh....would it be showing my age to admit I got it?

If yes, I have no idea what he is talking about.
Carnus said:

that is great, a reference almost no one will get. :)

I dont like to consider myself as an almost no-one, and theres nothing sad about being of an age to remember some films from the 80's. Actually admitting you watched them and took enough notice to recognise the character names.( and I didnt even need the NY or LA ref. )Ouch!
MartinConteggio said:
I am deeply sorry if my manners or persistence here has offended either of you or anyone else. Perhaps if you would like I can send you both copies of my unreleased works (my proofer seems to be pressed for time and has been unable to complete the task in the last 3 days) and you can proof them for authenticity? Send me a PM with your email address and I will send them over. (Note: The series is extremely dark. MF, Mdom, BDSM, WS, semi-reluc, 1 scene of beast, 1 of scat, 1 sorta-Fdom scene, and very horrific and accurate depictions of substance abuse as a tool for mind control. Based on a real Slave market I encountered in SF for gay men, I adapted it and the methods employed for a straight story.)

Edit: Should be easier to read now, just woke up and my fingers weren't paying attention to my brain. :D [/B]

I'm not too easily offened. Just raising some concerns. Sure send them over. I could use a little distraction.
Isn't Blackmail Illegal

MartinConteggio said:
Unfortunately she is too young for children. And no threat of her career would be enough for the demands placed on her.

See the story explores her emotions through her ordeals. As a plot device the "bad guys" are amused by making her perform without the threat of the whip and without bondage to keep her from escaping. She forces herself to obey just on the threat of the blackmail...

That is if I can ever figure out what the blackmail is ;) Hate having characters in my head that won’t fit nicely into their own story! She’s going to pay for that if she ever gets in there! :p

What if instead of blackmail it was holding someone she cares about over her head; for example, her husband will be killed if she doesn't comply or one of her parents.... put in a situation where she can't prove the threat to them is real.... I can honestly say that short of a threat to my Master or children I wouldn't dance for anyone.

Thumbs down on any threats to herself or her family; That's not erotic. As a reader it would turn me off of a story to read a threat more serious than exposure.

Here are a couple of stupid ideas:

If your character is too young to have built up a big life for herself, what about a relationship? Does she have a boyfriend at the time? A steady? A fiance or anything? Sometimes these kinds of stories are made more exciting when the character is going behind her lovers back. If she does have a S.O. then perhaps pictures of her with another man could be used against her. Maybe she had a short affair a while ago, and the guy is part of the group. One of the things about that kind of blackmail is that the further you go with obeying the group, the further away you get from escape. Now they'd have even more to hold against her.

Some people on Lit, including myself, have used some generic blackmail in stories. I don't remember who it was...Couture maybe? Who wrote the story "Lesbian Blackmail" in which one woman is blackmailed by another with evidence that her late husband hadn't been quite honest about his business. The character was forced to comply by the threat of losing everything. I can't actually remember the terms of my blackmail story, "The Alternative."

I like these kinds of stories and I hope you find something that suits your character. I also hope you post a link in this thread when the story is finished = )

Good Luck!
