Rope, Silks Tying questions

D's mariposa said:
... "This here's a rope, sometimes called a line. This here's a carabiner, aka, a sex clip..." ...
Let's see ... "The sex clip got FUBAR causing the noob to turtle under a pig boat."


Thanks for the links and for the assistance, it did indeed show and tell me exactly what I was looking for, even though it involved that horrible backround music.
Caitlynne said:
Here's one more that might be of interest.... ~ Cait

The one picture on this site, where the woman's breasts are very tightly bound, looks too tight to me.

I had always thought that you were supposed to be able to slip two fingers between the ropes and the skin, and in that photo there's no way you can do that.
Temptress_1960 said:
The one picture on this site, where the woman's breasts are very tightly bound, looks too tight to me.

I had always thought that you were supposed to be able to slip two fingers between the ropes and the skin, and in that photo there's no way you can do that.

They airbursh the photo's for that look.........don't belive everything you see in pictures..... You are correct they would be to tight and you should be able to get a couple fingers under them. Ropes have a way of working themself tighter as you play and you also shouls always have a pair of shears or snips close by when playing rope play to be safe.