rhetorical questions...

annaswirls said:
mmm I bet it looks nice nestled between your um pair of balls
are you crafty? could you cut out some cleavage? sequins?
I want one of those shirts people sign, like on the last day of middle school... you know, just comments, no voting :rolleyes:
How about a line of poetry clothing? Maybe some thongs with a haiku on the string that goes in your butt crack. Oh! Or a wordless poem on crotchless panties. You have to tell the reader to dig deeper for the meaning.
Hmm... I might write a poem on one of my dildos. Or maybe I'll just go play with my dildo... and then write poetry. Oh, forget poetry.
WickedEve said:
Let's just not register anymore giant pussy names for the forum. If we do, we'll be leaving ourselves open for a giant twitching cock.
It's already taken. It's my alt.

neonurotic said:
It's already taken. It's my alt.

You're too sweet to have a nasty, icky, old name like that. :cattail:

How about pecker_stud? Or something classy like meat-sweat?

And by the way, Man Ray, I see that your newest poem Double-Jointed has a red H.

MyNecroticSnail said:
Hey Check this out: Score in April
My crayon box has many colors
2.23 13 146
Public Comments: 1
Scote today
My crayon box has many colors
1.00 1 224
Public Comments: 1
Looks like the person(s) who didn't like me, wasn't as many as I thought. I'm having trouble dealing with that. :rolleyes:

I really expected a good solid three, one for each crayon. :D
My crayon box has many colors
by MyNecroticSnail ©

Mauve is a faggy color I throw in the closet
Indigo I don't understand
Pink is for pussy if I get lucky with my radar gun
Purple a Most Infected Purple is from scratching my ass on a cactus plant
Yellow is for my my streak

An acrostic poem? MIPPY?
Elegy for Mippy

Man Ray said:
Why is it that some 'members' of a family of poets cannot find it within their poetic soulful hearts to support and celebrate one another? Why is there such evident mean-spiritedness? Why do poets act out by anonymously voting down our respective poems for the sole purpose of effectively downgrading ratings?

Just as good, solid fair competition is healthy for the economy so is good, solid fair competition healthy for new poems. How is it that we can find it within our hearts and souls to pray for peace and harmony in the Mid-East and in Afghanistan when we cannot example peace and harmony within our family of poets?

What is a poet? Where does the heart of a poet reside? What is in the mind of a poet? What is the philosophy of a poet? In what direction does a poet's moral and ethical compass point? Do we as fellow poets espouse the truism that competition is good for the heart, mind, body and soul?

Perhaps others have like questions.

I have had similar questions and now they don't concern voting at all. One thing I question is the assumption that poets are more sensitive or kinder than are others. Perhaps they have more delicate sensibilities, but I have yet to see a group of people that are inherently kinder to one another. In fact, alternative programs that educate children with higher than average IQs tend to have a greater problem with bullying than the regular school system.

Why can we not find peace within our family of poets? Because people feel that friendship and loyalty is best exhibited when they hate the people their friends hate. Just like in any other place on the planet. My perception is admittedly likely to be affected by having just finished an octavia butler novel, though. :) It was yummy.
cherries_on_snow said:
I have had similar questions and now they don't concern voting at all. One thing I question is the assumption that poets are more sensitive or kinder than are others. Perhaps they have more delicate sensibilities, but I have yet to see a group of people that are inherently kinder to one another. In fact, alternative programs that educate children with higher than average IQs tend to have a greater problem with bullying than the regular school system.

Why can we not find peace within our family of poets? Because people feel that friendship and loyalty is best exhibited when they hate the people their friends hate. Just like in any other place on the planet. My perception is admittedly likely to be affected by having just finished an octavia butler novel, though. :) It was yummy.

mmmm Octavia Butter..... yummy...

there is a good alt. I think I need a new one.
WickedEve said:
How about a line of poetry clothing? Maybe some thongs with a haiku on the string that goes in your butt crack. Oh! Or a wordless poem on crotchless panties. You have to tell the reader to dig deeper for the meaning.
Hmm... I might write a poem on one of my dildos. Or maybe I'll just go play with my dildo... and then write poetry. Oh, forget poetry.

oh you are on to something my darling! I think you could sell them on Ebay. Hmm. I think that you would have the most luck selling them with the poet's own words sharpied on the dildo. I wrote a poem once about a poetess fucking herself with her own poetry twisted up tight.

hmmm... panties... you could have the poem written in that ink that only appears when wet
WickedEve said:
You're too sweet to have a nasty, icky, old name like that. :cattail:

How about pecker_stud? Or something classy like meat-sweat?

And by the way, Man Ray, I see that your newest poem Double-Jointed has a red H.

This thread is being watched. Someone just registered pecker_stud and meat-sweat.
neonurotic said:
This thread is being watched. Someone just registered pecker_stud and meat-sweat.

pecker stud-- sounds too painful, like someone might try to put a nail in it, hold up a heavy mirror or something
annaswirls said:
pecker stud-- sounds too painful, like someone might try to put a nail in it, hold up a heavy mirror or something
Oh, it's about 1 or 2 week's worth of soreness for a pecker stud. "Handle with care", ya know?
neonurotic said:
Oh, it's about 1 or 2 week's worth of soreness for a pecker stud. "Handle with care", ya know?

Surely the offers to kiss and make it better are overwhelming

(all my home improvement projects had me imagining a long beam of wood and a pecker being used to find it)
annaswirls said:
Tzara, surely will be able to tell us of any historical battles over poetry.
Well, there's Byron peeing all over Poet Laureate Robert Southey in the Dedication to Don Juan

More recently, you have Pulitizer Prize-winner Franz Wright's ongoing battle with poet and National Book Critics Circle criticism award-winner William Logan. I think Wright offered to bust Logan in the nose.

Then there's the whole Foetry.com dust-up that is still ongoing. Lawsuits and counter-lawsuits are pending.

The voting intrigues here are bush league. It's silly to fret about it.
Man Ray said:
Why is it that some 'members' of a family of poets cannot find it within their poetic soulful hearts to support and celebrate one another? Why is there such evident mean-spiritedness? Why do poets act out by anonymously voting down our respective poems for the sole purpose of effectively downgrading ratings?
Since a rhetorical question is one that does not expect an answer, or one for which the answer is obvious, I will confine my remarks to saying that I certainly do not have a "poetic soulful heart". I have a crafty and spiteful one. Beware. :)

My own rhetorical question is "Will we ever see an end to people complaining about their scores?"

On to more important matters: I think Eve should do an illustrated poem of those panties with the moisture-activated poem on them. I even promise to vote a 5 on it. :rolleyes:
annaswirls said:
Surely the offers to kiss and make it better are overwhelming

(all my home improvement projects had me imagining a long beam of wood and a pecker being used to find it)
That's too bad. Your mind isn't as naughty as it use to be ;)
Tzara said:
More recently, you have Pulitizer Prize-winner Franz Wright's ongoing battle with poet and National Book Critics Circle criticism award-winner William Logan. I think Wright offered to bust Logan in the nose.

You should have seen Wright's tizzy with Poetry Magazine. They didn't accept his poem and he barraged them with five or six emails telling them how out of touch with poetry they are, and much worse. Poetry indicated they published each of the emails because they are open to all views and because they were simply too good to pass up.

Poetry also had the distinction of publishing a poem they didn't notice was an acrostic where one poet called another an asshole. Funny but not nice...
Decayed Angel said:
You should have seen Wright's tizzy with Poetry Magazine. They didn't accept his poem and he barraged them with five or six emails telling them how out of touch with poetry they are, and much worse. Poetry indicated they published each of the emails because they are open to all views and because they were simply too good to pass up.

Poetry also had the distinction of publishing a poem they didn't notice was an acrostic where one poet called another an asshole. Funny but not nice...
I had read about Wright's Poetry corresponence, but couldn't find a quick reference online. I find it amusing that he has worked as a mental health professional.

I'm not crazy about him, but his da, when he was on, was awesome.
neonurotic said:
That's too bad. Your mind isn't as naughty as it use to be ;)

depends upon what I am going to hang from that 2x4.... I got some ideas from a story I read today about one of those naughty nurses...need something strong to hang my nails in...
Liar said:
If they do it anonymously, how do you know they are poets? Do they leave little anonymous poems behind?

Lmao .. such a dry humor. I'm lovin' it ~

:rose: :rose: <~~~ for all poets and writers.

No need for numbers, unless your counting books sold, money made and ideas poppIng into the mind at one time. :rolleyes:

Ya'll have to forgive me. I have been in an odd mood for days :D

~~ ManRay ... keep those poems and illustrations coming. :rose:
Tzara said:
My own rhetorical question is "Will we ever see an end to people complaining about their scores?"
TZ - I hope you or anyone else did not have suffer, because you dared review what I wrote.DA - I hope you get the apology in public. And for all you assholes that thought I was twelveoone - thank you. He didn't seem to mind and at least one of his theories is correct.

For the record I wasn't complaining about the score. It was a bait, it worked. An exercise in trying to determine a real number.

I suspect that this influence extended beyond even to include "the friend of my enemy is my enemy". I can't prove it. What I saw was a travesty over at the top list, I did do some relational mapping. Very hypocritical of a crowd to complain about what it I am sure they were doing. All of this was prompted by a friend taking 4 hits in the space of half hour, insuring that the poem would not reach the top list.

I can out-Rove, the Rove. I can outbully the bully. I hope the lesson is learned. I hope I am done.

whoever you are, frankly I dont give a shit. Someone as callous and rude as you has no place in calling ANYONE an asshole.1201 was an intelligent peson and known for playing games and you seemed to have fit right in and actualluy resembled his work.. Sorry I ever wrote you or spoke to you.I dont appreciate beig called an asshole, and my fellow poets and friends who thought the same thing,. fuck you, youre the asshole...if this place is so far beneath you, why do you keep hanging around?

I know why, you like to stir up the shit. so I stepped in it, just get so sick of sitting back and watching the abuse. it is not right
normal jean said:
whoever you are, frankly I dont give a shit. Someone as callous and rude as you has no place in calling ANYONE an asshole.1201 was an intelligent peson and known for playing games and you seemed to have fit right in and actualluy resembled his work.. Sorry I ever wrote you or spoke to you.I dont appreciate beig called an asshole, and my fellow poets and friends who thought the same thing,. fuck you, youre the asshole...if this place is so far beneath you, why do you keep hanging around?

I know why, you like to stir up the shit. so I stepped in it, just get so sick of sitting back and watching the abuse. it is not right


Man Ray...

there have been several threads on this topic and many explained why they vote the way they do... leaving 2's and 3's as a norm. All I can say is get use to them. Do not write for ratings. I enjoy your illustrated poetry. I have been out of town and I am behind on my reading of the new poems list... I'll give them a gander <grin and a nickle's worth of thoughtfullness.
MyNecroticSnail said:
TZ - I hope you or anyone else did not have suffer, because you dared review what I wrote.DA - I hope you get the apology in public. And for all you assholes that thought I was twelveoone - thank you. He didn't seem to mind and at least one of his theories is correct.

For the record I wasn't complaining about the score. It was a bait, it worked. An exercise in trying to determine a real number.

I suspect that this influence extended beyond even to include "the friend of my enemy is my enemy". I can't prove it. What I saw was a travesty over at the top list, I did do some relational mapping. Very hypocritical of a crowd to complain about what it I am sure they were doing. All of this was prompted by a friend taking 4 hits in the space of half hour, insuring that the poem would not reach the top list.

I can out-Rove, the Rove. I can outbully the bully. I hope the lesson is learned. I hope I am done.

Nah. My scores have been pretty high till last night when I contributed to this thread. I don't care about that though. I checked out of curiosity, and was surprised to see that I finally got 10 votes on one of my older poems. This compared to well over 100 votes on my most recent story. Literotica is a place to play; not a place to tell whether or not your writing is good. It may be a place to improve so long as people are honest with one another.

I've enjoyed reading people's writings here and using the challenges to play with words a little. Thanks for that, Lauren and Eve.
cherries_on_snow said:
I've enjoyed reading people's writings here and using the challenges to play with words a little. Thanks for that, Lauren and Eve.

I second that (~_*)
Tzara said:
Well, there's Byron peeing all over Poet Laureate Robert Southey in the Dedication to Don Juan

More recently, you have Pulitizer Prize-winner Franz Wright's ongoing battle with poet and National Book Critics Circle criticism award-winner William Logan. I think Wright offered to bust Logan in the nose.

Then there's the whole Foetry.com dust-up that is still ongoing. Lawsuits and counter-lawsuits are pending.

The voting intrigues here are bush league. It's silly to fret about it.

he literally got peed on? gosh, I thought that kind of stuff only happened in internet porn!