Romance Stories were attacked.

"When they get beyond thirty posts they're not virgins any more. They're considered experienced. This causes most of them to frolic in subhuman glee--thus, trolls."

Okay. Lyssa, you are talking about the people that trashed your story and accused you of being gay trolls not the rest of us experienced people? Right?? Although I have never froliced in subhuman glee...I do have a happy dance, does that count??
Loved the story, it was funny and touching and sexy and I hope that Trini enjoyed the video game! To bad you can't tell the troll to screw him or herself. :D
Damn, sorry....froliced is definitely not a word that I recognize...must have popped in from my youth...grin. Seems like I remember using it then.
Cat--sweetheart don't worry.

No one would ever accuse a person of your intelligence of being a troll. Your use of polysyllabic words and the fact that you've submitted move you into the marvelously human catagory.

If only we could figure out how to dance on the BB.
Thank god!! Now I just need more posts so I can move to the highly desireable level of being really experienced. I've heard it effects you much like an aphrodisiac would. Something about being another level up. Must be a better altitude? Can't wait to get there! ;)
I don't usually laugh out loud at stories on Lit, but Ulyssa's little tale is a glorious exception!



"Three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write" (Anthony Trollope - Autobiography)
Best compliment a gal could get.

Alex De Kok said:
I don't usually laugh out loud at stories on Lit, but Ulyssa's little tale is a glorious exception!

Thank you, Alex. I think I get laughs on some of my other works only they're unintentional. This could be it! Maybe there's a future for somebody striving to be the Erma Bombeck of the fisting and anal set.
Re: Best compliment a gal could get.

[/i] [/B] This could be it! Maybe there's a future for somebody striving to be the Erma Bombeck of the fisting and anal set.[/i] [/B]

Okay, I never thought of an Erma Bombeck in that particular light before but I bet if she had an audience for it, she could have made it work. And if she could, you could. This is the best laugh that I have had in quite a few days. Thanks, I needed it.

Someone took the time today to go to the bottom of many of my 42 stories today and vote a one. I tell the other authors this so that they will not be disturbed by that if it happens to them. What we have her is probably a religious nut, who think that by voting ones they are doing God's work. At this point, now that I know that it has nothing to do with the quality of my writing, I just don't jive a damn.
No Softly, they aren't religious nuts, they are trolls. Remember, Ulyssa told us so. Besides if you have ever read the bible you'd know that only trolls could fail to see the eroticism there.
*grin* So, just ignore the trolls and write whats in your heart and head and let the rest of the more enlightened people enjoy them. ;)

I am not for abolishing the voting. Since Literotica is a free site that "anyone" can find and vote on; it allows anyone that has maybe had a bad day to slam a story just because they can. If we were forced to be a member and sign in to vote, we would probably be more honest in our votes.

I am a new author here and am amazed that I do not get any more feedback from the readers than I do. I sure haven't read even half the stories on the site, but if I enjoy a writer, I send feedback to let them know. It doesn't really matter how high the votes are to me, it is the quantity of the votes. We as "authors" are an egotistical group. We want to share our abilities, no matter how great or small. And of course, we want people to think it is good work also.