
CarolineOh said:
Risia, as intelligent and insightful as both you and cym are, I wonder if you have any idea how much the two of you mean to us stumbling neophytes.
Wordy, darlin', surely you mean wordy? I've got to give R a break here, though, since her words are most often of a much more considered and less-contentious affect than are mine. Putting my simple diatribes into the same category as R's elegant and intellectually stimulating prose is, well, a thing of some startlement to me!
RisiaSkye said:
Caroline: Oh, honey, putting me in the same category with cym is so misleading! She's the guru, I'm the opinionated loud mouth...there's a world of difference between the two. ;) But, being compared to her is very flattering (though I can't say how *she'd* feel about it!)
Astonished. That's how i feel about it: astonished. And quite definitely surprised. And a bit like i'm an imposter at the dance, too. She's the calmly considerate balance, i'm the pugnacious intemperate...there's a marked difference between us. I'm most definitely flattered, though, by the lumping.
DRxBlue said:
both Risia and cym are prone to pooh-pooh our opinions.
<snip> (cuz i know you like it...)
If they were to begin to "believe their press clippings" they wouldn't be much fun any more.
And that "believing the press" thing is precisely why we (i feel comfy speaking for R here, too) are careful to throw the same extravagant praises back to whomever throws them at us, you know.

We both know this: none of us is an authority on anyone but ourselves and anything but what we've done/read/hear/tasted/felt. En masse, however, we're an astoundingly knowledgeable group, one filled with an incredible array of experiences and open-minded attitudes and questions. Together we're amazing. Together. And that's something we all know is the essential truth of this place, right?
SierraMoon said:
you and cym are 2 of the strongest forces on this forum, when either of you are silent, the forum is just not the same!!
That's true for all of us, darlin'. We're not so big that any of us can go away without the rest of us feeling that absence like a thread missing from our warm comforter. The comforter is still there. The comforter still keeps us warm. But it's missing a thread, a bit of color, and a part of the whole. That's why we offer a heartfelt welcome to those of us who travel a lot, people like Hecate. We've missed them - without them, the comforter is not quite right. The forum is just not the same when any of us are missing.

For example - petrel is off having a honeymoon. Eb and tavish are, um, consummating the so-long desired physical part of their relationship. James is off having a hell of a good time. There are more, too.

I miss them all.
The place is just not the same in their absence.
Never said:
I hope you didn't miss my wit too much, my life as a college freshman has dulled it considerably. It's odd, those brain cells didn't seem that important when I was drinking.
You drowned poor defenseless brain cells? Killed them off in spasms of mass death? Suckered them in with the promise of sweet alcohol and them lured them to an early grave?

You've got a few to spare.
Have some more of the same next year, okay?
Well, this is turning into a regular kumbaya singalong, isn't it?

Thank you Risia and Dr.Blue for your kind words and wishes, but I didn't start this thread to garner praise for myself.

I was right, you know, and cym and Risia prove it with their replies. As smart and knowledgeable as they both are, they really can't see the situation from my perspective, which I suspect is shared by many here.
They have both walked the path that most of us are just starting to wander down, and there is no real direct benefit to them in making sure that path is well marked for us, and yet they do. They give freely of themselves here, even when the stresses of their own lifes bear down on them.
And so, when those times come when they can't be here to hold our hands, we need be here for them with our respect, our admiration, and our love.

And if they don't like it, they can spank me.
Oh, and Never?

From when I first got here, I would see your name pop up, as people bemoaned your absence, and told how much they missed your wit and wisdom.
I can see why. I have really enjoyed your contributions.
Risia rocks.
Yes, she does. :)

Oooh, a Never the legend sighting! ;)
CarolineOh said:
And if they don't like it, they can spank me.
Such a noble, self-sacrificing girly-girl you are, Caroline.

We're all deeply indebted to you for your martyr's stance in this matter - and so many others like it.

All of them, in fact.

I don't know what people say about me but it's all a LIE.

I never created a troll that had 100 posts in 2 hours.
I never PMed over 80 lit members, delcared my undying love for them, and asking them to meet me at the pier at midnight.
I never started in any board flame wars.
I've never make wise assed remark.
I've never spent over a thousand posts talking about the meaninglessness of life.

LIES. All Lies.

That pier thing, Never, that one was good.
Truely inspired.
The other stuff you've pulled, uh, done, uh, didn't do - that was all good stuff, too, but that pier thing was really good.
Never said:
I don't know what people say about me but it's all a LIE.

I never created a troll that had 100 posts in 2 hours.
I never PMed over 80 lit members, delcared my undying love for them, and asking them to meet me at the pier at midnight.
I never started in any board flame wars.
I've never make wise assed remark.
I've never spent over a thousand posts talking about the meaninglessness of life.

LIES. All lies.
Yes, I agree: the above statements are all lies.

That Never is a woman of her word.
Listen, my wordplay is to cover my ass. For you to expose it is a deep explora, ah, I mean exploitation of the trust we've built. Now, pardon me while I pull up my pants and leave here with some dignity.

Oh, and, yah..
Do you have a large version of your av?
Never said:
Listen, my wordplay is to cover my ass. For you to expose it is a deep explora, ah, I mean exploitation of the trust we've built. Now, pardon me while I pull up my pants and leave here with some dignity.
But it's fun. :p

Oh, and, yah..
Do you have a large version of your av?
Not unless you dye your hair blonde and come over to play the Home Game in front of the digi-cam.
That's freaky. I'm coloring my hair blonde with dark roots next Thursday. My mother is retouching her red.

So, how do you play the Home Game?
Never said:
That's freaky. I'm coloring my hair blonde with dark roots next Thursday. My mother is retouching her red.

So, how do you play the Home Game?
Come to my house, get naked & blindfolded, and I'll demonstrate.
I prefer hands-on teaching models.
I guess that's the best way.
Okay. What state do you live in again? California? I'll be driving around there sometime in 2006.
Never said:
I don't know what people say about me but it's all a LIE.

I never created a troll that had 100 posts in 2 hours.
I never PMed over 80 lit members, delcared my undying love for them, and asking them to meet me at the pier at midnight.
I never started in any board flame wars.
I've never make wise assed remark.
I've never spent over a thousand posts talking about the meaninglessness of life.

LIES. All Lies.

There are piers near where I live.