rhyme stuff

Liar said:
Rhyme and meter is fairly easy.

That makes me want to say something about rhyme. I have no problem with rhyme forms or deforms - I've written a few, as you know if you read my poems posted here at Lit - but seriously. I've read The Raven. I've heard it being recited by Christopher Walken. (Thank you, Liar. :D) How can anyone even think of attempting a rhyme after listening to that is beyond comprehension.
Lauren Hynde said:
That makes me want to say something about rhyme. I have no problem with rhyme forms or deforms - I've written a few, as you know if you read my poems posted here at Lit - but seriously. I've read The Raven. I've heard it being recited by Christopher Walken. (Thank you, Liar. :D) How can anyone even think of attempting a rhyme after listening to that is beyond comprehension.
I sense a subtle dig :rolleyes: ;
Problem with end rhyme is it an art (or tool) to be mastered, not to see it as an end (pardon the pun) in itself. To be able to read, and after reading have a realization that end rhyme was employed, that is mastery, a very few here do well with it on a consistent basis.
Just one of many tools that YOU employ and YOU do rather well with.
But that's just my opinion.
The Establishment!

twelveoone said:
did the thought ever occur to you, you are the establishment...
of versifiers

"The Establishment" I was referring to are the ones who think that if the fucking "Rhyme and Meter" is not "perfect," then it is not a poem. The thought had occured to me, or else I would not have written it, have studied poetry for over 30 years, so screw the "Rhyme and Meter." I enjoy reading people's poetry who hold "strictly" to the Rhyme and Meter, but, when someone acts like I am not writing poetry because my rhyme and meter is not perfect, then I think that is bullshit!

They are up on their rhyme and meter high-horse, and think that rhyme and meter is the shit! I try and make sure things rhyme well, and flow well, but if the rhyme is not exact, and the meter is not exact, does that mean it's not poerty? Hell, fucking no!!!!!\

Edgar Allan Poe would roll over in his grave about this rhyme and meter bullshit! I hate "legalists," and the people who think "Rhyme and Meter" have to be perfect or else it's not a poem, then they are smoking dope! They don't know what they are talking about. Poetry is about creativity, not about adhering to bunch of man-made rules! I say, if you want to hold strictly to rhyme and meter, then that is cool, and I will enjoy and respect your form of poetry. But, when you say mine is not poetry, because my rhyme and meter are off, then I will say, "Bull, fucking shit!"

~ Lonelypoet
R r r r r r olllllll a nother one...
Just like the other one...

anyone remember that song???
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Not quite sure who you're referring to here so in my usual shy manner I'm just gonna jump right in...

Lonelypoet said:
"The Establishment" I was referring to are the ones who think that if the fucking "Rhyme and Meter" is not "perfect," then it is not a poem. (I never said any such thing) The thought had occured to me, or else I would not have written it, have studied poetry for over 30 years, so screw the "Rhyme and Meter." I enjoy reading people's poetry who hold "strictly" to the Rhyme and Meter, but, when someone acts like I am not writing poetry because my rhyme and meter is not perfect, then I think that is bullshit! Has anyone said that to you? Shame on them!

They are up on their rhyme and meter high-horse, and think that rhyme and meter is the shit! I try and make sure things rhyme well, and flow well, but if the rhyme is not exact, and the meter is not exact, does that mean it's not poerty? Hell, fucking no!!!!! Too bad you've only been here a short time he he he Thats how nearly everyone here feels, too!

Edgar Allan Poe would roll over in his grave about this rhyme and meter bullshit! I hate "legalists," and the people who think "Rhyme and Meter" have to be perfect or else it's not a poem, then they are smoking dope! (Smoking dope is a good thing. Maybe you should try it!)They don't know what they are talking about. Poetry is about creativity, not about adhering to bunch of man-made rules! I say, if you want to hold strictly to rhyme and meter, then that is cool, and I will enjoy and respect your form of poetry. But, when you say mine is not poetry, because my rhyme and meter are off, then I will say, "Bull, fucking shit!" Who said that??? They should be whipped!!~ Lonelypoet

What is your problem? Why such a tirade? WSO wouldn't want to see this- neither does anyone else! I don't think anyone was trying to tell you how to write your words; not on this thread, anyway.

Lonelypoet? Chill out, and get to know the good folks here. Trust me- if someone is aiming at you, you'll be the first to know. I don't think anyone is.
Lonelypoet said:
"The Establishment" I was referring to are the ones who think that if the fucking "Rhyme and Meter" is not "perfect," then it is not a poem. The thought had occured to me, or else I would not have written it, have studied poetry for over 30 years, so screw the "Rhyme and Meter." I enjoy reading people's poetry who hold "strictly" to the Rhyme and Meter, but, when someone acts like I am not writing poetry because my rhyme and meter is not perfect, then I think that is bullshit!

They are up on their rhyme and meter high-horse, and think that rhyme and meter is the shit! I try and make sure things rhyme well, and flow well, but if the rhyme is not exact, and the meter is not exact, does that mean it's not poerty? Hell, fucking no!!!!!\

Edgar Allan Poe would roll over in his grave about this rhyme and meter bullshit! I hate "legalists," and the people who think "Rhyme and Meter" have to be perfect or else it's not a poem, then they are smoking dope! They don't know what they are talking about. Poetry is about creativity, not about adhering to bunch of man-made rules! I say, if you want to hold strictly to rhyme and meter, then that is cool, and I will enjoy and respect your form of poetry. But, when you say mine is not poetry, because my rhyme and meter are off, then I will say, "Bull, fucking shit!"

~ Lonelypoet
Yikes. Chill. Why rhe rage?

I don't think anyone here disagreed with you. I only found it funny that you claimed to be rebelling against the "establishment" by writing freeform poetry. From what I can see, the vast majority of poets and poetry readers today have abandoned a strict view of form and meter.

I agree wioth you. As long as it looks and sounds the way you intend it to look and sound (rhymes, almost-rhymes, no rhymes and whatever flow or non-flow you wish), it is poetry.

However, it's not very rebellious if everyone is doing it. :)
Lonelypoet said:
"The Establishment" I was referring to are the ones who think that if the fucking "Rhyme and Meter" is not "perfect," then it is not a poem. The thought had occured to me, or else I would not have written it, have studied poetry for over 30 years, so screw the "Rhyme and Meter." I enjoy reading people's poetry who hold "strictly" to the Rhyme and Meter, but, when someone acts like I am not writing poetry because my rhyme and meter is not perfect, then I think that is bullshit!

They are up on their rhyme and meter high-horse, and think that rhyme and meter is the shit! I try and make sure things rhyme well, and flow well, but if the rhyme is not exact, and the meter is not exact, does that mean it's not poerty? Hell, fucking no!!!!!\

Edgar Allan Poe would roll over in his grave about this rhyme and meter bullshit! I hate "legalists," and the people who think "Rhyme and Meter" have to be perfect or else it's not a poem, then they are smoking dope! They don't know what they are talking about. Poetry is about creativity, not about adhering to bunch of man-made rules! I say, if you want to hold strictly to rhyme and meter, then that is cool, and I will enjoy and respect your form of poetry. But, when you say mine is not poetry, because my rhyme and meter are off, then I will say, "Bull, fucking shit!"

~ Lonelypoet

Who said this? Not I, said the terror. I thought you decided to write because you saw a movie, now you tell me you studied for 30 years. The concept of meter may be based on an erroneous assumption the Elizabethan's made (I am not going to go into it). Listen carefully, rhyme and meter are tools, not rules, use them if you chose. However having Rhyme at the end of every certain set of lines does not really make it poetry, it makes it verse.
"Forced" rhyme is bad, rebel against that.
You would be better served to pay more attention, instead of rebelling against something you can't identify.
Lauren Hynde said:
That makes me want to say something about rhyme. I have no problem with rhyme forms or deforms - I've written a few, as you know if you read my poems posted here at Lit - but seriously. I've read The Raven. I've heard it being recited by Christopher Walken. (Thank you, Liar. :D) How can anyone even think of attempting a rhyme after listening to that is beyond comprehension.
Got very little to do with it being in rhyme I think. Great poetry is never easy.
it's just another rainy day...


once upon a time in a land far away
lived a gentle soul who helped in every way
the whip sat on the mantle gathering dust
and practice was ordained, thus avoiding rust-
y pens.


actually, I was hoping to fiddle with a thread where I could try to shoot from the hip (as Boo put it :) ). So don’t mind me, I’ll just carry on and when the urge hits, I’ll shoot.

How about...

"WildSweetOnes Hip Shot Poems"


That might work, huh??

Have a groovy weekend, baby? Wait til you see what I started- a [SIZE=-3]sestina[/SIZE]!!! sshhhh... Don't want Angeline to hear! LOL
sorry, can't help this one...

It shouldn't be allowed
these men and Avs with no shirts.
how? can one concentrate
with mind flirts
going on
while i have my pen in hand
and my mind is flowing free.
Words fall to the paper
but the braincells just want to flee
from all restrictions
to run wild in the wind
not heed bare chests
and shapely torsos.
Where are the clothes?
those pieces of material
that cover the bodies
and save the mouth from tasting
like dry cereal.