Romance Challenge

it came floating in
no resistance,
sliding closer,
no resistance.

No resistance
not a second thought
no shadow of a doubt.

All natural
opening the safelocked
little deepest hidden
from heaven high
or reddest blood,
whichever you believe in
when you show me
you believe
in me.

words of comfort
hands of trust
and lust and burdens
turned to dust.

Held so close now
cared, embraced
caressed, imagining
the look upon my face
eyes closed nerves open
knowing that we share
this fragile grace...

...but right now.
Right now
there is no fragile
for this moment
there's no end.

Just a hand in mine
an arm around
a kiss upon my shoulder-

Let us capture this moment
a lover's embrace

the held

and the holder.
Hold still the breathing stone
Of immortal Venus
Upon the warm canvas brings a flush
To her cheeks
To lay sprawling in
The bare city
Upwards in monumental
Motions of man

But what need have I of all of this
When the sight of you is all I wish?

for my sugahduck

it's difficult even slamming that word
so I roll my tongue around it
breath it
feel it
coil and sprout
tingling tendrils
up my skin
out my mouth
out my blue

Bright rosey hues
shadow my vision
pink ducks?
mauve rainbows?
What the hell is this world
How did I get here
and who are you?
Why are you touching me that way
you know
the sliding fingertips
along my wrist
the kisses on my lips
the stroke
along my burnt caramel strands

loosening my tight
with your hands
feeding me
choc o laaaaht
in my excellently tiled bath
housed in this fantasy
you're with me
with this romance
this dance

This momentary trance
lasts how long?
there's a lifetime in one moment
when you love my hazelnuts
when you slide behind me
lift the back of my dress
my hair a mess
my dishpan hands
my curves
against your rock

we rock
nestled romantically
in my life
This thread is like a summer flash-back - all warm and flowery.


I'm reduced to disinterring an early one of mine destined for re-tooling.

Blind Love

She gazes into pools of fathomless blue
And weeps that he will never see
How perfect he is.
He, attracted by her easy laugh,
Knows she is beautiful before he has touched her.

His hands are his eyes.
They "see" her body,
Traveling over her warm skin.
Wandering the valleys and hills,
Exploring the smooth and the course,

It all unfolds in his mind's eye.

She lies,
An open vista for his journey.
Her hands quiet at her side.
He knows she is his.

He finds the swell of breast,
The change of texture at the nipple.
The movement of the hardening flesh
So strong under his fingers
He trembles.

Her belly, warm velvet,
Shrinks from his touch.
He smiles,
Knowing she smiles also.
Trailing downward
To a small hollow and soft curls,
His hand gently cups the mossy hummock
Her pudenda.

Oh! He loves her so much.

His hearing, polished by his sightlessness,
Monitors her breathing,
Registers the slightest moan
As his fingers slip into moisture.
He murmurs his love,
She strokes his hair.

His unseeing eyes follow the line,
Her body beneath his mouth.
His tongue,
His lips,
Her smile.
His penis finds her for the first time
And he feels her rising to him.
She draws him down.
Opening, unfurling for him,
He is oblivious.
She accepts his hardness.
His blind eyes closing
The better to feel the home she has made.

In the swell of their sea bed
They rock,
Locked in each others desires
He cares not that light is dark,
His love for her rising like a tide.

She is all the light he needs.

Tentative at first,
He moves with restraint.
It is she who has the urgency.
Wrapping him with long legs,
His mouth tells him her neck is a bridge.

She curls to him,
A leaf, a feather, a coil
Waiting for release.
He senses her journey and,
Brings her home.

Her body like a bird in flight,
Stretches and flutters.
He strains to join her
With cries of pain and pleasure,
Together they arrive.
She, weeping, unseeing eyes shut tight.
He moved by the vision of her beauty.
Romance in the Morning After

I just reworked a recent Lit post, but I don't really know if it works.
I think the other poem I have on lit is kind of romantic.

Morning After

the clock has consumed moments
airy remenants
sucked into cool morning air
through succubus vents

in this bed
she clenched sheets in fists
long bodies mixed
the sweat at the base of her back
her head tilted
lips parted
hips pressed back against mine ...

Wasn't that feeling fire?

So how is it warmer now,
beneath these sheets?
now her cheek is a furnace,
rouged porcelain,
and I marvel to see,
after all,
she looks innocent.

the other poem i posted on lit is also sort of romantic.
my profile
damn my ignert ways

so... maybe I should have looked at a computer once before in my life before trying to post a link. Maybe this is it, if not, oh well.
the other poem
Used to Think That Way

Oh I thought I knew.
I thought I'm such a killer--
romance in a short black dress,
Venus de Milo, bare-armed in Chanel,
shaking my hair, checking my lipstick.
Is it red enough so my moue confesses
sweet lies shaped like hearts?

I've been around bébé, I thought
I knew romance was silk and sweet,
like French perfume or smooth
as slippered feet gliding to jazz
across the Rainbow Room, and coy
in stockings and a peep of lace,
enough to tango start the heart
or anyway some part of any
love-shocked boy.

But none of that is really real--
it's all flash in a frying pan,
a smoke-and-mirrors game
that's guaranteed to start a fire,
breaking into flame that seems
at dusk enough to burn the world
until dawn breaks with only
ashtrays full.

And after all these years
of playing games and crying
crocodile tears as if I were
a walking opera full of histrionic
diva fears, I see that real romance
happens as quiet as a whisper,
natural as a breeze and dances
full of grace, no fumbled stumbles--
just the ease of love that's taken
fully without violins or strings.
Beltaine Night
(c) Enodia

Cool air, raising goosebumps
Or maybe it’s you causing them,
Looking at me with those eyes
That I can fall into.

Beltaine night is ending, bon fire roaring high
We didn’t jump it
Not wanting to make any promises
That wouldn’t be kept.

Couples around the fire
Leaning close, cuddling under blankets
The heat of the sun now gone
Leaving them to bask in the heat of each other.

We sit apart with separate blankets
Not sure about the physicality of it all.
And I can feel your eyes on me
As we sit in comfortable silence.

I cock my head, regarding the embers
Still feeling your eyes on me
Those eyes, such eyes
That I can fall into.

And I feel your hand, those hands
Such large, agile, lively hands
Strong and warm, touching my shoulder
You draw me close, and I sigh.

Head on your shoulder
I feel your hand in my hair
Stroking the long, dark locks, tangled from wind
And dancing around the Maypole.

I look up, peering over the frames
Of the glasses that shelter my fragile eyes
And see you watching me
The embers glinting off the amber flecks in your irises.

Bighting my lip, I look away
Nestling my head into the crook of your arm
Breathing in the scent of you
Smiling because I know you’re smiling that wicked grin.

And the wind is cooler now,
The fire is dying, so someone pokes it
Prodding the embers back to life
And the heat on my skin isn’t from there.

I flush in pleasure, pink cheeks
All courtesy of your attention
This Beltaine night, after dancing and feasting
Nestled against your warmth.

(thought I'd add some background here. Beltaine is May Day, and a celebration of fertility in Wicca. Celebrations often include outdoor sex, and jumping over a balefire--or belfire--to ensure fertility, and act as a proposal to fidelity for a year and a day after that night. It's also a time to bless seeds and livestock for the coming springtime)
Hi, new to Literotica about a week ago

Lost Love Letter

That I could fall to my knees
Soul bared and empty,
Leaving such desire to fill
And know that you would understand,
And I too.
I would.

That I could open my mind completely to you
And hear your needs, desires, wants.
To fulfill your dreams.
See your pleasure and joy
Your peace and sense of being
I would.

That I could step out, bare and alive.
And giving all I have,
seeking yet more to give
I would.

That I could tease you,
Challenging you to give you pause,
To remind you and re give the faded first,
But with a smile in our hearts of this
And the return of our beginning
Mingling over laughter, “how about those Jays?”
That I could want more,
Crave more, need more,
Ask for more…plead,
Beneath my dignity
But with such pleasure
For you and I
I would

That I could see us together,
And be a part, to help nurture
To watch you flourish
And smile, being at peace
I would
And more.

I have tasted interest
On the corner of Broadway and something
As I ate my first slice of New York pizza
After seeing Times Square
Next to a man whose name is a mystery

I have tasted intrigue
In a Volkswalgen Rabbit
As I smelled my first waft of musk
After watching an adventure movie
With a young man who wrote me off

I have tasted lust
In an upscale hotel room with mints on the pillows
As I felt my first bit of flesh
After drinking too much Corona
With a boy who got married last summer

I have tasted love
In the heart of middle America
As I heard the first notes of Musetta's Waltz
After eating dinner
Across from a woman who is in the hands of God now

I have tasted romance
In the pages of a book
As I saw my first Harlequin words
After eating that Chunky Monkey
With no one but myself
Tampopo Noodle - Romantic Dining

One egg
Ovoid white
Crack gently
Then separate yolk from white

Lover’s neck extends
Lips slowly part

Place the yolk
held in its fragile membrane
past her teeth
white and dangerous

Watch it roll
at the slightest movement of her tongue

She grins
brings her lips to yours
tongue to tongue
she rolls it
past two crenellated rows
of teeth
onto your tongue

close your eyes
feel it
warm and soft
pass it back

her mouth closes
another grin
rivulet of orpiment
runs from the corner of her mouth and
a golden drop
so precious
before dropping
onto naked breast.
darkmaas said:
Tampopo Noodle - Romantic Dining

One egg
Ovoid white
Crack gently
Then separate yolk from white

Lover’s neck extends
Lips slowly part

Place the yolk
held in its fragile membrane
past her teeth
white and dangerous

Watch it roll
at the slightest movement of her tongue

She grins
brings her lips to yours
tongue to tongue
she rolls it
past two crenellated rows
of teeth
onto your tongue

close your eyes
feel it
warm and soft
pass it back

her mouth closes
another grin
rivulet of orpiment
runs from the corner of her mouth and
a golden drop
so precious
before dropping
onto naked breast.

Oh my! "No subtext" is right. :rose:
Eumenides said:
I have tasted interest
On the corner of Broadway and something
As I ate my first slice of New York pizza
After seeing Times Square
Next to a man whose name is a mystery

I have tasted intrigue
In a Volkswalgen Rabbit
As I smelled my first waft of musk
After watching an adventure movie
With a young man who wrote me off

I have tasted lust
In an upscale hotel room with mints on the pillows
As I felt my first bit of flesh
After drinking too much Corona
With a boy who got married last summer

I have tasted love
In the heart of middle America
As I heard the first notes of Musetta's Waltz
After eating dinner
Across from a woman who is in the hands of God now

I have tasted romance
In the pages of a book
As I saw my first Harlequin words
After eating that Chunky Monkey
With no one but myself

i musta missed this one

next to last verse is a song in itself.:rose:
You are whole constellations

You are whole constellations,
your soul full of vast night,
stretching over history, teeming
with stars, and blanketing years
like quilts

of words tumble patchwork
over pages and coalesce, you
in stories there, yes, but more
than plot or characters falling
from your

allness into chapters, you, more
than the themes, but voice, tone
that whispers mercies underneath
your deus ex machina denouement
saving everything

that sings louder than notes,
richer than bell-like chords
or satiny tenor sighs, you more
than choruses of children, than
tribes of percussion or trills
of flutes, arias soar over orchestras,
ringing your

songs but only echo your colors,
jewel bright or fingertip woven
textures soft, yes, you warm sweater
of a star, you prayer of poetry, you,
belling sunshine through nights,
warming spring.
All our Ghosts Danced

On this train we rode
to heaven, all our ghosts
tossed flowers, encircling us
in memories, hat dancing,
silly, giggling like children.

All our ghosts sighed satisfied,
their secret signs and advice
once written in wind, shown
slow in dreams like waltzes;
were eaten, swallowed whole.

All our happy ghosts relieved
that chance fate karma kismet
is or not, but all our ghosts
were satisfied sleepy spirits,
droop-eyed at the station,
where the train whistled
once, twice, then left on time.
Luccerne Inn

winter is falling
and ice is a harpsichord
whose melody is muffled
in the fabric of snow

winter is falling
curving hills like bodies
curve breasts and hips entwine
graceful as snowfields dip

winter is falling
through fingers of fence line
where sparrows and blackbirds
guard the gazebo and teams of trees
bend downhill to Phillips Lake

in winter
we enter inn puffs of snow
breathing icy mist into warmth
bedewing scarves puddled damp

winter rises
in a moist steam of fire glow
fourpostered and reflected
in the soft arch of twilight’s
lingering open chords